The Parish Council meeting held at Harby Valley Christian Centre on Monday 18th February 2002.
Prior to the opening of the meeting, Sheila Munnoch, Rural Issues Officer for the Council for Voluntary Service for Melton Borough, gave a brief presentation to the Parish Council.
01/160 Councillors Present:- Cllr D Isam in the Chair, Cllr A Dames, Cllr A Jackson, Cllr A Judge, Cllr J Lewin, Cllr E Pearce & Cllr W Seddon. No Local Government Electors were present. The Chairman welcomed Cllrs and the meeting was opened at 7.25 p.m..
01/161 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Mackley.
01/162 MINUTES OF THE MEETING The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on
21st January 2002 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 17th January 2002 were considered for accuracy. It was agreed that the minutes represented a true record of the meetings and they were duly signed (Prop: Cllr Jackson).
01/163a Planning Decisions
Permission granted
i Miss C R Smith 01/00887/FUL (1 Coronation Ave, L. Clawson)
Proposed ground floor extension for additional bedroom, utility room & sun lounge.
ii Long Clawson Dairy Ltd 01/00807/FUL (West End, Long Clawson)
Proposed extension to existing cold store.
iii Long Clawson Dairy Ltd 01/00809/FUL (West End, Long Clawson)
Proposed vat room and associated areas with staff restaurant, quality control and research & development facilities.
Permission refused
i Mr B J Craig 01/00767/FUL (Langar Lane, Harby)
Proposal to demolish buildings and erect two new buildings for the public exhibition, demonstration and competition of vintage tractors and implements with on-site accommodation (mobile home) for security and reception.
01/163b Appeals lodged/Inspector's decisions
No notices of Appeals lodged/Inspector’s decisions had been received this month.
Cllr Dames declared an interest in the following planning applications as Borough Councillor reserving the right to comment at this stage and alter her comment should further information relating to these applications be received between this Parish Council meeting and the Borough Council Planning Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.30 p.m. to allow Councillors to view and discuss the plans tabled and re-opened at 7.40 p.m...
01/163c Planning Applications
i Mr B Petchell 01/00859/FUL (The Green, Hose)
Amended plans re proposed erection of a terrace of 3 cottage-style dwellings. These had been circulated to Hose Cllrs and a response of no objection sent prior to this meeting.
ii Mr J Howden 01/00879/FUL (3 & 5 Middle Street, Hose)
Amended plans re proposed reinstatement of No. 3 from disused shop to dwelling, and renovation of No. 5, both to include extensions to rear. These had been circulated to Hose Cllrs and a response of no objection sent prior to this meeting.
iii Mr J R Wheatley 02/00050/FUL (7 Boyer’s Orchard, Harby)
Proposed two-storey extension. There were no objections to this application.
iv Mr P W Metcalfe 02/00056/FUL (14 Pinfold Lane, Harby)
Proposed domestic extension. There were no objections to this application but Planning officers should note that the extension appears to obstruct entry to half of the double garage.
Cllr Dames declared an interest in the next item and left the meeting at this point.
v Mr J F & Mrs A M Dames 02/00080/FUL (23B Green Lane, Harby)
Proposed demolition of existing porch & extend to form porch/study. There were no objections to this application.
Cllr Dames rejoined the meeting at this point.
vi Mr I Beale 02/00129/FUL (23 The Sands, Long Clawson)
Proposed two-storey rear extension. There were no objections to this application.
01/163d Planning Correspondence Detailed in the Clerk's Report & tabled.
i A E Pears & Sons A copy letter addressed to J D Wilson, the developer currently concerned with Brunts Farm, Long Clawson, had been received by the Clerk. The Clerk updated Cllrs re the security problem at the slaughter-house due to a retaining wall and fence not being replaced. Cllr Dames also reported on the current situation. It was agreed to include this item again on next month’s Agenda. Further to concerns noted by the Parish Council, the Clerk will clarify how the fields behind Brunt’s Farm will be accessed.
01/164a-e Acceptance of Section 4a-e of the Clerk's Report It was agreed to accept Section 4a-e of the Clerk's Report (Prop: Cllr Dames) subject to the following items:-
i Code of Conduct (01/144, etc.) All Cllrs present signed the declarations of acceptance of the code of conduct and these were duly signed by the Clerk. Forms for registration of interests and gifts of hospitality were collected by the Clerk. The Clerk will forward all relevant documentation to the monitoring officer at Melton Borough Council and ensure that the acceptance of the local code of conduct by the Parish Council is advertised as necessary.
ii Kerbing, Boyer’s Orchard, Harby (01/151) The Clerk read the response from LCC indicating that no further work is intended at this location in the near future. The Clerk will copy this response to Mr Weston.
iii Pot-holes, Canal Lane, Hose (01/127c ii) Hose Cllrs reported that the repair work has not been performed. The Clerk will contact Mr Over, LCC, and stress the urgency of this maintenance.
iv Footpath, Preston’s Yard, Hose (01/146) The tarmac is in a poor state of repair along this footpath. The Clerk will contact LCC.
