ENGLISH 096 Mrs. Bross

Classification/Division Essay Spring 2009


As we learned in Chapter 20, almost everything can be classified and categorized. For this essay, you are to write a 2-page essay that draws a conclusion about a group of things by splitting the group into categories. Assume that your audience is familiar with the items but is not familiar with your categories.

Be sure that your thesis makes a specific claim about the categories to show why they are important.

« Here is a weak thesis: Action films fall into three different categories.

« Here is a better thesis: Action films fall into three different categories: ones that feature the crooks as heroes, ones that depict law enforcers as heroes, and ones that feature everyday people caught up in crazy and violent events.

« Here is a strong thesis: Even though avid movie-goers anxiously await the next new action film to come to the big screen, most action flicks are predictable and can be sifted into three groups according to the main characters: ones that feature the crooks as heroes, ones that depict law enforcers as heroes, and ones that feature everyday people caught up in crazy and violent events.

In the strong thesis, the author has made specific categories (and organizing principle) known and explained why the categories are important: a new movie doesn’t mean originality. From this thesis we can forecast the content of the paper or predict what the supporting paragraphs will be about.

Potential Topics:

« Select at least five bands, musicians, hip-hop artists etc. that perform a similar type of music. Classify and divide them based on one of the following: their sound, audience, style, talent, or attitude.

« Select at least five TV shows of the same type (cartoon, sitcom, etc.). Classify and divide them based on one of the following: their characters, time slot, or age appropriateness.

« Categorize salespeople or servers according to their effectiveness.

« Categorize toys from your childhood according to either level of fun or sentimental value.

« Choose a topic of your own, but run it past me first! You can e-mail or let me know in person, but do so before the prewriting is due.

Due Dates:

Prewriting Thurs. March 19
Rough Draft Tues. March 24

Final Draft Thurs. March 26

Extra Details:

« Don’t forget to use MLA format.

« This paper should be at least five paragraphs long, and it should cover three distinct sections of a group. Each of your body paragraphs should consist of a description of each of the classes you have formed.

« Concentrate on keeping the purpose of the paper at the forefront. It is good to draw distinctions between the groups, but it’s best to make those distinctions applicable to the reader in a valuable way.

« With your final copy, turn in all your prewriting, rough draft, peer reviews, and goal sheet and attach your rubric to the top.

ENG 096 Name of Writer: ____________________________

Peer Review #1 - Completed for _________________________

Peer Review #2 - Completed for ________________________

Classification and Division Rubric (Essay is worth 15% of final grade):

PREWRITING COMPLETED BY 3/19: ___________ (10 completion points)

COMPLETED ROUGH DRAFT BY 3/24: ___________ (10 completion points)

CONTENT 30 ________

Explicit thesis statement that presents the topic, basis for classification, and categories

A concise conclusion that unites the essay and conveys its importance

Strong, vivid language that conveys the thesis and main points

Details and evidence are logical and adequately supported

Clear topic sentences for each paragraph

ORGANIZATION 20 ________

Transitions between paragraphs are fluid and succinct

Ideas and key points are presented in a logical fashion

Transitions within the paragraphs are clear

STYLE 20 ________

A formal and respectful tone directed toward the intended audience

Strong, active verbs and vivid adjectives

Introduction grabs reader’s attention

Crisp, precise diction (word choice)

Varied sentence length and type

Avoid slang/clichés


Grammatical mistakes do not distract the reader/confuse the author’s meaning

Verbs/Subjects agree as well as pronouns and antecedents

Proper format (followed directions for MLA)

No run-ons, fragments, or comma splices

Consistent verb tense

Correct punctuation

TOTAL 100 ________
