Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

Fall 2005

BIOS 314

lecture: 11:00-12:00 Monday and Wednesday

lab: 9:00-11:50 or 1:00-4:00 Thurs

Instructor: Curt Anderson, Ph.D.

Office: LS 331

Research lab: LS 330

Phone: 282-5813



Office hours: 10:00-10:50 M, W


To explore the phylogenetic underpinnings of vertebrates and to develop an appreciation for the comparative approach for understanding structure and functional design. This course will survey the gross structure of most major vertebrate groups with a focus on the functional, evolutionary, developmental and physiological mechanisms that influence the design of organisms.

Required Texts

Vertebrates; comparative anatomy, function, evolution. 2005. Kardong. 4th edition (third edition is perfectly fine, too, but the 3rd is better), Harcourt College Publishers. ISBN: 0072909560 (used copies may be available. try or

Course Policies

Students are expected to attend all lecture and laboratory sessions. If you have extenuating circumstances and must miss, notify me ahead of time in order to schedule a make up exam (make up exams are generally more difficult). Unexcused absences will result in a zero for that quiz/examination. Quizzes will be given weekly in lab and missed quizzes can not be made up. Throughout the semester, the correct answer to 'will this be on the test?' is yes.

Unavoidably, this course is a relatively expensive one. Please see the laboratory page for a list of required equipment in addition to the texts.

ISU Official Policy on Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is expected of all individuals in academe. Behavior beyond reproach must be the norm. Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating and plagiarism. CHEATING is defined as the act of using or attempting to use, in examination(s) or other academic work, material, information, or study aids which are not permitted by the instructor. PLAGIARISM is defined as representing another person’s words, ideas, data or work as one’s own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the exact duplication of another’s work and the incorporation of a substantial or essential portion thereof without appropriate citation. Other examples of plagiarism are the acts of appropriating the creative works in such fields as art, music and technology, or portions thereof, and presenting them as one’s own.

ISU Official Policy on Disabilities

Idaho State University, in the spirit and letter of the law, will make every effort to make reasonable accommodations, according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. ISU will not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, or treatment of students or

employees with disabilities. Students who believe they qualify for services under the Act should contact The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, Campus Box 8118, (208) 282-3599. Please then meet with me privately to discuss how to accommodate any needs.

A note on dissections: EVERY student MUST participate in the dissection exercises. The specimens we will be viewing come from supply companies that are required by law to ensure that the animals are euthanized in a safe and humane manner. These animals were euthanized for our educational benefit and the proper level of professionalism will be maintained. If you have ethical or moral objections to dissecting animals, you should drop the course (BIOS 324 is the alternate course to fulfill the requirements of the zoology major).

Writing assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to:

· supplement the material you are learning in lecture and laboratory

· force you to discover the primary literature (and where it is in the library)

· pursue a topic in comparative anatomy that is of interest to you

specific requirements:

Choose a topic of interest to you and relevant to the topic of comparative anatomy/functional morphology. Using any literature sources you choose (but at least 5 MUST be from the primary literature!), you will summarize the appropriate research in an 8-10 page, double-spaced report. As budding scientists, you will almost certainly be writing many more such reports in your future. As such, writing, grammar and spelling in addition to content will be taken into account when considering your grade for the report. Here are some potential topics to give you an idea of what is expected:

· allometry of the vertebrate brain

· functional anatomy and evolution of the lungs of flying vertebrates

· moving on land: optimizing for minimum cost

· optimality in the design of bony elements

Grading Procedures

The University has instituted a grading policy that includes the use of a + and - in addition to the letter grade. The grading averages will be as follows:

A (93.0 - 100%)

A- (89.5 - 92.9%)

B+ (87.0 - 89.4%)

B (83.0 - 86.9%)

B- (79.5 - 82.9%)

C+ (77.0 - 79.4%)

C (73.0 - 76.9%)

C- (69.5 - 72.9%)

D+ (67.0 - 69.4%)

D (63.0 - 66.9%)

D- (59.5 - 62.9%)

F (< 59.5%)

Your course grade will be based roughly on:

