January 2018 NEWSLETTER

On behalf of all the staff I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

This month we will focuson the theme of Winter - many of the learning experiences your child will be involved in will be linked to the weather and seasonal changes including making seed cakes for the birds. As usual we willbe playing outdoorsat the start of every day soplease send your child to school every day with a warm hat,mittens(not gloves please)and warm layers.Wellington boots can be cold so wearing two pairs of warm socks is advisable. Your child may also wear a coat or a fleece under his/her suit if it becomes very cold.Please make sure every item is named clearly.

Thank you so much for your donations to our chosen Christmas charity – Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. The total to date is an amazing £600!! Your generosity is very much appreciated.

TESCO BAG PACK –Friday 9th February 5pm – 9pm

Tesco Bentrim Road are allowing us to hold a bag pack with half of the money raised going to Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy and half to the nursery school. A rota will be placed in the entrance hall shortly and we hope to support Daniel Donavan’s parents, as much as possible in this venture. Thank you in advance for your support.

On Tuesday 9th January we will be visited by Debbie Doolittle and some of the animal friends that she has rescued and who now live with her! This is one of the many ‘extras’ that the school fund helps to provide. We know that the children will thoroughly enjoy the visit.Debbie rescues a wide range of injured animals and cares for them herself. If you would like to donate any bird seed or tinned catfood (for the hedgehogs).

I know Debbie would be very grateful.


We hope you continue to enjoy using the above story bags.

Many of you already use theSchool and LisburnCitylibrary regularly which is very encouraging. You may like to know that research in recent years reported by the Early Years organisation indicates that the more television or video games that children watch, the more aggressive their behaviourmay become. We strongly believe that reading with your child is a very powerful way of helping him/her develop a positive attitude to books and to learning. It is also a special way to spend time with your child as you read stories together. Going to sleep after a bedtime story from a parent or grandparent is a much more calming end to the day than falling asleep while watching TV.


The closing date for applications to nursery and primary school is Wednesday 10th January at 12 noon. Any applications received after 12 noon will be considered as late. Please ensure that you have submitted an application to your first choice Nursery School or Primary School by then.


The 5 week Incredible Years positive parenting programme will be starting on Thursday 11th January. If you are still interested but haven’t signed up please give your name to me or put it on the sheet in the hallway.


If you have a concern about a child or a member of staff please follow the procedures outlined in the booklet you received at the start of the year. These procedures are also displayed in the hallway. Mrs Wilson is the Designated Teacher forChild Protection & Safeguarding and any concerns should be addressed to her initially. If Mrs Wilson is absent from school, the Deputy Designated Teacheris Mrs Melanie Sherrin. Mr G Cherry Principal of Pond Park Primary School and Chair of the Board of Governors or Mr D Ball Vice Principal of PPPS are the named Governors for Child Protection & Safeguarding and should be contacted about any concerns or complaints relating to the Principal.


Promoting an eco friendly ethos is an important aspect of school life – the children are encouraged to use both sides of any paper they use. The children also learn to re-use any items that they can and uneaten food waste is put in the compost bin. Children are encouraged daily to save energy and switch off lights and not waste water. This also includes recycling batteries which can be placed in the box in the entrance hall.


Please continue to re-cycle any unwanted clothing, shoes etc and place in our textile bin beside the ‘bottom gate’. Much appreciated.

MISS SCHOOL MISS OUTTheDepartment of Education continues toraise awareness about the link between poor attendance, late arrival at schooland lower academic achievement.At the nursery school we have become aware that quite a few children are not only missing some single days but some are also arriving to school late on a regular basis. Arriving 30 minutes late on a daily basis is the equivalent of the length of a part time session over the period of a week. Please ensure your child arrives at nursery school at the start of the session and attends every day unless he/she is sick.

BOTTLE BABIESA few years ago we started the tradition of creating a school family of bottle babies –we are asking each child to take a clean empty plastic bottle eg an empty lemonade or squash bottle of any size or shape with a screw top. Then together with your child fill these with coloured water/buttons/sequins/pebbles/twigs etc. Anything at all can be used. The bottle babies are used in the outdoor area for imaginative play, for developing maths, language and a variety of imaginative play. Children love to wheel them about in prams and wheelbarrows. We have found that these bottles can become anything in the mind of a child. So please send in your bottles thank you. We look forward to seeing how creative each family can be.

HAPPY SMILES PROGRAMME – Promoting Oral Health of PreSchool Children

As you know PPNS is committed to promoting a Healthy Lifestyle. Part of this is encouraging children to eat a varied healthy diet and to limit the intake of sugar, keeping sweets for treat times not to be eaten on a daily basis. Your child will be bringing home a leaflet giving top tips for healthy teeth and a brushing teeth reminder chart that you may wish to use at home.

SCHOOL FUND for January/Term 2 is now due – the amount is £16 for the month or £50 for term 2 (January – March). Some payments are outstanding from last term – we would ask for these to be brought up to date as soon as possible please as we have many more events and visitors arranged for this term which will require payment. Thank you for your support.


  • Wednesday 17th Jan – Morning class visit Tesco Bentrim Road as part of the Farm to Fork scheme
  • Thursday 18th Jan – Full time class visit Tesco as above
  • Monday 22nd Jan – Recycling Bus in school with all classes
  • Tuesday 23rd Jan – Morning & Afternoon classes visit Lisburn Linen Museum for a Felt making workshop
  • Wednesday 24th January –Full time class go to LisburnLinenMuseum for a felt Making workshop
  • Monday 29th January – Mr Hullaballoo visits all classes
  • Half term holidays: School will be closed from Monday 12th to Friday 16th Februaryand will re open on Monday 19th February.
  • Positive parenting information evening – Tuesday 20th February. Details later

Thank you all again for your continued support for the nursery school. Looking forward to another busy term full of playful learning experiences.

Happy New Year once again

A few of our January songs/rhymes for you to enjoy

There’s a wise old owl(Rhyme) The hedgehog (Rhyme)

With a pointed nose The prickly little hedgehog

2 pointed ears and claws for his toes Goes slowly on his way

He sits in a tree and he looks at you He likes to come out in the night

Then he flaps his wings and he says And often sleeps by day.

Twhitt Twhoo! Twhitt Twhoo! He’s a gentle little fellow

Who does no harm at all

The Busy Squirrel (Tune Grand Old Duke of York) But if you try to hurt him

Oh the busy little squirrel He will curl up in a ball!

He gathers nuts and seeds

He hides them for the winter monthsIcy Toes (Tune:Jingle Bells)

So he’ll have all he needs. Icy toes, Chilly nose, Wintertime is here,

Oh, up-up-up he goes My teeth chatter, What’s the matter?

And down- down –down he comes,Wintertime is here, oh!

He runs around – goes up and downIcy toes, Chilly nose, Wintertime is here,

His work is never done.My teeth chatter, What’s the matter?

Wintertime is here.

Mr Bear (Tune: If you’re happy and you know it)

Mr Bear says all he wants to do is sleep

Now that winter’s here and snow is very deepI’m a little snowman short and fat,

He has curled up in his den.Here’s my scarf and here’s my hat,

And we won’t see him againTill the spring when all When the snow is falling come and play,

he’ll want to do is eat!When the sun comes out I’ll melt away.

Frost on the trees Tune: The farmer wants a wife

The frost is on the trees, The frost is on the ground

The frost is on the window and the frost is all around.