United Nations / E/C.12/ESP/5Economic and Social Council / Distr.: General
31 January 2011
Original: Spanish
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Fifth periodic report submitted by States parties in accordance with articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant
[30 June 2009]
Paragraphs Page
I. Introduction 1–8 3
II. General Provisions of the Covenant 9–165 4
A. Article 1 of the Covenant 9–58 4
B. Article 2 of the Covenant 59–124 14
C. Article 3 of the Covenant 125–165 24
III. Provisions concerning specific rights 166–724 31
A. Article 6 of the Covenant 166–247 31
B. Article 7 of the Covenant 248–311 44
C. Article 8 of the Covenant 312–327 53
D. Article 9 of the Covenant 328–452 54
E. Article 10 of the Covenant 453–528 73
F. Article 11 of the Covenant 529–611 83
G. Article 12 of the Covenant 612–633 104
H. Article 13 of the Covenant 634–667 110
I. Article 15 of the Covenant 668–724 117
I. Introduction
1. Spain's last report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was presented on 11 September 2002 (EC12/4/Add.11) and discussed on 3 and 4 May 2004 at the Committee’s 12th, 13th and 14th meetings. The Committee adopted its concluding observations at its 29th meeting held on 14 May 2004 (E/C.12/1 / Add.99). This (fifth) report presents, as exhaustively as possible, the legislative, judicial, administrative or other measures taken from 2004 to 2009 in order to give effect to the provisions of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by Spain on 27 April 1977.
2. The Government of Spain wishes to thank the Committee for its concluding observations, which have been the subject of much consideration by the Spanish authorities. This report contains detailed information on the issues that generated the most interest by the Committee in connection with the previous national report referred to above.
3. This report has been prepared according to the general guidelines regarding the form and content of reports to be submitted by States parties under article 27 of the Covenant and guidelines regarding specific documents to be submitted by States parties under articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant (E/C.12/2008/2).
4. The report is divided into sections as listed in the table of contents, each section corresponding to the points deemed most relevant under each article of the Covenant.
5. For the presentation of the contents it is considered appropriate, in each section, to show from the outset the progress made by the Spanish Government in achieving more complete fulfilment of the aims encompassed by the Covenant.
6. Accordingly, in keeping with the idea of “follow-up,” the report presents advances in Spanish legislation and practice regarding the adoption and application of various measures to strengthen the protection of economic, social and cultural rights. Thus, one can clearly see how these have always operated as a force for change to bring about more effective protection of the rights of the most vulnerable people, through the adoption of specific measures that respond to various issues raised by the Committee in connection with the last report.
7. Preparing this report was a major collective effort of different public and private institutions and social groups. Preparation of the report involved a number of ministries: Ministry of Labour and Immigration, Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, Ministry of Housing, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Equality, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Justice, all coordinated by the Office of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, which is responsible, inter alia, for ensuring compliance with treaties and agreements signed by Spain in regard to human rights. In keeping with Spain’s renewed policy concerning preparation of reports to United Nations agencies, consultations took place with the civil society organizations and academic institutions most relevant to the subject and many of their comments have been included.
8. In its final draft the report is also in line with the guidance offered by the Committees that periodic reports be concise, analytical and focused on key implementation issues of the respective Convention or Covenant. In this regard, we have sought to unify the information given by consistently ensuring the transmission of essential information for the purpose intended, namely the protection and development of economic, social and cultural rights of all persons in our society.
II. General Provisions of the Covenant
A. Article 1 of the Covenant
1. Article 1, paragraph 1
The Spanish Constitution and Decisions of the Constitutional Court
9. The Spanish Constitution is based on a set of core principles or guidelines that inform all of its articles and its application to the social reality of Spain. Without prejudice to their development in other constitutional precepts and relevant legislation, these principles are set forth in its preliminary section and can be summed up as follows:
(a) Equality and the rule of law (article 1.1);
(b) National sovereignty (article 1.2);
(c) Parliamentary monarchy (article 1.3);
(d) Regional State (article 2 and title VIII);
(e) Political representation (articles 6 and 23);
(f) Division of powers.
10. The 1978 Constitution altered the traditional basis of the Spanish State, i.e. the unitary, centralized nation-state derived from the French Revolution, which had prevailed during the regime prior to the Constitution, and established a Regional State, different from the Centralized State and the Federal State.
11. This form of government rests on three basic principles: unity, the right to autonomy and solidarity. This is summed up in article 2, which provides: “The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of the nationalities or regions which make it up and the solidarity among all of them.”
12. Title VIII of the Constitution, devoted to the territorial organization of the State, develops these principles and provides the basis for a territorial organization of Spain, which has been called a State of Autonomous Communities, although that expression does not appear in the Constitution.
13. The structural principles contained in our Constitution regarding the territorial organization of the State –the principles of unity, autonomy, solidarity and equality – have recently been systematized by the Constitutional Court in reason 4 of Judgement 247/2007 of 12 December 2007, which resolves the constitutional challenge brought against the reform of the Statute of Autonomy of the Community of Valencia:
“(a) We must begin by stressing that article 2 of the Constitution affirms conclusively: ‘The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of nationalities or regions which make it up and the solidarity among all of them.’ (article 2) Consequently, the structure of State power is based, according to the Constitution, on the principle of unity, the foundation of the Constitution itself, and the principles of autonomy and solidarity.”