3 lecture exams 100 points each

2 lab exams 100 points each

lab quizzes 50 points total

written project 100 points (25 points outline; 75 points report)

total 650 points
Tentative Lecture schedule

Lecture # Date Topic

01 Mo Aug 22 Introduction/expectations

02 We Aug 24 Evolution and Systematics I pp. 20

03 Mo Aug 29 Systematics/Phylogeny of Chordates I Chapt 2

04 We Aug 31 Phylogeny of Chordates II Chapt 3

Mo Sep 05 no class – Labor Day

05 We Sep 07 Phylogeny of Vertebrates I

06 Mo Sep 12 Phylogeny of Vertebrates II

07 We Sep 14 Biological Design Chapt 4

08 Mo Sep 19 Structural Materials

09 We Sep 21 Integument Chapt 6

Mo Sep 26 Exam I /writing assignment outline and topic due

10 We Sep 28 Muscles

11 Mo Oct 03 The Skull Chapt 7

12 We Oct 05 The Vertebrate Axis Chapt 8

13 Mo Oct 10 The Vertebrate Skeleton

14 We Oct 12 Vertebrate Locomotion I pp. 142-144; 339-348

15 Mo Oct 17 Vertebrate Locomotion II pp. 144-146; 347-354

16 We Oct 19 Respiratory I Chapt 11

17 Mo Oct 24 Respiratory II

18 We Oct 26 Circulation I Chapt 12

Mo Oct 31 Exam II /writing assignment due

19 We Nov 02 Circulation II

20 Mo Nov 07 Digestion and Feeding I Chapt 13

21 We Nov 09 Digestion and Feeding II

22 Mo Nov 14 Urogenital I Chapt 14

23 We Nov 16 Urogenital II

Mo Nov 21 comparative avian muscle study -- no class

We Nov 23 comparative avian muscle study -- no class

24 Mo Nov 28 Nervous System: organization Chapt 16

25 We Nov 30 Nervous System: organization II

26 Mo Dec 05 Nervous System: sensory I Chapt 17

27 We Dec 07 Nervous System: sensory II

Fr Dec 16 Final (7:30am - 9:30am)

BIOS 314L/514L

thursdays 9-12; 1-4pm

Instructor: C. Anderson, PhD

Office: Bios 331

Phone: 282-5813


required text:

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 2002. Kardong and Zalisko. 4th edition (3rd edition is perfectly fine, too) ISBN: 0072909579

(used copies may be available. try or

required equipment:

large scissors (5-5.5")

small, straight scissors

fine tipped forceps

large forceps

metal scalpel handle (avoid plastic handles)

blunt probe (Huber probe)

protective gloves (an entire box/student is recommended)

lab coat (optional, but recommended)

Many of the dissections will be done in pairs, so you could potentially get by if you want to purchase one set of dissecting tools/pair. However, I'd recommend each owning one. The kits at the bookstore are cheap and of not much quality. I will have kits made available for you to purchase through the ISU Biology Department stockroom The dissection tools will be required by lab 06. You may also purchase a box of gloves from Medical Mart or the Biological Sciences stockroom.

Tentative Laboratory schedule

Week # Date Topic

01 Aug 25 No labs this week

02 Sep 01 classification/cladistics

03 Sep 08 the vertebrate body/vertebrate skull

04 Sep 15 post-cranial skeleton I

05 Sep 22 post-cranial skeleton II

06 Sep 29 musculature I

07 Oct 06 musculature II

08 Oct 13 PRACTICAL #1

09 Oct 20 general internal anatomy

10 Oct 27 circulation I

11 Nov 03 circulation II

12 Nov 10 urogenital system

13 Nov 17 nervous system I

14 Nov 24 thanksgiving break--no lab

15 Dec 01 nervous system II and review

16 Dec 11 PRACTICAL #2


Laboratory 1

Chordate diversity

goals: To become familiar with the extant groups of the phylum chordata and the process of creating a cladogram.

What you need to know for the exam:

1. You must be able to identify the taxonomic position of any chordate to the level of the labels provided in lab.

2. You should know two or three characteristics of each group.

3. You should be able to reconstruct the cladogram of chordates provided.

4. You should be able to construct a cladogram from a data sheet.

See attached cladograms for what material you should know. Note that I have erased some of the information from the figures in the text. Below lists a brief description of each group. The bold words are words you will be responsible for. Refer to this as you peruse the specimens.

UROCHORDATA (tunicates)

This interesting group is represented here by several types of tunicates. Although this is not apparent from the anatomy of the adults, urochordates are clearly allied with the rest of the chordates. The larvae of these animals have notochords and segmented muscles in addition to the pharyngeal "gill" slits seen in the hemichordates (Fig. 2.5). The notochord and muscle are used for swimming and are lost when larvae metamorphose into a sedentary adults. Be sure to examine the slide of a tunicate larvae .


Commonly called lancelets or Amphioxus, Branchiostoma are small marine chordates which can be found in shallow coastal regions of our oceans. They are capable of swimming but spend the majority of their time sitting tail down in the sediment and filter feeding. They possess many pharyngeal slits and a distinct notochord. They also have a dorsal hollow nerve cord and segmented body muscles (myomeres) (Fig. 2.6, 2.7). Water is flushed into the pharynx with cilia in the oral cavity. Food is trapped as the water flows out the pharyngeal slits and is passed into the gut.

