Regular Meeting

Mt.LakeCity Council

Monday, April 2, 2007

6:30 p.m.

Members Present:Mayor Dean Janzen, Brian Harder, Ron Patrick, Harvey Stoesz, Brian Schultz

Members Absent:None

Others Present:Maryellen Suhrhoff, City Attorney; Andy Kehren, City Engineer, Bolton and Menk; Chief Ken Bradford, Mt. LakePolice Dept.; Chuck Wolle, Norm Kunkel, Stan Schroeder, Mt. Lake Fire Dept.; Kevin Krahn, Fire Dept. and Water/Wastewater Superintendent; Dave Watkins, Mt. Lake Ambulance Dept. and Water/Wastewater staff; Rick Oeltjenbruns, Mt. Lake Fire Dept. and Street, Parks and Cemetery Superintendent; Wendy Meyer, Administrator/Clerk

Call to Order.

Mayor Janzen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Motion by Patrick, seconded by Harder to

amend the agenda as follows: 3b. grant writer contract; 4b. water/wastewater camera; 8c. request

close a portion of 4th Ave.; 8d. Utility resolution; and 8e. 550 4th Ave. Motion carried


There was discussion regarding the Conestoga update.Motion by Stoesz, seconded by Schultz to

adopt the agenda as amended and the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills and Payroll (Ck# 6924, Cks# 6959 – 7009 and Payroll #10777-10793)

March 19 council minutes

January 8, 2007 tree commission minutes

March 8 utility commission minutes

February 26 planning and zoning commission minutes

March building permits

Resolution #9-07, Pow Wow raffle permit

Resolution #10-07 LakeCommission 7-4 raffle permit

Fire Department

At the January 9 planning session the Council discussed the shortcomings of the current

fire/ambulance hall and directed the ambulance and fire departments to determine how the

problems could be corrected. Chuck Wolle, Stan Schroeder, Norm Kunkel, Kevin Krahn and

Dave Watkins were present to discuss fire/ambulance hall upgrades. There are no longer enough

vehicles stalls. Three vehicles are stored in two stalls. The stalls are too narrow for new

equipment the city owns. The ceilings are too low for standard ambulances; the city must order

customized ambulances. The building is not energy efficient. Lot size, location of a city well,

floor height and water run-off would need to be considered if an addition to the building is

constructed. An addition and remodeling might be as costly as a new building.

The Council and firemen discussed the possible costs, locations and funding of a new building. Krahn has talked to Representative Rod Hamilton who suggested that a portion of the project, either addition/remodeling or new construction, could be included in the 2008 bonding bill. The Council directed the administrator and fire department to contact MN Energy to conduct an energy audit, get better cost estimates of addition/remodeling or new construction, and contact other communities that have received bonding bill funds to construct public facilities.

Water Department

Kevin Krahn updated the Council on attempts to dig another well. Test well sites on city owned property were reviewed. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Harder to allow test wells to be dug at Lawcon Park, a lot south of the campground, and at the cemetery. Motion carried.

Krahn also presented two quotes for sewer/water cameras. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Patrick to purchase a camera from Flexible Pipe Tool Company at a cost of $49,948.50. A portion of the camera will be paid from the equipment fund.

Street Department

Rick Oeltjenbruns presented two quotes for the purchase of a lawn mower bagger attachment. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Harder to purchase a bagger from Woodland Power Products at a cost of $1640.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Oeltjenbruns told the council that the street sweeper has been repaired and the department intends to use the sweeper and not replace it this year. He also updated the council on the cost of a backhoe and street reserve funds available to pay for it. Backhoe purchase will be discussed further at the next council meeting.

Lawcon Park/Prince St. Storm Sewer

Estimated costs and bidding the project were discussed. Motion by Patrick, seconded by Harder to call for bids. Motion carried unanimously. Bids will be opened May 7.

Andy Kehren explained that purchasing a larger vortex pollution removal structure would keep more material out of the lake during rainfalls over 2.5”/24 hours. The cost would increase an estimated $35,000. Motion by Patrick, seconded by Harder to purchase the larger vortex. Motion carried unanimously.

Police Department

Chief Bradford reviewed the scheduling of his staff, with special attention to the use of part-time officers. Part-time officers are scheduled in ways to hold overtime and the budget down. Bradford explained that 4 hour ‘double coverage’ allows him uninterrupted time to do administrative work.

Ordinances- First Reading of 2-07 Fire Fee, and 3-07 Tree Commission

The ordinances were reviewed and questions answered. Minor revisions will be made to 2-07.

Solid-Fuel Devices and Fuel Storage

Meyer summarized the work of the Planning and Zoning Commission, their recommendation and those of the League of Minnesota Cities and The Council of Governments. Possible ordinance language was discussed. The Council directed Meyer and Suhrhoff to draft an ordinance for their review.

