Composition Book Make-Up Q3

Select as many of these as you need and write at least ½ page for each. Your writing needs to be legible and on topic. If you follow these directions, you’ll receive five points each.

The question is there to get you thinking. The prompt is actually in the second sentence.

  1. Do you watch or look away? Write about a time when you had to get shot?
  1. What stopped you? Write about a time when you wanted to get home, but couldn’t.
  1. "What's your 'one hit wonder'? Write about one time you did something so well that you doubt you'll ever be able to repeat the feat."
  1. "Then why would you eat with them? Write about someone who is/was a very unpleasant eater."
  1. "What's the bravest OR stupidest thing you ever did? Write about it."
  1. "Did the experience help you decide that this place was one of your 'favorites?' Write about something once experienced while visiting a favorite town or city."
  1. "Hello? Aloe? Write about a time you got a pretty bad sunburn."
  1. "Who did it come from? Write about a Christmas (or any type of) present that was not welcomed by its receiver."
  1. "Who made you want to try? Write about a time when you tried really hard but still didn't get what you wanted."
  1. "Was there no one else to play with? Write about the meanest or strangest kid you ever met."
  1. "When did it all suddenly make sense? Write about a time you realized something big."
  1. "What would it be and why? You find a way to go back in time and are allowed to take one object with you."
  1. "What's the worst part about being sick? Explain your answer with writing."
  1. "Were there butterflies in your stomach? Write a memory or a fictional story about being nervous about something that turned out okay in the end."
  1. "Do you know how much they got paid? Write about a person who used to babysit you.”
  1. "At what point do you realize you've eaten too much of it? Write a story or memory that centers around Halloween candy or Christmas candy."
  1. "What five images paint a perfect picture of a perfect spring day to you? Put those five images together in a piece of writing."
  1. "What did a typical lunchtime include when you were younger? Write about it."
  1. "Why do they need to be read (or heard) over and over again? You're going to be intentionally stranded on an island for a year. What five books do you bring or what five songs do you bring (assume you can play them on something!!!)?"
  1. "Just how close to mint condition would it be if you had kept it? Write about the toy you wish you'd thought to keep."
  1. "What do imaginary friends wear? Write about an imaginary friend you once had...or write about an imaginary friend who might follow you around now...starting today."
  1. "What's the first song you think you learned? Imagine hearing that song today and write what memories the song would stir up in you."
  1. "What's something you no longer own that you wish you still owned? Write about what became of it."
  1. "What image stuck with you the longest? Write about the scariest movie you ever saw."
  1. "What place do you think of when you think of total darkness? Write about that place."
  1. "What do you take? You have ten minutes to evacuate your house forever! All family and pets have already escaped. Write about what you'd imagine yourself taking with you with only the limited time you have."
  1. "Who gave you a bad piece of advice? Write about it."
  1. "Why is being proper important? Explore through writing your ability to act civilized even when you don't always want to be."
  1. "Who'd talk the most? Pretend three or four of the parts of speech--Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Noun, etc--were people. Write an imaginary scene among them."
  1. "Did you allow it to be washed regularly? Write about a favorite piece of clothing you own (past or present). Help your reader understand why it's one of your favorites."
  1. "Who told you it was haunted? Write about the first memory that comes to mind when you heard the words 'haunted house.'"
  1. "Why do things have to change? Write about a place in danger of losing its wonderment."
  1. "Were they sore afterwards? Write about a time you built something with your hands. Make your hands seem like a character in your writing."
  1. "Where do they vacation? Where do they hide? Write about a well-known character or personality associated with any holiday and tell us what that character does after his or her holiday is over."
  1. "Who should you have written to? Write a fan letter to your favorite book author from when you were a if you were still that kid."
  1. "Who is your best friend, and why? Write about that person."
  1. "Where does a smile come from? Write about the person from your past or present who made or makes you smile the most."
  1. "Could it be repaired? Write about breaking something (accidentally or not) that didn't belong to you."
  1. "Do cartoons have long term effects on us? Write something that makes mention of a cartoon character you haven't thought about in a very long time."
  1. "Who was your first hero and why? Write about that person."
  1. "Who couldn't stop laughing? Write about that person."
  1. "Why are kids different? List five things kids do that adults usually do not. Then, work as many items from your list into a piece of writing."
  1. "What's the definition of 'bug' anyway? Write about a memory that involves a bug or many bugs."
  1. "Did you get to ride in a wheelchair? Write a story or memory that involves a hospital."
  1. "How long until it broke? Write about a toy you didn't play with properly."
  1. "What was the most important lesson you have learned OUTSIDE of school? Write about it."
  1. "What does 'loyalty' even mean anymore? Write about what you are most loyal to."
  1. "What would they say? Write a piece where you wake up (or something) and find your favorite characters staring at you. What would they do? How does your day pass? Let your imagination flow."
  1. "How did it get in the trash can? Write about something you threw away and wish you hadn't."
  1. "Can you really decide on the nicest thing? Write about the nicest thing your parents ever did for you."