Two year college funding fact sheet

2-Year Colleges Four-Year Colleges

Number of Colleges State / 34 / 6
Number of students F 99 [1] / 182,364 / 90,428
Per student funding - state[2] / $3,879 / $7,405
Governor's proposed budget for 2001-2003[3] / $2,161,038,000 / $5,257,155,000
Average Tuition rates[4] / $ 1,476 / $ 2,773
Average full-time salary4 / $42,287 / $55,679
Average part-time salary for full time teaching load / $23,000 / na

·  $23,000: annual pay for the avg. pt teacher who teaches full-time in WA state[5]

·  56%: percentage per class part-time teachers earn compared to full-time in WA state

·  14% Washington teachers are paid this percentage below their peers in the other Western States

·  67% percentage of higher education students attending com/tech colleges

·  33%: percentage of higher education students attending four-year colleges

·  29%: percentage of governor's higher-ed operational and capital budgets devoted to

community/technical colleges

·  76%: WA state spends 76% of the Western state average on each two-year college student

·  11 Washington's rank out of 12 Western states in funding for Com/Tech colleges6

·  18%: decrease in state's portion of funding for community/tech colleges since 19832

Washington state does have the money to fund our community/technical colleges. It's a matter of shifting current priorities and finding the will to do so. For example, are the following funds and tax credits more important than funding higher education?

State funds wisely spent?3

·  $1, 049, 932,000: Dept. Of Corrections

·  $ 741,032,000: State lottery fund

·  $ 142,574,000: Liquor Control Board

·  $ 29,935,000: WA Gambling Com.

·  $ 4, 506,000: Horse Racing Com.

Business Tax credits wisely granted?

·  $93,640,000 Tx cr. Chemical & Fertilizer

·  $48,752,000 Tax credit, High Tech R & D

·  $23,673,000 Tax cr., Aluminum Industry

·  $15,800,000 Tax credit for Timber Companies which log in salmon habitats

·  $27,251,000 stadium tax deferrals

·  $ 170,000 Stadium tax exemptions

[1] Office of Financial Management Higher Education Enrollment Report -- includes only state-supported, the CC's serve an additional approx. 68,000 non-state supported students.

[2] From the State Board for Community/Technical Colleges, Where Does the Money Go? (2000)

[3] From the governor's budget proposal,

[4] Higher Education Coordinating Board 2001-2003 Operating and Capital Budget Requests

[5] From the State Board For Community/Technical Colleges