2007 - 2008

NACAA Committee Handbook

Table of Contents


Current Structure Philosophy A-1

Organizational Chart A-3

Checklist for National Committee Chrs & Vice-Chrs……………………………………………………………..A-4

Committee Condensed Action Calendar……………………………………………………………………… …A-5


Council Descriptions B-1

Committee Office Duties B-2

Open Positions for 2008 - 2010 B-4


Executive Program Committee Description C-1

Members of NACAA Executive Program Committee C-2


Professional Improvement Council Description and Policy E-1

Professional Improvement Council Committees E

Sustainable Agriculture E-1

Agronomy & Pest Management E-2

Ag Economics and Community Development Committee E-3

Animal Science E-5

Natural Resources/ Aquaculture E-6

Horticulture and Turfgrass E-8

Committee Membership:

Sustainable Agriculture Committee Members E-10

Agronomy & Pest Management Committee Members E-10

Ag Economics and Community Development Committee Members E-11

Animal Science Committee Members E-11

Natural Resources/ Aquaculture Committee Members E-12

Horticulture and Turfgrass Committee Members E-12


Extension Development Council Description and Policy F-1

Extension Development Council Committees G

Public Relations and Agriculture Issues G-1

Early Career Development G-2

Administrative Skills Development G-3

Teaching and Educational Technologies G-5

Committee Membership:

Public Relations & Agricultural Issues Committee Members G-7

Early Career Development Committee Members G-7

Administrative Skills Development Committee Members G-8

Teaching and Educational Technologies Committee Members G-8


Program Recognition Council Description H-1

NACAA Awards Guidelines H-1

Awards Policy for State Committee Chair Participation H-3

Program Recognition Council Committees I

Communications I-1

Extension Programs I-1

4-H and Youth I-2

Professional Excellence I-3

Public Relations I-3

Recognition and Awards I-4

Scholarship I-5

Committee Membership:

Communications Committee Members I-7

Extension Programs Committee Members I-7

4-H and Youth Committee Members I-8

Professional Excellence Committee Members I-8

Public Relations Committee Members I-9

Recognition and Awards Committee Members I-9

Scholarship Committee Members I-10


Relationship of Advisory Groups to Subject Matter Committees……………………………………………..…J-1


Committee Purpose, Responsibilities and Office Duties……………………………………………..…………K-1

Committee Membership…………………………………………………………………………….………....K-3

CALENDAR OF EVENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………...L

Calendar of Events for Officers, Councils/Committees L-1

THE COUNTY AGENT MAGAZINE……………………………………………………………………….………M

Submission Schedule for The County Agent Magazine M-1


NACAA Expense Reimbursement for Chairs and Vice Chairs N-1

Guidelines for Completing NACAA Expense Vouchers N-3

Reimbursement Form N-5


Report to Executive Program Committee O-1

NACAA Program Committee Address Sheet O-3

Report of Committee Activity O-4

NACAA Committee Budget Report Sheet O-5

Search for Excellence Award Winners Form……………………….………………………………..………….O-6


The NACAA Committee Handbook ..P-1

Altering a Committee Name……………………………………………………………………………….…….P-1

Adding, Dissolving a Committee…………………………………………………………………….…….….…P-1

Sponsorship for Committee Activities P-2

Committee Support for the Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference P-2

Electronic Communications P-







Revised 07-01-07


Any structure should be built using a strong, broad‑based, and solid foundation. This current structure for NACAA is built on three foundation blocks that are the basic components of NACAA's professional enhancement areas: Program Recognition, Extension Development, and Professional Improvement. This committee structure is also set up to be flexable allowing for the addition or deletion of committees and/or programs that best meets the needs of the membership at any given time.

NACAA Councils and their associated committees provide opportunities for NACAA members to make regional and national presentations relative to their individual work experiences. This structure provides opportunities for NACAA members to develop and implement regional and even national programs within their discipline that will meet objectives and goals contained in their annual Plan of Work (POW).

If a committee has a recommendation for a new program or a new award, the committee should draw up the recommended details including funding and submit it through their Council Chair to the Executive Program Council (EPC). The EPC members will determine under which committee and council that new program and award should be handled. This same procedure should be used if a committee is making a recommendation to drop a program or award.

The EPC recommendation will then be made to the NACAA Board for final approval before the program or award is put into place.

