University of Worcester

Disability and Dyslexia Service (2011-12)

What is the Disabled Student Allowance (“DSA”)?

It is a mandatory award which is available for disabled students who are eligible for DSA and are undertaking courses in Higher Education. This award is intended to cover any extra costs or expenses a student may have to meet whilst studying which arise because of a disability (including specific learning differences like dyslexia or dyspraxia).

1. For students attending or undertaking full-time courses (excluding postgraduate courses) there are three allowances to cover different areas of need:-

(a)  Specialist Equipment Allowance (maximum £5,161 for duration of course)

a grant for major items of equipment such as computers, speech synthesisers, radio hearing aid or other IT equipment which may be needed to help the student benefit fully from the course. It could also be used to cover the cost of any specialist furniture a student might require in order to study. The allowance can be paid at any time during the course provided the total payments do not exceed the maximum amount.

(b)  The General Allowance (maximum £1,724 per annum)

an annual amount to help pay for a non-medical helper. It may be used to cover any miscellaneous expenses (apart from travel) which are disability related such as the cost of non-course related books or photocopying where the library facilities are inadequate; extra heating costs if the student is studying away from home for long periods of time; or specialist needs assessment, etc..

(c) The Non-Medical Helper Allowance (maximum £20,520 per annum)

a further annual amount for other extra costs. This can cover the cost of note takers, sign language interpreters, mobility helpers, or any other form of personal assistance including extra tutorial support for those with specific learning difficulties (eg dyslexia / dyspraxia). This is normally paid in installments in relation to the helpers’ / support tutors/ wages and costs.

(d)  Extra travel costs, for the purpose of attending the HE institution, incurred due to your disability (no upper limit).

2. Students studying a part-time courses (excluding postgraduate courses) (equivalent of at least 50% of a full time course) may also be eligible for an allowance which will be pro-rata according to the period usually required to complete the equivalent full-time course.

3. For students studying a full time postgraduate course of at least a year there is one allowance of up to £10,260 per academic year to cover all DSA costs. Students studying a part-time postgraduate course, that will not take more than twice as long to complete as an equivalent full-time course, may also be eligible.

The above allowances are NOT means tested.

For further information / assistance in applying for the DSA please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service on 01905 85 5531

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