Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Allocation and Sub-Allocation of IDEA Funds

1. (Question)

Which entity, if any, can claim Section 611 and 619 funds for pre-school children who receive related services only ?


When school districts submit their December 1st child counts they should include pre-school children with disabilities who receive related services only. For the purposes of sub-allocation of Section 611 and Section 619 monies, only an approved pre-school special education provider (a provider that is approved by the New York State Education Department to operate and is operating a special class, special class in an integrated setting, or special education itinerant teacher program) may request a sub-allocation for children receiving related services only from their agency. Individual practitioners and agencies that are not approved pre-school special education providers may not request a sub-allocation for pre-school children receiving related services only.

2. (Question)

If more than one approved special education program provides special education services to a child consistent with the child’s IEP, which provider can request a sub-allocation for the child for both Section 611 and Section 619?


Only the provider that has responsibility to coordinate the child’s IEP can request a sub-allocation. The sub-allocation may not be split between providers.

3. (Question)

When is a LEA required to make payment to the ASEPs?


Chapter 6 of the Laws of 2000 states “payments of such sub-allocation shall be made in the same proportion as such funds are paid to the school district by the state, within thirty (calendar) days.” Therefore, thirty calendar days after the initial 20% first payment and any payment generated by the submission of FS-25s requires a proportional payment to each ASEP of their annual sub-allocation.

4. (Question)

What are the major responsibilities for LEAs regarding sub-allocation of IDEA funds to ASEPs?


· Take receipt of SEDCAR-1 forms from ASEPs.

· Establish a legal agreement with each ASEP that has filed an appropriate SEDCAR-1 form.

· Calculate the per student allocation using the Section 611 and 619 worksheets.

· Make written notification to each ASEP including number of children, dollar per child and total sub-allocation.

· Incorporate in the LEA’s FS-10s for Section 611 and 619 in Purchased Services (Code 40) the name of the ASEP, number of children from the SEDCAR-1 form, as verified, the dollar per child and total amount of sub-allocation. If the ASEP is a BOCES report in Purchased Services with BOCES (Code 49).

· Make timely payments to ASEPs.

5. (Question)

How can an ASEP estimate the level of sub-allocation they should be budgeting for and expending during the 2002-2003 program year ?


Refer to the SED/VESID web site at under the link News, Announcements and Timely Information.