It is important within this committee structure that ideas, proposals, plans, and funding sources are worked out within a committee, up through including their Council and Council Chair and the Executive Program Committee before being presented to the NACAA Board. This process will allow those in the front line and most familiar with the committee’s objectives to develop programming that best meets the professional improvement needs of the NACAA membership. This mode of action will also help expedite requested action by the National Board by having the committee structure, plan and work out the details of a proposal ahead of time. Thus allowing the National Board more time to consider strategic planning and over all direction for the future of NACAA.


A. Program Recognition

This council is responsible for the award based programs that have been a very traditional part of NACAA. Members can enter competitive contests that highlight the following areas: Communications, Extension Programs, 4‑H & Youth, Professional Excellence, Public Relations, Recognition and Awards, and Scholarship. As new competitive awards programs are introduced they would be placed under this council. All programs in this component are expected to identify sponsors and secure adequate funding to operate each award activity. Where possible the sponsor's funding should include all committee expenses.

B. Extension Development

This council is designed to enhance NACAA members in the area of general Extension training. One common thread among members is the fact that we are all Extension Agents/Educators. Therefore it is imperative that the NACAA organization strengthen and continue to offer training in how to become a better extension professional. This is the one area that effectively separates NACAA from other subject specific professional organizations. These sub‑areas are not subject matter specific, but rather cover broad, general extension related topics that focus on the following: Public Relations and Agriculture Issues, Early Career Development, Administration Skill Development, and Teaching and Educational Technologies. Each of these broad headings is a committee under this council.

C. Professional Improvement

NACAA members have a need for opportunities to present and receive specific subject matter information. This council is designed to fulfill NACAA’s mission: "... to further the professional improvement of our members...", as written in the NACAA mission statement. This area is devoted to enhancing the opportunities for NACAA members to become more knowledgeable and competent in subject matter areas in which they work. Examples of training activities that might be included within this category include: discussion groups, seminars, refereed papers, demonstration sharing, study tours, and interstate//international exchanges.

Six broad, fundamental subject matter areas have been identified that would encompass the vast majority of work done by Extension agents/educators across the country. That list includes: Agronomy & Pest Management, Agricultural Economics and Community Development, Animal Science, Natural Resources/ Aquaculture, Environmental Horticulture, and Sustainable Agriculture. Each of these six broad subject matter areas comprise a Committee. Additional committee categories can be added in the future or existing areas modified to better meet the needs of NACAA members. Each of these broad subject matter committees may have numerous advisory groups beneath it as are deemed necessary. Examples of advisory groups under the Animal Science Committee might include: Range/Pasture Management, Bio‑Technology in Livestock, Beef Nutrition, Dairy Breeding, Swine Genetics, Rotational Grazing, Animal Waste Management. This short list is not meant to be all inclusive.

NACAA Structure

Checklist for NACAA National Committee Chairs & Regional Vice Chairs

(see pages L-1 thru L-7 for month by month description of responsibilities)

National Committee Chairs

Within 30 days following AM/PIC –

_____ Send Regional Vice Chairs the plan of work (include timelines), minutes of committee meeting, goals for year ahead and any additional information necessary, especially to inform those within the committee structure who did not attend AM/PIC.

_____ Recognition and Awards Committee Chair contacts NACAA Executive Director for state by state DSA and AA quotas.

_____ Make sure news releases on award recipients have been sent to media.

By November 20 –

_____ Provide an update to respective Council Chair on progress of committee to be used by Council Chair for Winter Board meeting report.

By January 15 –

_____ Send message to Regional Vice Chairs and they to State Committee Chairs to review the new Awards edition of The County Agent magazine and encourage members to apply for awards.

By January 31 –

_____ Send reminder through committee channels to begin determining who will serve as judges for committee program applications.

By February 15 –

_____ Send message to Regional Vice Chairs who send to state committee chairs to encourage members to apply for awards by March 15.

By March 15 –

_____ DSA, AA and Hall of Fame Award applications due to National Recognition and Awards Committee Chair.

_____ Send AM/PIC facility request form and special meal request form to host state.

By March 20 –

_____ Prepare a progress report and send to respective Council Chair.

By April 30 –

_____ Arranged for judging national finalists entries.

By May 15 –

_____ Submit an annual report to the NACAA Executive Secretary to be placed in the AM/PIC Proceedings.

_____ Inform Council Chair of plaques, certificates needed.

_____ Inform National award recipients so recipients can register for AM/PIC accordingly.

By May 31 –

_____ Notify respective Council Chair of certificate printing needs for AM/PIC.

June –

_____ Write Regional Vice Chairs outlining responsibilities for upcoming AM/PIC.

_____ Make appropriate posters for AM/PIC.

By June 30 --

_____ Send out reminder to those within committee structure to attend respective Council and Committee Sunday and Monday workshops. Invite newly appointed Chairs and Vice Chairs to attend.

