City of Ranier, Koochiching County, Minnesota

August 17th , 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

A regular meeting of the Ranier City Council was held at 6:30 p.m. in the Ranier Community Building.

Members present: Mayor Ed Oerichbauer. Trustees: John Walls, Brenda Bauer, Fred Woods and City Clerk: Kim Nuthak

Members absent: Trustee Klocek

Ranier employees: None

Others in attendance: Katie Hall from The Daily Journal, Arden Barnes, Marjorie Brenning

Mayor Ed Oerichbauer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Woods and carried to approve August 17th, 2009 agenda with the addition of the hiring of a temporary cleaning person and an update of the annexation public hearing.

Motion by Trustee Woods, second by Trustee Walls and carried to approve the minutes from the previous regular council meeting and Special Council meeting.

Liquor Store Business

The Council reviewed the Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement for the month of July 2009 with a monthly profit of $8,734.14 and a year to date profit of $27,281.10.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Walls and carried to approve July 2009 Ranier Municipal Liquor Store operating statement with a profit of $8,734.14.

No Liquor Store Manager’s Report.

Budget Committee Business

Motion by Trustee Woods, second by Trustee Bauer and carried to set the 2010 budget for the City of Ranier at $176,954.00.

Motion by Trustee Woods, second by Trustee Walls and carried to pass a resolution setting the 2010 tax levy for the City of Ranier at $30,850.00 and said resolution is attached hereto and a part thereof.

Clerk Nuthak explained there will be a preliminary public hearing on September 11th, 2009 @ 9:00 a.m. for the Orderly Annexation. This hearing is to comply with the timeframe expected from the State and an additional hearing will follow once a judge is assigned and a date is scheduled.

After review of the list of bills for the month of July 2009 the following motion was made.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Woods and carried to approve the payment of the bills as presented.

Water $ 25,060.17

General $ 9,546.41

Rec Club $ 0.00

Liquor $ 26,913.44

Total $ 61,520.02


Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Walls and carried to approve Maintenance Teddy Pearson and Clerk Nuthak review all Building permits prior to Council review.

Clerk Nuthak addressed the council regarding the application for the building permit from Kirk Skallman and Georgia Growette. Ms. Nuthak explained the construction will be at least ten feet from Crescent Ave and thirty five feet from the alley. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Walls and carried to approve the building permit for Kirk Skallman and Georgia Growette to construct a 32 x 24 foot garage on his property located at 3461 River Street, Ranier.

Mayor Oerichbauer explained the fence project to be constructed by Seven Oaks Landing and the removal of the barricades. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Trustee Woods, second by Trustee Bauer and carried to approve the

purchase of cedar posts for a fence by Seven Oaks Landing in the amount of $135.00

Ranier resident Marjorie Brenning questioned the council if the road in front of her house would be repaired. Mayor Oerichbauer explained there would not be any more repairs this year however the holes could be filled in.

Regarding the estimate from Sjoblom Lanscaping to plant twelve trees in the park, Trustee Walls stated he would rather plant six of the Northwood Maple instead of the Silver Queen Maple. Ranier Residents Arden Barnes and Marjorie Brenning agreed with Mr. Walls. Marjorie Brenning suggested the council allow the public to purchase trees in Ranier Park for memorials. The Council agreed with Ms. Brenning and thought it would be a good idea. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Trustee Walls, second by Trustee Bauer and carried to allow Sjoblom Landscaping to plant twelve trees at the Ranier Park including six Northwood Maples excluding the Silver Queen Maple trees in the amount of $1025.87.

Due to the unexpected illness of the cleaning person for the Liquor Store and the Community Building, Manager Cole requested to hire Brenda Vedaa as a temporary person to clean the Liquor Store. Clerk Nuthak also agreed with the recommendation. After discussion, the following motion was made.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Walls and carried to approve the

Hiring of Brenda Vedaa as the cleaning person for the Ranier Liquor Store on a temporary basis until the regular cleaning person is able to return to work.

Trustee Bauer questioned recent digging activity at the residence of Percy Blair. Clerk Nuthak will have maintenance Teddy Pearson check into.

Trustee Woods asked if Ranier had any old tables from the hall. Marjorie Brenning recalled they were all sold and she bought one of them.

Arden Barnes requested Teddy Pearson be given the authority to require the overnite campers leave city property since there is no overnite camping allowed. Mayor Oerichbauer stated Maintenance Teddy Pearson is not a policeman, he is a maintenance man. The committee will discuss signage stating “No Overnite Parking” at the next committee meeting in September.

Motion by Trustee Bauer, second by Trustee Woods and carried to adjourn the regular council meeting at 6:56 p.m.

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Mayor Oerichbauer Date

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City Clerk Nuthak Date