Holy Trinity

Church of England Primary School

Prospectus 2012/13

Longlands Close

Crossbrook Street

Waltham Cross



Telephone: 01992 623467

Fax: 01992 641644


Website: www.holytrinity.herts.sch.uk

Headteacher: Miss S. Chaloner

(Please note that information contained in this publication are correct at the time of going to print however changes during the year may occur.)
Ethos and Aims of Holy Trinity CE School.

At Holy Trinity School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun.

Our motto is:

Alta Pete – Aim High

The primary aim of the school is to help each pupil reach his or her full potential so that they may develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to take full advantage of the opportunities available in their future lives.

We achieve this by:

·  fostering the values, attributes and lifestyles that a Christian faith demands in the family, among friends, in the school and in the wider community.

·  creating an environment for staff and pupils that is happy stimulating and supportive in which core values and beliefs of high expectations can flourish

·  providing an appropriate balanced education designed to help each pupil reach their potential.

·  ensuring that all staff have access to development opportunities in keeping with the needs of the school and individuals’ expertise to enhance the educational opportunities for our children.

·  providing effective management and organisation within the school to give clear guidance for its direction

·  nurture the partnership role between School, Governors, Parents, Christ Church and the wider community for the benefit of the children we are jointly responsible for.

A Brief History of the School.

Trinity School was first established in 1841. First a school room was built for girls and infants next to Trinity Chapel (now Christ Church) in Trinity Lane. .First a school room was built for girls and infants next to Trinity Chapel (now Christ Church) in Trinity Lane. Then a school room for boys was added with teachers' cottages built between the two rooms to separate boys and girls. Boys and girls were not taught together until 1947.

As the number of pupils at the school grew the building was enlarged. By the 1930's it was obvious that the old building needed a lot of improvement to bring it up to modern standards. In 1938 an appeal was launched to raise money for this, and by 1939 it had been decided to demolish the old school and build a new one. The war stopped the building but planning continued.

The school playing fields and allotments were next to the old vicarage (now Longlands close.) This land had been leased from the school by the Theobalds Estate. This was to be the site for the new school. After a great deal of fund raising and effort the new school was finally opened in July 1952. Except for a few minor additions the school has not greatly changed since that time and still has beautiful grounds in which the children can play and learn.

Welcome to Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to our school. As a Church of England Primary School we believe that a strong partnership between pupils, parents, school staff, governors, our church and all members of our community is vital if our pupils are to prosper in all their endeavours. As a school we aim to provide all children with opportunities to encourage them to reach their full potential, both academically and socially. We care very much for every child and actively promote the ‘Every Child Matters’ outcomes for children to be safe, happy, to enjoy and achieve, to achieve economic well-being and make a positive contribution.

Many visitors comment on the special caring ethos of the school and we believe that the quality of relationships within the school environment is central to making it a happy, secure place for the children.

Throughout the time children are with us, we acknowledge and respect individuality, we listen and work with parents and enjoy being part of the local community.

We have high expectations and seek to develop in all our children a strong sense of responsibility for their own behaviour and a respect for the rights of others.

We want every child’s experience of school to be both happy and successful.

Please do make an appointment to visit us during school hours. I look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Miss Sarah Chaloner Headteacher

Welcome from the Chair of Governors on behalf of the Governing Body.

Dear Parents,

It is my pleasure and privilege to introduce our school to you in this prospectus. The brochure has been revised and improved to give you a concise overview of the workings, ethos, goals and aspirations of Holy Trinity CE School.

After over fifty years on it’s current site, the school continues to develop and improve to fit in with the aspirations of the parents, local community and the requirements of the government and the diocese. An excellent team of teaching and non-teaching staff ensure all our pupils thrive in a stimulating, happy and friendly environment.

The governors, many of whom have a direct involvement with Christ Church, supply a sound basis for the management and guidance of the school. Holy Trinity has a tradition of strong support from parents and the local community.

In recent years there has been a good deal of growth in the number of extra-curricular activities and these are expected to continue in the future by way of the breakfast club and after school clubs in line with government policy.

We look forward to welcoming new pupils into the school who we trust we can help to thrive and flourish at Holy Trinity CE School.

Mother Jane Dicker

Chair of Governors

Welcome from our Student Council.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Holy Trinity CE School. Our School Council plays an important part in our school life. We listen to everyone in the school, collecting all ideas and discussing them at our meetings which we have regularly. The children’s views are heard and taken into account in the school.

Each year the children vote in one boy and one girl representative from Year 2 to Year 6. In the first meeting we vote in a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. We have a budget from the school which we can spend on projects which we decide will benefit the school.

Past achievements of the School Council include a friendship stop, a healthy eating policy and adopting a road. The friendship stop; run by year 6 is for children who have a dispute or problem with their peers at playtime. A playground problem-solver helps to sort out the problem helping make our playground a happier place. Our healthy eating policy works by letting children choose to buy a healthy snack or they can bring in a healthy snack for playtimes.

We hope you will like our school, we really do!

The Student Council.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Holy Trinity School. Our Wildlife Wonders committee plays an important part in school and nature. Wildlife Wonders runs for children aged 7 - 11 years but we like to have everyone joining in to help and share our ideas with the whole community. In our meetings we listen to everyone’s opinions and discuss which ideas would be good for the environment, we are trying as hard as we can to make the school more sustainable.

