DATES OF REVIEW (mm/dd/yyyy): - / DATE OF REPORT (mm/dd/yyyy):
Criteria for Compliance / Compliance / Comments /
Yes / No /

I. Bloodborne pathogen (BBP) protocols and training

1.  The LHD has a BBP protocol (Exposure control plan).
29 CFR 1910.1030 (c)
2.  The BBP/exposure plan should be reviewed and updated annually and whenever necessary to reflect new or modified tasks and procedures which affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions and occupational exposure.
29 CFR 1910.1030 (c) (iv)
3.  All employees with potential occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens participate in a infection control training at time of initial work and at least annual thereafter.
OAR 333.022.0415

II. Control of reportable communicable disease

1.  Ensure the availability of immunizations for human and animal target populations.
a) Rabies immunizations for human and animal target populations are available to residents of jurisdiction.
OAR 333.014.0050 (2) (a)
Quality Assurance Measures (any measure below the state average or below 80% will trigger a recommendation for improvement) / Recommendations for improvement

I. Active surveillance protocols

1.  Ensure contact with ICPs to encourage reporting in each hospital within the jurisdiction.
2.  Provide documentation (e.g., Active Surveillance SOP) related to lab and provider reporting and active surveillance for use in the event of a public health emergency

II. Employee training

1.  New staff shall undergo online CD training within 30 days of hire
2.  New CD staff shall attend CD101 within 1 year of hire
3.  New staff shall attend CD303 within 2 years of hire
4.  Each communicable disease investigator shall attend OR Epi once every 3 years
5.  All employees responsible for epi services will complete continuing education equal to 8 hours of credit every 2 years (e.g., CD101, OR-Epi, certain eligible online courses)

III. Employee vaccination status

1.  Proportion of CD employees with direct patient contact that have these immunizations: HBV, MMR, Tdap, and varicella (LHD will offer vaccine to those unvaccinated)
2.  Proportion of CD employees with direct patient contact immunized against influenza (LHD will offer vaccine to those unvaccinated)

IV. Standing orders

1.  LPHA has standing orders for prophylaxis for the following diseases: hepatitis A, hepatitis B meningitis, and pertussis
2.  LPHA has standing order for post-exposure immunization with varicella vaccine

V. Surveillance summary

1.  Produces an annual summary of CD data and make available to public (e.g., post to website)

VI. Timeliness of CD reporting

1.  Number of days from initial report received by LHD to:
a. case interview (acute heps & chronic B)
b. location of contacts (pertussis, meningitis, hep A & B)
c. completion (excludes campylobacter, giardia and chronic hepatitis C)

VII. Case Investigation (excludes campylobacter, giardia and chronic hepatitis C)

1.  Proportion of case interviews conducted (interview by proxy is acceptable)
2.  Proportion of interviewed cases with COMPLETE:
a. date of birth or age
b. race info (unknown = "incomplete")
c. ethnicity info (unknown = "incomplete")
d. residence info (i.e., address and zip code)
3.  Proportion of cases with occupation information [for work/daycare restrictable diseases] (diphtheria, measles, Salmonella Typhi, shigellosis, E. coli, hepatitis A, pertussis and rubella)
4.  Proportion of cases with complete risk factor data
5.  Proportion of specific disease groups with completed risk factors (e.g., acute hepatitis A, B, & C, botulism, chronic hepatitis B, cryptosporidiosis, cyclospora, meningitis, Salmonella, shigella, shigatoxigenic E. coli, tularemia, typhoid, vibrio and yersinia)
6.  Proportion of cases with complete hospitalization status
7.  Proportion of cases with complete outcome status
a. Proportion of specific diseases with complete outcome status (e.g., H. influenza, meningitis, pertussis [infant cases only], and acute hepatitis A, B, and C)
8.  Proportion of cases with vaccination status assessed (vaccine specific to reported disease: hepatitis A and B, pertussis, measles, meningitis, mumps, rubella)
9.  Proportion of malaria, vibrio, listeria, tularemia and arthropod-borne diseases with CDC case report form submitted

VIII. Contact management

1.  Proportion of contact interviews conducted [interview by proxy is acceptable] (pertussis, meningitis, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B)
2.  Proportion of chronic hepatitis B household and sexual contacts tested for hepatitis

IX. Outbreak investigations

1.  Average number of days from LHD notification to OPHD notification
2.  Average number of days from LHD notification to LHD investigation initiation
3.  Proportion of outbreaks with no real investigation
4.  Proportion of outbreaks that are lab confirmed
5.  Were five or more specimens collected (lab-confirmed and non lab-confirmed)?
6.  Proportion of potential "common source" outbreaks with adequate case finding (e.g., restaurant, school, potluck, institutional setting, etc.)
7.  Proportion of potential "common source" outbreaks with an epidemic curve (e.g., restaurant, school, potluck, institutional setting, etc.)
8.  Number of outbreaks reported per capita (four categories: nursing home, non-nursing home, VPDs, and restaurant)
9.  Proportion of LTCF norovirus outbreaks with completed control measures report.
10.  Proportion of LTCF norovirus outbreaks with an epidemic curve
11.  Proportion of outbreak reports completed within 30 business days from end of outbreak ("the end" = one week after last reported onset)

X. Other concerns and unmet needs

Hover over link for date it was verified Page 1 of 4 LE 9803 Revised and Approved: 4/8/13