Definition of Double Cropping

Double cropping shall be defined as harvesting two or more crops from the same piece of land in the same crop year. Harvesting by machine or pasturing are one and the same. Only one (1) crop may be harvested per year of the contract. Five year contract – five crops. See exception on green manure and leguminous crop.

Alfalfa or sudan-sorghum crosses may be cut more than once per calendar year.

Green manure or leguminous crops may be grown at any time in crop rotation. Bean or pea seed may be harvested. These crops may not be baled for hay, cut for silage, or grazed by livestock.

Under certain conditions, double cropping may be permitted. Double cropping may be permitted if the supervising Real Estate Management Specialist determines that a change in the cropping system will protect the land from erosion, eliminate weed or insect problems, or the lessee desires to change rotation to fit his operation.

The supervising Real Estate Management Specialist shall make final determination of whether or not double cropping is permitted.

Crop year --- The amount of time between planting a selected crop and planting the same crop the next year.