Our past achievements include taking a survey of our school’s waste with environmentalist and sustainability awareness raiser Phil Williams. He has visited us several times and we all enjoy his visit. Hopefully we will see him again soon as he is a true inspiration to us. Another achievement is gaining funding for and purchasing recycling bins for classrooms. In the future we hope to have a rota enabling us to go litter picking on the premises. Hopefully these activities will help us to cut down the waste and help our environment. We managed to gain the Ecoschools Bronze Award as a result of our hard work. We are aiming for the silver next.

We hope you will join us to help save the environment.

The Wildlife Wonders.

Registered charity number 1129861

Hi there

I am going to tell you about the Friends of Holy Trinity. We are a group of parents, teachers, grandparents and friends who regularly get together and organize fundraising events for Holy Trinity C of E School. None of us have specialist training we all use each others strengths and past experiences form our home and working life to make each event a success.

We aim to organize a fundraising event every other month and we try to vary these so that everyone involved with the school and in the local community gets a chance to come and be involved and enjoy whilst fundraising for their local children and school.

We hold at least 2 discos for the children a year, one at Easter and one in the Summer, the children love these as it’s a chance to let their hair down, dress in their favourite outfit and socialise with their friends in a safe and familiar environment. These are always really popular and raise a healthy amount of money.

The one other regular event held is the Summer fayre, this is held outside on the lovely school playing field and we have a selection of fun fare type side shows mixed with inflatables, outside stall holders and an events area where the children get to show off their talents, we also invite outside groups to be involved with the arena events and in the past have had Belly dancers and Shaolin Monks!

Apart form these regular events we have held quiz nights, Indulgence evenings, a children’s fashion show, a Christmas shopping evening and a very successful family Barn dance which included copious amounts of straw!

We always need new people to help organize vents, not only for the hands on stuff but also to assist with new ideas and contacts with other businesses and areas that maybe able to get involved in some way through prize donations or sponsoring an event. If you’re interested in what we do and what either like to find out more or help on a regular or casual basis then please make yourself known to the office and they will give us your details.

Many thanks


School Staff 2009/10

Headteacher / Miss S. Chaloner
Deputy Headteacher / Mrs E. Devally
Class teacher - Reception / Mrs J. Williams/Mrs D. Eddington
Class teacher - Year 1 / Mrs. L. Gardiner
Class teacher - Year 2 / Miss M. Rich
Class teacher - Year 3 / Miss L. Palmer
Class teacher - Year 4 / Miss S. Lynch
Class teacher - Year 5 / Mrs L. Jackson
Class teacher - Year 6 / Mr S. Flores
Teaching Assistants / Mrs A. Stoddard
Mrs R. Knight
Mrs J. Maskall
Mrs T. Davey
Mrs T. Nicholson
Mrs J. Stamenkovic
Mrs C. White
Mrs J. Lynch
Mrs C. Hart
Mrs E. Dave
Mrs D. McConologue
Mrs C. Stickler
Miss Z. Loftus
Learning Mentor / Mrs S. Edwards
Admin Staff / Mrs N. Turner
Mrs J. Lynch
Senior Midday Supervisor
Midday Supervisory Assistants / Mrs S. Green
Mrs J. Dorman
Mrs J. Allen
Ms. L Handley
Mrs J. Turner
Mrs S. Heffernan
Mrs B. Saggs
Mrs J. Stamenkovic
Miss. K. Morley
Caretaker / Mr J. Michalak
Cleaning Staff / Mrs J. Beekmeyer
Mrs L. Ryan
Ms J. Webster
Mrs C. Griffiths
Hertfordshire Catering / Ms. J. Bowden
Mrs B. Hill
Ms J. Webster
Road Crossing Patrol / Mrs M. Sladden

Governing Body

Chair of Governors Mother J. Dicker

Vice Chair of Governors Mr T. Clark

PCC Governors Mr P. Hutchinson

Mrs H. James

Mr M. Smith

Mr L. Isaac

Mrs M. Seibert

LEA Governor

Parent Governors Mrs R. Boswell

Mr M. Ruoff

Staff Governors Miss S. Chaloner

Mrs E. Devally

Mrs T. Nicholson

School Hours

Children come into school at 8.50 am

Morning session 8.50 am - 12pm (Reception, Years 1 and 2)

8.50 am - 12.15 pm (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

Afternoon session 1.10 pm - 3.15 pm Foundation and Key Stage 1 (including 15 minutes break)

1.10 pm - 3.15 pm Key Stage 2

Morning break is from 10.30 - 10.45 am

Children should not arrive at school before 8.40 am.

The hours spent on teaching during a normal school week including religious education, but excluding the statutory daily act of collective worship, registration, lunch and other breaks is -

Age Hours per week

5 - 7 22.05

8 - 11 23.45

Teaching and Learning.

At Holy Trinity School we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be fun. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to be able to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. We believe that appropriate teaching and learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives.

What is learning?

At Holy Trinity we believe that “learning is a unique and personal process through which individuals are able to create knowledge, deepen understanding and so take responsibility for their development.” (NCSL 2008) We believe that people learn best in different ways and work hard to provide a rich and varied curriculum and learning environment that allows children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.