Geneva, Switzerland


Maison des Associations

15 Rue des Savoises

Geneva, Switzerland

Room: Mahatma Gandhi


6 – 9 May 2008

The OMCT Complaints Training Workshop will take place 6 – 9 May 2008 at the OMCT Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. The aim of the workshop is to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to prepare and successfully litigate cases involving violations of the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment before the United Nations Human Rights Committee and Committee against Torture. To this end, the workshop will gather NGO advocates from around the world in a small group setting for an interactive 4 day litigation training session. Taking full advantage of OMCT’s location in Geneva, participants will benefit from the contributions of leading experts in the field of human rights including academics, practitioners, UN personnel and OMCT staff. Interactive group discussions, case studies and skills-development exercises will further hone participants’ litigation skills. The trainings will be based on Volume 4 of the OMCT Handbook Series – Seeking Remedies for Torture Victims: a Handbook on the Individual Complaints Procedures of the UN Treaty Bodies – a practical guide covering most of the topics addressed during the workshop.

Day 1 Tuesday, 6 May 2008

14h00 Opening

14h15 Introduction to UN Treaty Body Supervisory Mechanisms

Boris Wijkström, OMCT Legal Advisor

14h30 The Treaty Bodies: Bringing Human Rights Home

Screening and Discussion

17h00 Macedonia Case Study I

NGO Briefing, Committee against Torture, Palais Wilson

Day 2 Wednesday 7 May 2008

09h00 Best Practices & Follow-Up to Complaints

Catherine Phuong, OHCHR Petitions Officer; Room 3-016, Palais Wilson

10h00 Macedonia Case Study II

Consideration of Macedonia Report, CAT, Palais Wilson

12h30: Lunch

13:30 Treaty Body Complaints

Boris Wijkström, OMCT Legal Advisor

· Admissibility

· Litigation Practice

· Follow-Up

15:00 Break

15:10 Torture Current Challenges

Eric Sottas, OMCT Secretary General

16h00 Special Rapporteur on Torture: Mandate & Working Methods

Ms. Birgit Kainz, Assistant to the Special Rapporteur on Torture, OHCHR

17h00 Individualized Case Review Meetings & Choice of Forum Discussion Boris Wijkström, Amandine Gallais, Jastine Barrett

Day 3 Thursday, 8 May 2008

09h00 The Human Rights Council: Overview & Developments

Mr. Gareth Sweeney, Deputy Manager, ISHR

10h00 Choice of Forum in Torture Cases

Prof. Alexander Morawa, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

11h20 Break

11h30 “Moot Court” Exercise: Choice of Forum

Prof. Alexander Morawa, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

13h45 Lunch

15h00 Macedonia Case Study III

Replies from Macedonia, CAT, Palais Wilson

17h30 Debriefing & Discussion on Macedonia Case Study

Ms. Mariana Duarte and Ms. Orlane Varesano,Violence Against Women Programme; Ms. Cécile Trochu, Child Rights Programme; Ms. Jasminka Friscik, ESE Macedonia.

18h30 Presentation OMCT Programmes

19h00 Reception

Day 4 Friday, 9 May 2008

09h00 European System: Evidence in Torture Cases and Positive Obligations under Article 3

Mr. Hasan Bakirci, Registry, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg

10h30 Break

10h40 European System: Rule 39 Measures

Ms. Natasha Pace Abu-Ghosh, Registry, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg

12h00 Lunch

13h00 Inter-American System: Recent Jurisprudence (Torture)

Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Co-Director, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington, DC, USA

14h30 Break

14h40 Inter-American System: Continued

Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Co-Director, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University, Washington, DC, USA

16h00 Workshop Evaluation Discussion

17h00 Conclusion