- Food in Your Life
- Nutrients (letters E through I)
- Substances in food that your body needs to function properly to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.
- Nutrients in food affect all sides of your health triangle
- Eating habits stem from both a physical need and psychological sire for food.
- Your Body’s Physical Need for Food
- Most basic reason for eating is physical.
- Hunger
- Natural drive that protects your from starvation.
- Your Mind’s Desire for Food
- Appetite
- Desire, rather than a need, to eat.
- Learned
- Shaped by environment and your emotions
- Your Environment
- Culture
- Family and Friends
- Advertising
- Time and Money
- Your Emotions
- Nothing else to do
- Stressed
- Frustrated
- Depressed
- Carbohydrates
- Made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
- Body’s source of energy
- Four calories per gram
- 55 to 65 percent of your daily calories come from carbs
- Two classifications
- Simple (sugars – fruits, vegetables, and milk)
- Complex (starches – chemically more complex – rice, grains, seeds, nuts and legumes)
- Role of Carbohydrates
- Converts carbs into glucose
- Glucose not used is turned into glycogen and is stored in adipose tissue
- Fiber
- Found in tough, stringy part of vegetables, fruits, and grains
- Special form of complex carbohydrate
- Prevents constipation, appendicitis, and other intestinal problems
- Reduce risk of some cancers and heart disease and helps control diabetes.
- Proteins
- Muscle, bone, connective tissue, teeth, skin, blood, and vital organs all contain protein.
- Four calories per gram
- Excess protein converted to fat for storage
- Made of chains of building blocks called amino acids
- 20 total – 9 essential
- body makes up all but nine, which we get from food
- Types
- Complete – contain all the essentials (fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, and many soybean products)
- Incomplete – lack some of the essentials (derived from seeds of plants: legumes, nuts, whole grains, and the seeds themselves)
- Role of proteins
- Build new tissue during important growing parts of life
- New replace old throughout whole entire life
- Regulates many body processes
- Fats
1. Body needs fat
2. Form of energy
3. Type of lipid
4. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.
5. Made of fatty acids
- Types
- Saturated – fatty acid holds all the hydrogen atoms it can (animal fats and tropical fats)
- Unsaturated – missing one or more pairs of hydrogen atoms (olive, canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed oils)
- Role of Fats
- Nine calories per gram
- Carry vitamins A, D, E, and K into blood and serve as a source of linoleic acid
- Add flavor
- Satisfy hunger since it takes longer to digest
- Surrounds and cushions vital organs
- Cholesterol
- Instrumental in production of sex hormones, vitamin D, and protective sheath around nerve fibers.
- Vitamins
- Needed in small amounts
- Do not supply calories
- Speed up reactions that produce energy in body cells
- Types
- Water-Soluble – pass easily into bloodstream in process of digestion
- Fat –Soluble – absorbed and transported by fat
- Minerals
- Each mineral has its own unique function in health
- Body requires larger amounts of some minerals than others.
- trace minerals (iron, iodine, copper, and other)
- Calcium
- structure to bones
- develop and maintain bone strength
- aids in muscle contraction and blood clotting
- Sodium, chloride, and potassium
- known as electrolytes
- maintain and balance of fluid within body cells
- Water
- greatest percentage of body
- regulator and vital to every body function
- carries nutrients to and transport wastes from cells
- lubricates joints and mucus membranes
- helps body cool down
- body uses 10 cups per day
- recommended to drink 6 – 8 cups a day
- fruits, vegetables, and milk products contain about 75% water
- Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Eat a Variety of Foods – No single food provides all of the nutrients your body needs in the right amounts
- the Food Guide Pyramid
- categorizes foods into five food groups, indicating a range of servings for each that a person is advised to eat daily
- specific nutritional needs vary depending on age, gender, physical condition, body size, and activity level
- balance foods you eat with physical activity
- Balance the amount of energy in food with the amount of energy your body uses
- Be aware that controlling body fat is more important to health than controlling body weight
- Keep in mind that all calories add up in the same way, no matter what their source
- Choose Plenty of Grain Products, Vegetables, and Fruits
- excellent source of complex carbs and fiber
- low in fats and calories
- provide essential vitamins and minerals
- decrease risk of heart disease, obesity, and some cancers
- Choose an Eating Style Low in Fat, Saturated Fat, and Cholesterol
- about 34 % of the calories in the average American diet (30% recommended)
- high fat intake linked to obesity, some cancers, increased cholesterol levels, and risk factor for heart disease
- Choose an Eating Style Moderate in Sugars
- Choose an Eating Style Moderate in Salt and Sodium
- Body’s essential mineral
- Transport nutrients into cells
- Moves waste out
- Maintain normal blood pressure and nerve function
- Amount advised: 2400 mg
- Healthful Eating Patterns
- Breakfast
- most important meal
- body needs to be recharged
- linked with better mental and physical performance in late morning
- react faster
- less muscle fatigue
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Being a Smart Food Consumer
- Nutrition Labels
- serving size
- servings per container
- calories per serving and calories per serving from fat
- grams of total fat, saturated fat, total carbohydrate, fiber, sugars, protein, and milligrams of cholesterol and sodium per serving
- percentage of Daily Value
- Ingredients List
- all must have a list
- listed by weight in descending order
- greatest amount is listed first
- food additives
- sugars and fat substitutes
- Food Product Label Claims
- Healthy
- Light
- Less
- –free
- Fresh
- Natural
- Open Dating
- expiration date
- freshness date
- pack date
- sell date
- Shelf Labeling
- unit pricing