City Council Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2017

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I.  Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Approval of Agenda: Mayor McComber called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Dougherty, Liljegren, Runk, and Swenson. Staff present: City Administrator Johnson, City Attorney Vierling, Public Works Director Kegley, City Planner Richards, and City Engineer Mann. Absent: None.

Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 5-0.

II.  Council/Staff Reports:

A.  Mayor McComber: She reported the St. Croix River Crossing Ribbon Cutting event was held August 2; she attended the reunion of stakeholders the night before the ribbon cutting; she attended the Metro Cities Transportation Committee meeting on August 21 and the Local Economies meeting on August 22; and she would be attending the NLC meeting on August 25. McComber also stated she had been receiving calls from residents concerned about trash and dog waste on the new bridge.

B.  Councilmember Dougherty: He attended the Planning Commission meeting on August 17.

C.  Councilmember Liljegren: He thanked Rob Gag and Tierney Brothers for the donation of the banners to the City of Oak Park Heights. He reported that the Parks Commission meeting for August 21 was cancelled, and he had received calls about the Stillwater Area High School facilities and he suggested they contact the school district and follow up with him.

D.  Councilmember Runk: He reported that the CVB meeting was cancelled, and the Middle St. Croix Watershed Management Organization meeting was cancelled.

E.  Councilmember Swenson: He thanked the Public Works Department for well-maintained parks, trails, and disc golf course.

F.  Staff: City Clerk Pinski reported that Jeanne Nelson of 5720 Newberry Circle North and Gail Thompson of 14818 58th Street North #8C were chosen as the recycling award winners for the month of August.

III.  Visitors/Public Comment: None

IV. Consent Agenda:

A.  Approve Bills & Investments

B.  Approve City Council Minutes – July 25, 2017

C.  Approve City Council Worksession Notes – July 25, 2017

Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.

V.  Public Hearings: None

VI.  Old Business: None

VII. New Business:

  1. Park and Planning Commission Attendance at Council Meetings: Mayor McComber suggested reviewing the representative requirement that Parks Commission and Planning Commission members attend City Council meetings, and rather encourage them to attend if they wish. Jim Kremer, Planning Commission Chair was present at the meeting and suggested it was nice to remind members that they should attend but not that it be mandated. No action was taken.
  1. Stillwater Area High School Carnival and Ribbon Cutting: Mayor McComber asked the City Council if they would like to consider making a sponsorship donation. City Attorney Vierling reported that technically a city cannot make donations. Mayor McComber stated she would email the school district back to notify them the City would not be participating monetarily. No action was taken.
  1. Study of the Southwest Frontage Road at TH 36 and Osgood: Councilmember McComber suggested staff correspond with MNDOT for a study. She noted there were HPP funds available. Councilmember Runk disagreed and thought they may want to have the City take over the frontage road. Councilmember Dougherty felt the area did need to be studied and suggested staff send a letter asking Washington County to do the study. Councilmember Liljegren suggested making sure the County knows the City was not interested in taking over the south frontage road.

Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to direct staff to send a letter of support and/or interest to Washington County making them aware of the funds and that the City encouraged them to make the application and complete the study. Carried 5-0.

  1. Recognize those who Contributed to the Dedication of the St. Croix Crossing: Mayor McComber thanked various businesses and organizations. Councilmember Swenson requested action on the next City Council Agenda recognizing Terry Zoller. No action was taken.
  1. Letter to County Administrator Molly O’Rourke and County Commissioners for Possible Review of a Double Left Turn Lane at TH 36 and Northbound Osgood: Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to authorize a letter to be drafted to the County and the State requesting a traffic study for a possible double left turn lane at 36 and northbound Osgood. Carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Purchase Agreement – Memorial Ave Property: Councilmember Dougherty, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the sale of the property. Carried 5-0.
  1. Approve Appointments to Planning Commission: City Administrator Johnson reported that the Planning Commission interviewed five residents for the Planning Commission vacancies, and the Planning Commission recommended appointment of Jennifer Giovinazzo and Jennifer Van Dyke through May 31, 2019.

Councilmember Dougherty, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to accept the applicants for the Planning Commission. Carried 5-0.

VIII.  Other Council Items or Announcements: Councilmember Swenson reported the City was still looking for a Citizen Representative for the Cable Commission and that it was a paid position. He requested staff put the advertisement in the City Newsletter.

IX.  Closed Session

  1. City Administrator Annual Performance Review: City Attorney Vierling reported that the City Council would be going into a closed session as authorized under Minnesota Statute 13.d.05(3) for the annual review of the City Administrator. He stated the closed session would be recorded, and the recording would be kept for a period of two years as required by statute. Councilmember Liljegren, seconded by Councilmember Swenson, moved to close the meeting at 6:31 p.m. Carried 5-0.

Mayor McComber recalled the open meeting at 6:44 p.m. City Attorney Vierling reported that the City Council reviewed the summary results of the annual review and no action was taken in the closed session.

X.  Adjourn: Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted, Approved as to Content and Form,

Jennifer Pinski Mary McComber

City Clerk Mayor