MYXINOIDEA (Myxiniformes)

The hagfish (Fig. 3.2) have traditionally been lumped with lampreys and the extinct ostrachoderms in the class Agnatha because they all lack jaws. However, recent work indicates that this may not be a natural group. As the evidence is still inconclusive, we will still refer hagfish and lampreys to the Class Agnatha but will relegate them to distinct groups under this heading. Hagfish are scavengers of the deep sea. They burrow right through carcasses, using a rasping "tongue" to shear off tissue. They have amazing mucus glands in their skin and can turn a bucket of water into a bucket of jello-like slime in seconds. They only do this when disturbed and it is thought to be a means of evading predators.

PETROMYZONTIDA (Petromyzontiformes)

The lampreys (Fig. 3.6, 3.8 are found in both marine and fresh water. They have complex life histories that involve a larval stage. The larvae, or amocoetes, superficially resemble Branchiostoma but differ in important ways. The amocoete (Fig. 3.10) has relatively few pharyngeal slits, gills, eyes, and it pumps water into the pharynx using muscular contractions rather than cilia. Some adult lampreys continue to filter feed but others are predacious, like the sea lamprey, sucking body fluids out of fish which they attach themseveles to with a specialized disk-shaped mouth. They have a single, dorso-medial nostril.

Chondrichthyes -- ELASMOBRANCHII

This group is made up of the sharks and rays. These animals have true jaws which are not attached to the braincase, and paired fins. They have a spiracle, paired nostrils and well developed sensory systems including a lateral line and electrosensory pits on the head. They have a secondarily derived cartilagenous skeleton (that is, their ancestors had bony skeletons) and no skull. Skates and rays are primarily bottom dwellers and have enormous pectoral fins that give them a disc like appearance. Most sharks have stream-lined bodies that help make them effecient swimmers. Male sharks and rays have "claspers" by the cloaca that allow them to internally fertilize females, which either produce large yolky eggs or are ovoviviporous (hold eggs internally and give birth to live young). Notice the characteristic heterocercal (asymetrical) caudal fin and the lack of visible scales.

Chondrichthyes -- HOLOCEPHALI

The ratfish or chimaeras are primarily deep sea animals. They feed on mulluscs and have large tooth plates on the roof of the mouth that are fused with the braincase (unlike the upper jaw of sharks and rays). Like the elasmobranchii, they have cartilagenous skeletons, well developed sensory systems, no scales on the skin and paired fins. They differ from sharks in having a single external gill opening and no spiracle.

Actinoptyerygii -- POLYPTERIFORMES

This group of actinopterigian fish is from Africa and is composed of two extant genera. You can examine a preserved Polypterus here. Notice the all dorsal fins,the single external gill opening and its distinctly scaly skin. This group differs from other rayfinned fish in having fleshy lobes extending onto the fins. They have well formed lungs and can live in stagnant pools by breathing air. These animals have bony skeletons.

Actinoptyerygii -- ACIPENSERIFORMES (Chondrostei)

Like the members of the class Chondrichthyes, these fish have secondarily cartilagenous skeletons,heterocercal caudal fins and lack scales. The sturgeon does have some bone plates on its skin. The fins of these animals are supported by rays (as opposed to the lobes seen in Polypterus) The paddlefish (Polyodon), with its huge, paddle-shaped rostrum is found only in the Mississippi drainage while sturgeons are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Polydon is a filter feeder and sturgeons primarily are benthic (bottom) feeders.

Actinoptyerygii -- LEPISOSTEIFORMES

The gars are found only in North America. They have ganoid scales and long, thin jaws, well armed with teeth used in catching other fish for food. They have a bony skeleton and ray fins.

Actinoptyerygii -- BOWFINS (Amia)

The Bowfin (Amia) is the last surviving member of this group. It is found in central and southern North America. Amia lacks the ganoid type scales of its ancestors and has a more complex feeding mechanism as well. This involves a rotating maxillary bone that occludes the side of the mouth during suction feeding.


The teleosts are by far the most diverse group of vertebrates. We have a tiny fraction of this group out for your examination but this should give some idea of how incredibly diverse this group is. The feeding mechanism of teleosts is even more complex than that of Amia and allows significant protrusion of the jaws to catch prey. Many forms have a second set of fully functional jaws in the throat called pharygeal jaws. They lack lungs but have swim bladders used for buoyancy and some have evolved new breathing organs. These animals are found in the deepest parts of the oceans, high in mountain lakes and in ponds in the middle of deserts.