At AM/PIC --

_____ Make sure Committee poster is on display.

_____ Attend Committee Chair and Vice-Chair Sunday Luncheon and Council Workshop

_____ Conduct Committee workshop on Monday. Submit plan of work, goals, committee minutes to Council Chair immediately.

_____ Attend Committee Breakfast on Thursday.

_____ Attend respective Council Chair meeting on Thursday.

Regional Vice Chairs

Within 30 days following AM/PIC –

_____ Send State Chairs the plan of work, committee minutes, goals and additional necessary information, especially to inform those who did not attend AM/PIC.

_____ Work with National Committee Chair to make sure news releases on award recipients have been sent to media.

By January 15 –

_____ Send message to State Chairs to review and become familiar with the new The County Agent magazine Awards edition as well as check the on-line version.

By January 31 –

_____ Help to recruit applicants for your Regional Vice Chair position if term expires at upcoming AM/PIC. Due by March 1.

_____ Begin determining who will serve as judges for your program applications.

By February 15 –

_____ Send reminder to state committee chairs to encourage members to apply for awards by March 15 or earlier.

By March 15 –

_____ All award program applications are due to respective state committee chairs.

_____ DSA, AA and Hall of Fame Award applications due to Committee Chair.

June –

_____ Be aware of responsibilities for upcoming AM/PIC. Contact Committee Chair.

_____ Work with Committee Chair to make appropriate poster display for AM/PIC.

At AM/PIC --

_____ Work with Committee Chair to make sure Committee poster is on display.

_____ Attend Committee Chair/Vice-Chair Sunday Luncheon and Council Workshop

_____ Attend Committee workshop on Monday.

_____ Attend Committee Breakfast on Thursday.

NACAA Committee Condensed Action Calendar

Within 30 days following AM/PIC –

· National Committee Chairs send Regional Vice Chairs who will send State Committee Chairs the plan of work (include timelines), minutes of committee meeting, goals for year ahead and any additional information necessary, especially to inform those within the committee structure who did not attend AM/PIC.

· Recognition and Awards Committee Chair contacts NACAA Executive Director for state by state DSA and AA quotas.

· National Committee Chairs make sure news releases on award recipients have been sent to media.

September –

· Senior Council Chair edits and updates Committee Handbook. Forwards recommended policy changes to the Vice President for Board action.

October –

· Senior Council Chair edits and updates the Awards edition of The County Agent magazine.

By November 20 –

· National Committee Chairs provide an update to their Council Chair on progress of committee.

· NACAA Vice President sends message to State Presidents to finalize all state committee rosters.

By December 1 –

· Council Chairs prepare a progress report for the Winter Board meeting. Advanced copy to be sent to the Vice President.

· State Presidents to have all new committee rosters into the Vice President or have state committee rosters updated on the Committee web site.

By January 15 –

· Council Chairs send message to Committee Chairs, who correspond with Regional Vice Chairs and they to State Committee Chairs to review the new Awards edition of The County Agent magazine.

· State Committee Chairs inform statewide membership of award program opportunities and to encourage early application.

· All DSA, AA and Hall of Fame Award applications due to state committee chair.

· Vice President sends message to all State Presidents asking for their help to encourage members in their respective state to apply for awards.

· Council Chairs and Vice President revise application forms due March 1 for upcoming committee position openings

By January 31 –

· Vice President sends message to State Presidents and Regional Directors with the position openings application forms under the three Councils attached encouraging them to recruit applicants for committee positions.

· National Committee Chairs, Regional Vice Chairs and State Committee Chairs to begin determining who will serve as judges for their program applications.

By February 15 –

· Council Chairs send message to Regional Vice Chairs who send to state committee chairs reminding them to encourage members to apply for awards by March 15 or earlier.

· Vice President sends message to State Presidents to communicate with state committee chairs to check on progress regarding their program responsibilities and deadlines.

· All DSA, AA and Hall of Fame Award applications due to Regional Vice chair.

By March 1 –

· All committee opening applications are due to the Council Chairs and Vice President.

By March 15 –

· All award program applications are due to respective state committee chairs.

· DSA, AA and Hall of Fame Award applications due to National Committee Chair.

· Council Chairs and Vice President review Committee openings applications and discuss status.

By March 20 –

· National Committee Chairs prepare a progress report and send to their respective Council Chair.