v Surface water from Old Churchyard, Hose (01/137a i, etc.) The Clerk reported following an earlier meeting held with Nick Riches, MBC Engineering Services, Mr A Thurley of Hose, Cllr Mackley, Cllr Isam and Cllr Jackson. Mr N Hodges, Hose P.C.C., had given his apologies due to illness. The Clerk is to contact Drain Scan to request investigative works to the drains by the Old Churchyard, Hose. MBC will contact the utilities to request service information for this area. It was agreed that the costs of this investigative work will be split 50/50 between the Parish Council & MBC, to the maximum Parish Council spend agreed at the previous meeting.
vi Land in Harby (01/137a vi, etc.) The Clerk reported following a meeting held with Mr Hopkinson, Berrys. Cllrs were informed that a public meeting has been provisionally booked for 21st March 2002. The Clerk is in contact with Mr Dodds re drawings and costings.
vii Street lighting (01/137a vii, etc.) Letters received relating to the proposed installation of additional street lights in Harby were read to Cllrs, there being letters of objection and those in support. The Clerk will respond to the letters requiring a response. It was agreed to postpone the installation of a light on the footpath between Watson’s Lane & Main Street. A letter will be sent to Mr & Mrs Dane to request that trees, etc. overhanging Greg’s Lane be cut back in order to reassess the lighting requirements following this. A survey had been performed by ABB at Hose as requested. The Clerk will consult with residents and report back at the next meeting. The ownership of this footpath was queried. Cllr Dames reported a further dark spot in Harby at the end of Red Causeway.
viii L.C. Recreation Ground – Planning Application (01/127c iv) The Clerk reported that, since the Parish Council has no financial interest in the land in question, the Parish Council is unable to make the planning application on the Committee’s behalf. The Clerk has written to the Committee to make them aware of this.
ix Web pages relating to the Parish (01/126a x, etc.) Cllr Jackson suggested that the Parish Council should be included on the main menu of the Long Clawson web-site and the Clerk will discuss this with Martyn Turner. The Clerk reported that the new computer is installed and the Parish Council now has its own e-mail address.
01/164f Reports from Councillors/Clerk
i LCC Report Mr B Rhodes CC was not present to report.
ii LRAPLC Melton Branch Meeting The Clerk & Cllr Dames attended and reported on items of interest, particularly the presentation on Melton Online given by Mr K Aubrey, MBC. The Clerk will write to Mr Aubrey expressing this Parish Council’s interest in having its own web-site.
01/165a Correspondence Tabled for Information Detailed in the Clerk's Report and tabled.
01/165b Correspondence for Discussion
i KPMG The Clerk reported that notification of the external auditor’s intention to resign had been received and that the Audit Commission should contact the Parish Council in March 2002 with an update.
ii British Waterways Grantham Canal Strategy The Clerk will invite Mr Harvey to the next Parish Council meeting and ensure his attendance is advertised.
iii Local Government Commission for England
Periodic Electoral Review of Melton Borough Council: Draft Recommendation
It was agreed that the Clerk should respond on the Parish Council’s behalf in support of the recommendations for this Parish. The Parish Council should be receiving correspondence from MBC relating to this and the Clerk will respond to the Commission in support of MBC’s recommendations, as agreed by Cllrs.
iv Leicestershire Footpaths Association It was agreed that the subscription of £4.50 should be paid.
v Leicestershire Rural Partnership – Community Consultation Seminar 21st March 2001 This seminar is to be held on the same evening as provisionally booked for the public meeting in Harby. If this meeting is cancelled the Clerk will check whether a place is still available at the seminar.
01/165c Other Urgent Correspondence
i MBC Charity Dinner Dance To be held on 2nd March 2002.
ii Mental Health is a Community Issue Open forum to be held at the MBC Chambers on 8th March 2002.
01/166 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT The following payments were agreed and signed:-
01/166a H M Liggins (1189) £ 395.35 Salary & expenses
01/166b Powergen Energy Plc (1190) £ 1033.39 Street lighting – energy
01/166c Harby Valley Christian Centre (1191) £ 8.00 Hall hire – Feb 2002
01/166d S R Pickering (1192) £ 495.00 New computer
01/166e Leicestershire Footpaths Association (1193) £ 4.50 Subscription 2002
01/166f B Draper (1194) £ 97.50 Salary & expenses
01/167 Clerk’s Contract of Employment The Clerk distributed a copy of the draft contract of employment to each Cllr, requesting that any queries or amendments required be noted prior to the next meeting.
01/168 Street light maintenance Required on Main Street, Harby. The Clerk will contact ABB.
01/169 Local Council Review Cllr Dames suggested that each Cllr receives a copy this year. The Clerk will ensure that the renewal is on next month’s Agenda for the expenditure to be authorised prior to placing the order.
01/170 Verge re-instatement To be included on next month’s Agenda when Cllrs should notify the Clerk of any re-instatement required in the villages.
01/171 Litter, The City, Long Clawson Cllrs reported that litter has been a problem on this area particularly. The Clerk will contact Mr Draper.
01/172 Green Lane, Hose It was reported that this lane is in a poor state at present. The Clerk will contact Mrs Notman, LCC, to request a site visit. It was agreed that the idea of a partnership may be a worthwhile consideration should work be required at this location.
The Chairman thanked Cllrs for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.30 p.m..
CHAIRMAN …………………..
DATE ………………….