LexisNexis publishes a range of magazines and journals covering specialist subject areas. Construction Law (CL) covers new construction law developments. It is produced and written by some of the leading authorities in the construction field. The journal also provides a monthly round-up of recent news, closely tracked legislative and case law developments and contract monitoring. It’s a sure way to keep abreast of new legal developments related to construction such as new contract forms, key rulings from the Technology and Construction Court as well as the results from appeals

We welcome articles and ideas for consideration. Please send your article or précis of the article to Nick Barrett at . Authors will be notified as soon as possible of the Editor’s decision on the acceptability of the article.

Authors are required to state that the article submitted has not been sent to any other magazine or journal and it is a condition of publication in Construction Law periodical that authors grant an exclusive licence to LexisNexis.

1. CL asks that all contributors sign either a publishing licence or copyright agreement. CL will email the authors a contract, which must be signed and returned by post ASAP.

2. CL retains full editorial control pursuant to the terms in the contract.

3. The word length for a Feature is 1,950 words (equivalent to 3 pages in CL). Guest Editor articles are 1,250 words.

4. Please ensure that the final version is submitted to the Editor.

5. Please provide 5-6 key points of the feature’s most relevant points or 5-6 practice points that may be relevant, which can be placed in a box above the main feature.

6. We do not accept footnotes. Essential footnotes should be incorporated into the text.

7. Cases must include full citations.

8. Articles are not to be used overtly as ‘show cases’ for firms or Chambers. CL does not accept advertorials.

9. Articles from pupil barristers/ students/ trainee solicitors will NOT be accepted unless co-written with someone suitably qualified (ie legally trained or an academic in the legal field).


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