Parks Commission Minutes

April 18, 2016

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I. Call to Order: Chair Bye called the meeting to order. Present: Vice Chair Weyer, Commissioners Johnson and Norton, City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Danielson, and Commission-Liaison McComber. Absent: None.

II. Approval of Agenda: Vice Chair Weyer, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 4-0.

III. Approve Parks Commission Minutes – March 21, 2016: Commissioner Norton, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Minutes. Carried 4-0.

IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:

A. Arborist: Arborist Danielson reported that the spring 2016 boulevard tree planting was set to begin at the end of April, and residents were mailed a letter with details about the planting and new tree care tips. She also reported the Minnesota DNR raised the oak wilt risk to high, so it was important not to prune oaks from the beginning of April through the end of July.

B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported the City received enough applications to fill the summer park attendant positions. He also reported that the staff was working on getting the park shelters ready for opening, and they may be open before Memorial Day weekend. Kegley also reported he would be meeting with a representative from an asphalt sealing company to discuss the best approach to sealing the rest of the trail system.

C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission-Liaison McComber reported that the Spring Clean-up event was set for Saturday, May 7 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

V. Visitors/Public Comment: None

VI. Public Hearings: None

VII. New Business:

A. Parks Commission Vacancy: Commissioner Norton, seconded by Chair Bye, moved to approve Judith Chirhart. Carried 3-1, Vice Chair Weyer opposed.

B. Park Fencing: Commissioner Norton, seconded by Vice Chair Weyer, moved to approve an RFP for park fencing. Carried 4-0.

C. 2016 Arbor Day Ceremonial Tree Planting: Arborist Danielson reported that a requirement for the Tree City USA award was to have a ceremonial tree planting. She requested a date for the planting at Valley View Park.

Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to set the tree planting for 5:45 p.m. on May 16. Carried 4-0.

VIII. Old Business:

A. Oak Park Crossing Park Trail Bid Results: City Administrator Johnson reported that the City received five bids. He requested the Parks Commission make a recommendation on the size of the concrete pad. The commissioners discussed that the idea was to have a smaller slab so gatherings there felt more intimate.

Vice Chair Weyer, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to recommend the base bid and alternative 1 awarded to the low bidder. Carried 4-0.

B. Capital Improvements Discussion: Chair Bye stated that City Administrator Johnson was going to compile numbers to get a list of what each commissioner felt were the important items to get a good estimate.

Commissioner Norton, seconded by Chair Bye, moved to discuss the prioritization of the capital improvements after the City Administrator had compiled all the lists. Carried 4-0.

IX. Informational:

A. Next Meeting: Monday, May 16, 2016 with a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. and the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.

B. Ceremonial Tree Planting Date: Monday, May 16 at 5:45 p.m. at Valley View Park

C. Council Representative: Tuesday, April 26 – Commissioner Norton

X. Adjournment:

Vice Chair Weyer, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to adjourn. Carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Pinski

City Clerk