Wind Turbine Moratorium

Three parties have contacted the administrator asking about the city’s wind turbine ordinance. At this time wind turbines are not addressed in city code. There are provisions about structure height. Motion by Stoesz, seconded by Harder to adopt Ordinance #4-07. Motion carried unanimously.



The City of Mountain Lake City Council does ordain:

Whereas, there have been inquiries regarding the erection and usage of small generator wind turbines within city limits,

Whereas, technology has made it possible to develop such wind turbines;

Whereas, the Mountain Lake City Council has directed City staff to study the effects and implications of wind turbine development within City limits;

Whereas, significant factors such as height restrictions, noise impact, safety concerns, visual impact, character of the community, and impact on the Mountain Lake utility supply and demand network must be considered;

Whereas, appropriate ordinances need to be developed to regulate or prohibit such development, and the Council needs more time to carefully consider such land use issues;


The City Council of the City of Mountain Lake hereby establishes a moratorium on the approval or development of wind turbines within City limits for a period of six months of the effective date of this act.

Passed and approved this 2nd day of April, 2007.





City Administrator

Chapter 11 Review

The ordinance was reviewed and discussed. The City Attorney and the Chief of Police were directed to research and re-write as needed.


Suhrhoff informed the Council that the annexation of Lakeview Estates had been approved by the Municipal Boundary Adjustments Unit March 15. Motion by Schultz, seconded by Harder to publish the annexation ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Harder, seconded by Schultz to reimburse taxes to MidwayTownship of $100 pursuant to Minn. Stat. 414.036. Motion carried unanimously.

Chamber Banners

The Council reviewed the letter sent to all Mt.Lake businesses regarding banners on the downtown street lights. The Council will hear an update at their next meeting.

Carstensen Contracting – Wind Turbine Bid

Motion by Schultz, seconded by Patrick to award the turbine erection bid to Carstensen Contracting with a bid of $195,800. Motion carried.

Close 4th Ave.

Community Education and Early Childhood Family Education is sponsoring “Day of the Child” 1-4 Sat. April 28. They are requesting that 4th Ave., north of the library, from 11th St. to the west alley be closed for the event. Eleventh St. and the alley will remain open. Motion by Harder, seconded by Stoesz to close that portion of 4th Ave. Motion carried unanimously.

Utility Resolution #11-07

The administrator updated the council on House File 375 and Senate File 192 now before the Minnesota Legislature. The bill would kill all new fossil-fired baseload generation and supporting transmission; this would prevent the construction of the Big Stone 2 plant from which Mt. Lake Utilities will be purchasing .5MW of power. Motion by Schultz, seconded Stoesz to adopt Resolution # 11-07 In Support of Balanced Climate Change Legislation. Motion carried



City of Mt. Lake, MN

A Resolution in Support of Balanced Climate Change Legislation

WHEREAS the Minnesota State Legislature recently passed Renewable Energy Standard (RES) legislation requiring 25% of utility companies generation portfolio to be produced by renewable generation by the year 2025, and

WHEREAS the RES legislation would reduce the amount of additional CO2 being emitted into the environment by Minnesota utilities, and

WHEREAS the legislature is now considering major climate change legislation that could have significant impacts on achieving the recently adopted RES as well as on the ability of Minnesota utilities to meet the growing needs of the citizens of the State of Minnesota as well as neighboring states, and

WHEREAS legislators are urged to consider the result of significantly more expensive power due to climate change legislation and the impact that would have on economic development throughout rural Minnesota, and

WHEREAS the climate change legislation being considered could also compromise the reliability of the transmission grid in Minnesota and surrounding region to reliably deliver the additional electricity needed by Minnesota consumers, and

WHEREAS any climate change legislation adopted by the State of Minnesota needs to consider the proper balance between reducing CO2 emissions and meeting the growing energy needs of the citizens of the State of Minnesota to ensure the continued health and vitality of the Minnesota economy.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Mt. Lake urges the Minnesota Legislature to develop climate change legislation that will broadly consider the CO2 emissions of all segments of the economy rather than only selection segments of the economy, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the legislature is urged to consider the technological feasibility of legislation being considered as well as the ability to meet the growing energy needs of the citizens of Minnesota under any climate change legislation being considered, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Mt. Lake supports a deliberative approach to the passage of climate change legislation by the State of Minnesota involving an in-depth study of the economic, technological and environmental elements to be considered in any such legislation, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such a study be carried out in an environment that recognizes the adopted goals of the Minnesota RES but does not prohibit the electric utility segment from meeting the needs of the growing Minnesota economy.

ADOPTED by the Mt.LakeCity Council on April 2, 2007.



Dean Janzen, MayorWendy Meyer, Administrator/Clerk

550 4th Ave.

The administrator has received several complaints about the condition of this house. The Building Official did an inspection on March 30 and is preparing a hazardous building resolution for the council’s next meeting.


There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.



Wendy Meyer, Administrator/Clerk