14. The relationship between the principles of unity and autonomy has been reiterated by the Constitutional Court since its earliest decisions:
“The Constitution takes as its basis the unity of the Spanish Nation, which constitutes itself as a social and democratic State under the rule of law, whose powers emanate from the Spanish people in whom national sovereignty resides. This unity is embodied in an organization – the State – for the whole of the national territory. But the general organs of the State do not exercise all public authority because the Constitution contains a vertical division of powers which provides for participation in the exercise of power of territorial entities of differing rank, as set forth in article 137 of the Constitution, which provides that ‘The State is organized territorially into municipalities, provinces, and the Autonomous Communities which may be constituted. All these entities enjoy autonomy for the management of their respective interests.”
15. The precept reproduced above reflects a broad and complex view of the State, consisting of multiple territorial organizations endowed with autonomy. It is thus necessary to define the scope of the principle of autonomy, with special reference to municipalities and provinces, for which purpose it is necessary to link this principle with others established in the Constitution.
16. First of all, it is clear that autonomy refers to limited power. Indeed, autonomy is not sovereignty, and even that power has its limits. Since each territorial organization with autonomy is a part of the whole, the principle of autonomy can in no event be set up against the principle of unity; rather, it is within the latter that it takes on its true meaning, as expressed in article 2 of the Constitution.
17. Hence, article 137 of the Constitution defines the scope of these autonomous powers, confining them to “the management of their respective interests,” which requires that each entity be provided with its own exclusive competences as necessary to satisfy their respective interests.
18. This power “to manage their respective interests” is exercised within the legal order. It is ultimately the law that specifies the principle of autonomy for each type of entity, in accordance with the Constitution. And it should be noted that, as a consequence of the principle of national unity and the supremacy of the national interest, the Constitution contemplates the need for the State to be placed in a superior position vis-à-vis the Autonomous Communities seen as entities possessing autonomy qualitatively above administrative authority (articles 150.3 and 155, inter alia) and vis-à-vis local entities (article 148.2) (STC 4/1981, 2 February, reason 3).
19. This Court has emphasized, therefore, that our constitutional system rests on the proper integration of the principle of autonomy in the principle of unity that encompasses it. Hence, ours is a politically decentralized State, as a result of that interconnection between those two principles. Thus, we have said that “[the Constitution] enshrines as foundations the principle of indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation and also of the right to autonomy of the nationalities and regions that comprise it, and it thus determines implicitly the composite form of the State in keeping with which all constitutional principles must be interpreted.” (STC 35/1982, of 14 June 1982, reason 2).
20. Thus, our composite State is based on the fundamental principle that under our Constitution sovereignty resides in the Spanish people (article 1.2), so that, as we have previously held, it is “not the result of a historical covenant between territorial entities that retain certain rights that are prior to the Constitution and superior to it, but rather a rule emanating from the constituent authority that is general and binding within its scope and that does not leave out any prior ‘historical situations’.” (STC 76/1988, of 26 April 1988, reason 3).
(b) For its part, the principle of solidarity complements and assimilates the principles of unity and autonomy (article 2), because “this Court has repeatedly referred to the existence of a ‘duty of mutual aid’ (STC 18/1982, reason 14), ‘of mutual support and mutual loyalty’ (STC 96/1986, reason 3), ‘as an expression of the broader duty of loyalty to the Constitution’ (STC 11/1986, reason 5). In cases where this Court has had occasion to do so, it has identified solidarity as a rule under which accommodations should be reached between national and regional authorities; however, it is equally valid and must be addressed between the powers of the various Autonomous Communities. (The principle of solidarity is stated in general terms in article 2 of the Constitution and article 138 strikes an appropriate and fair economic balance between the different parts of the Spanish territory and prohibits economic or social privileges between them.) Solidarity requires regional authorities, in the exercise of their powers, to refrain from taking decisions or performing acts that harm or impair the general interest and instead take into consideration the common interests that unite them and that should not be undermined by a short-sighted pursuit of their own interests. As we have stated (ST4/1981) the Constitution obviously does not guarantee autonomy in order to adversely affect the general interests of the nation or general interests beyond those of the entity in question (reason 10). The principle of solidarity is its corollary (STC 25/1981, reason 3)” (STC 64/1990 of 5 April 1990, reason 7).
21. Article 138 of the Constitution makes the national government the guarantor of “effective implementation of the principle of solidarity enshrined in article 2 of the Constitution, ensuring an adequate and equitable economic balance between the various parts of Spain’s territory.” That principle, which also applies to the regional governments in the exercise of their powers (article 156.1), goes beyond the economic and financial spheres and extends to various areas of public policy. In this regard, we have noted that “the operative feature of the constitutional principle of solidarity, which aims at overall results for the Spanish territory as a whole, is reminiscent of the art of communicating vessels.” (STC 109/2004 of 30 June 2004, reason 3.)
22. In short, the principle of solidarity laid down by article 138.1 “cannot be reduced to a programmatic rule or a rule serving to interpret the rules that confer jurisdiction. Rather, it is a principle with a weight and meaning of its own that is to be interpreted in consonance with the jurisdictional rules that arise from the Constitution and the Statutes” (STC 146/1992 of 16 October 1992, reason 1), since this principle has become in practice “a balancing factor between the autonomy of the nationalities and regions and the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation (article 2)" (STC 135/1992, of 5 October 1992, reason7).
(c) In addition to the principles of unity, autonomy and solidarity, another principle that operates in a relevant manner is that of equality, laid down by article 139 of the Constitution as a general principle for the territorial organization of the State (Chapter I, Title VIII). However, it is important to note the context of the principle of equality and its scope, as it covers a field that is essentially different from the other three principles. Constitutional jurisprudence has not only positively affirmed the basis for the distribution of political power through the principles of unity, autonomy and solidarity, as we have seen, but has expressly provided that the principle of equality, which applies to citizens, does not rule out diversity of legal positions among the Autonomous Communities.