
Created in 1994, the Employment Equity Scholarship offers four $1500 entrance scholarships to graduating high school students who are: disabled persons; persons of visible minorities; or Aboriginal persons.
The scholarships are tenable at any accredited institution offering post-secondary education.
The scholarships are renewable for a maximum of four years of study (depending on the length of study) leading to a certificate, diploma or degree.


Applicants must be either disabled persons, persons of visible minority (*), or Aboriginal persons.

Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, and a permanent resident of Nova Scotia for at least three years, two years of which are immediately prior to high school graduation.

Applicants must be graduating or have graduated from a Nova Scotia high school and entering their first year of post-secondary education within 15 months of their high school graduation.

This scholarship will not be awarded in conjunction with any other Nova Scotia Power Inc. scholarship and will not be awarded for the pursuit of Graduate studies.

(*Visible Minorities in Canada are defined under the Employment Equity Act as: “persons other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in color. This consists of Chinese, Asians (South, West and Southeast), Blacks, Arabs, Filipinos, Latin Americans, Koreans and Pacific Islanders.”)

Application Requirements

  1. Nova Scotia Power Employment Equity Scholarship application form
  2. Resume
  3. Essay
  4. High school transcript (grade 10-12, including fall semester marks)

A selection committee, made up of Nova Scotia Employees, will review the applications and make their decisions on the following basis: a solid academic record (minimum 80%), leadership and service to the community, involvement in extra-curricular activities and the written essay portion of the application form.

Forward Completed Applications To

Nova Scotia Power Employment Equity Scholarship Committee

c/o Human Resources

1223 Lower Water Street, Halifax

Nova Scotia, B3J 3S8

Deadline for submission of applications is March 27, 2015

For more details on this and other scholarships offered by Nova Scotia Power, please visit our website at

2015 NSPI Employment Equity Scholarship Application


1.Please type or print clearly
2.Return completed application and all related documents as outlined on the application checklist on page two.
  1. Deadline for Application submission is March 27, 2015
  2. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

Please direct all questions to Human Resources at


Applicant name (surname)Given name(s) / E-mail Address:
Home address / Telephone Number
City/TownProvince / Postal Code
How long have you been a resident of Nova Scotia? /

Gender M

/ F
Are you an aboriginal person? If Yes, specify:
No Yes
Do you have a physical or mental disability? If Yes, specify:
No Yes
Are you a member of a visible minority group? If Yes, specify:
No Yes
*Please note: You must have answered “Yes” to at least one of the above three questions and completed the specifications in order to qualify for this scholarship.


Which High School do/did you attend?
Name of certificate, diploma, degree or trade you plan to enrol in:
Name of academic institution you plan to attend: / Have you been accepted?
/ Yes No

I certify that I have carefully read the foregoing Application and that the statements made by me therein are correct.

Certified by Applicant / yy / mm / dd / Evaluated by School Official / yy / mm / dd
Signature / Signature/Phone No.
Employment Equity Scholarship Application Checklist
(Ensure to include all of the items below before sending in your application)
Please attach a current resume to the application. Your resume should include all summer and/or part-time jobs as well as volunteer activities and sports/recreation/extra-curricular activities you have been involved with during high school.
Typewritten essays preferred although clear hand-written essays will also be accepted.
This is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the Selection Committee. Write a brief essay that will help us get to know the person behind the application form. Your essay should include educational and career goals, non-academic attributes, and what receipt of the scholarship would mean to you.
Attach a minimum of one reference letter to the application. You may submit up to three letters, however at least one reference is to be completed by applicant's Teacher, Guidance Counsellor, Vice-Principal or Principal.
Attach at least one reference letter to this application form
Your transcript must include your grade 10-12 marks

Please submit completed applications t:

Nova Scotia Power Employment Equity Scholarship Committee

c/o Human Resources

1223 Lower Water Street, Halifax

Nova Scotia, B3J 3S8

Deadline for Application submission is March 27, 2015

Internal Use Only - Date Received:1