Chili Cook-Off Sign-Up

Friday, October 17, President's Pavilion, 5:00 p.m.

Dear C- 305 Families:

It is time for our Chili Cook-Off. We need to get a head count (both children and adult) of those planning to attend. We also need to coordinate various items needed for our event (e.g., hot dog buns, drinks, etc.). Please take a moment to fill out the sign-up sheet below by choosing two or three of the following items that you would be willing to bring (feel free to list the items in rank order if you have a strong preference!) and return to the class by Friday, October 10, 2008. Once we receive responses from all of the families, we will finalize the items and inform everyone what to bring. The Cook-Off will start after the Punahou v. Iolani football game (3:15 pm start time). Thanks.

Child’s Name: ______

No. Attending: / Adults / Kids
1 / Chili Cook-Off Participant / 8 / Hotdogs/Buns (for 30)
2 / White Rice / 9 / Condiments for Hot Dogs
3 / Brown Rice / 10 / Pupu
4 / Green Salad / 11 / Dessert (for 30)
5 / Fruit Salad/Fruit / 12 / Juice (for 20)
6 / Sourdough Bread (4 loaves) / 13 / Soda (for 24)
7 / Cornbread for 30 persons / 14 / Tents at Football Game