Datatel Meeting

Present: Team Scientia
Dr. Michael Foley
Dr. Mary Anne Fedrick
Dr. Lloyd Lyter
Mr. Collier Parker
Ms. Rosemary Burger / Ms. Meghan Cruciani
Ms. Bev Mizanty
Ms. Patricia Baldan
Ms. Melanie Mohila
Ms. Jamie Strong / Excused:
Ms. Rima Anescavage
Ms. Jennifer Washicosky
Mr. Gregory Hunt
Ms. Barbara McNally
Dr. Chaogui Zhang
/ Date: November 2, 2010
Place: LRC 319
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Chair: Dr. Michael Foley
Administrative Secretary: Bev Mizanty






I.  Approval of Minutes / The minutes of the October 21st meeting were reviewed. / The minutes were approved as written.
II.  Program Naming Conventions / Dr. Foley inquired as to the Naming Convention process. Ms. Burger clarified, that we need to do an alpha listing and decide how we want to structure the Academic Programs list. Do we want to alphabetize by degree category (i.e., BS, MS), or alphabetize by the program name. We also need to determine the program title and how it will appear. It was noted that programs can be put on the system and not displayed.
Dr. Foley asked for recommendations. Examples were displayed on a screen in the Datatel training site. Presently we use alpha by major. A discussion ensued. All were in agreement that the discipline should appear first, then the degree category, which is limited to 10 characters and title limited to 25 characters. The academic program ID would be an abbreviated discipline followed by the degree abbreviation. The title would be the discipline spelled out, followed by the abbreviated degree.
Ms. Burger suggested a spreadsheet of what our programs are now and what we will use in the Colleague system.
For example and consistency, “PSY” is now “PSYC” and it should appear that way on the master schedule as well as on the program look up menus. / All team members were in agreement that the discipline should appear first, then the degree category. It was also agreed as to the title area, abbreviate the degree, and spell out the discipline.
Ms. Burger recommended that this Team decide the format and she will make it work with the information she has. Ms. Burger will comprise a list and distribute to the deans.
III.  VAL Code Tables / Program. Statuses (PROG) – Active, pending, inactive and obsolete. / The group agreed to keep as is, with no changes.
Academic Program Types (PROG) – Ms. Burger asked that Sevis codes be left in. Also include a CE for continuing education. Mostly what is listed on the current screen can be omitted. A discussion ensued. (Look up on datatel training site to get initials) / The Team agreed to keep Sevis, doctoral, bachelors, masters, honors, non degree, CE, non degree UG, and non degree Grad.
Course.Statuses, (CRSE) – omit the sections from “obsolete” to “retired.” / The Team agreed to keep Active A, Inactive I, Pending, Retired R.
Course.Levels (CRSE) – This is used for degree audit, noted Ms. Burger. 100=1st year; 200=2nd year; 300 = 3rd year; 400=4th year; 500=Graduate; SR=Senior SR; CE=Continuing Ed CE; DOCT=Doctoral / The Team agreed to omit remedial, omit “trans” courses; omit levels below “occupation.” Add DOCT=Doctoral and keep with the numbering system.
Course.Types (CRSE) - Need honors (honor), STND Standard STND, P Precoll; Intensive English Program IEP, CE Continuing Ed. A discussion ensued. / The Team agreed to keep honors (honor), STND Standard STND, P Precoll; Intensive English Program IEP, and CE Continuing Ed.
The Team agreed to omit Remedial, vocational, apprentice, Basic and not basic, not coop work experience, coop work experience, in-service training immigrant education and development.
Section.Statuses (SECT) – Active A, Cancelled C, pending P, Hold for cancellation H, Revised R / The Team agreed upon: Active A, Cancelled C, pending P, Hold for cancellation H, and Revised R.
Wait.List.Statuses (STWM) – keep all, Active, enrolled,dropped, other section enrollment, permission to register, expired, canceled, closed / The Team agreed to keep all items under STWM.
Faculty.Special.Statues (FCTY) – UP University Professor U, EM Professor Emeritus E, VP Visiting Professor V / The Team agreed to keep all items under FCTY.
The following agenda items will be discussed at future meetings: Continuing with VAL Code Decisions, Department Designation Codes, and Training Update. / Dr. Foley recommended that the remaining agenda items be tabled until the next meeting.
IV.  T-Shirt Logos / After a brief discussion, the group agreed on a luncheon instead of t-shirts.
V.  Next Meeting / The next meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2010, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Liguori #3. / It was recommended that all future meetings be held in LRC 319. Ms. Mizanty to arrange meeting locations.
Adjournment / There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bev Mizanty
Beverly Mizanty
Administrative Secretary
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences