This is a picture of me and my family

My name is ………………………………………………..

All about me

My address …………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………….. Tel No. ………………………………………………………

My Birthday is on ..…………………………………………

I am …………… months and ………………… years old.

My Mum is called …………………………………………………… I call her ……………………………………………………………… My Dad is called ……………………………………………………… I call him ………………………………………………………………

I have a pet …………………………………………………………… Named …………………………………………………………………

I have .…… brothers and …… sisters, their names and ages are

………..……………………………………………………………….. My friends names are .………………………………………………

Draw a picture in here

What Makes Me Special

I’m Special

Ways I show others I care:-

Things I can do really well:-

What people like about me:-

Things I Like

Toys/Games Outside – Park/Trips

Reading/Crafts Food/Drink

Things I Dislike

Food/Drink Noises

Allergies Anything Else

My School

My School

My Teachers

My Favourite Subject

Good Things About School

Snapshot Observations

An initial snapshot observation should be completed within two weeks of a child coming to you. You then have a baseline with which to compare future developments.



Date of Birth: Age: Starting Date:

Home language
Other language
Place in family
Physical description
Physical skills
Advanced in areas of development
Social skills
Toilet trained
Language skills
Delays in areas of development

Observation Report

Observed By:………………………………………
Child’s Name: ……………………………………… / Date: / /
D.O.B. / /
Description of Activity:
What did the child do and learn:
Plans for further development:


My early development learning goals through photographs

Please discuss photo with child and add child’s comments

Date / / I am years and months old

What am I doing in the photograph – children’s thoughts please

What is my next development goal? – children’s words. What would I like to do next?


An example of my artwork

Attach art work in this box (fold to fit)

Description:- Using child’s own words or ask child themselves to write a description.

Date: / / Name of Child: ……………………………………… Age: ……….

Progress Report (birth – 18mths)

Effort Behaviour Ability to dress themselves
Always tries hard Always behaves appropriately Can put coat on / off
Usually tries hard Usually behaves appropriately Can put shoes on / off
Tries sometimes Requires reminders Can put hat on / off
Attitude to others Attitude to Learning Always gets on well with others Always enthusiastic Usually gets on well with others Usually keen to learn Sometimes gets on well with others Sometimes keen to learn
Shows little regard for others Shows little interest in learning
Listening Talking
Reacts to loud noises Babbles
Reacts to music Says small words (ta, hi, mum, dad etc) Turns to look when I speak Knows larger words (ball, book, doll etc)
Fine Manipulative Skills Gross Motor Skills
Can hold rattles for a few moments Can hold head up for few moments
Grabs at things with hands open Rests weight on hands
Can hold onto things they have grabbed Moves arms purposefully
Can pick items up Kicks legs alternatively, will take weight on legs when held
Plays with hands and feet Lifts head and chest up higher whilst resting weight on hands
Leans forward to easily pick up a toy Attempting to walk whilst holding child’s hand
Passes objects from one hand to another Pull themselves up
Able to point to things Sit unaided for long periods
Can pick up small objects Side stepping around furniture etc
Can press buttons on pop up toys Can sit down on low back seats
Can scribble Can manoeuvre large toys
Using bottle Using spoon
Solids Using cup
Lumpy solids Feeding themselves
Finger Foods
Physical Language
Smiling Speaks to adults / other children Rolling over Listens to adults / other children Crawling Responds to adults / other children Sitting Follows instructions

Parents Signature: ……………………………………………….. Date: / /

Date: / / Name of Child: ……………………………………… Age: ……….

Progress Report (18 months plus)

Effort Behaviour Self Awareness
Always tries hard Always behaves appropriately Very aware of needs strengths
Usually tries hard Usually behaves appropriately Usually aware of needs strengths
Tries sometimes Requires reminders Needs help identifying needs strengths
Attitude to self Attitude to others Attitude to Learning Always confident Always gets on well with others Always enthusiastic Usually confident Usually gets on well with others Usually keen to learn Often needs encouraged Sometimes gets on well with others Sometimes keen to learn
Lacks confidence Shows little regard for others Shows little interest in learning
Self Organisation Responsibility Attitude to Healthy Living
Well organised Always responsible Very aware of needs for healthy living
Usually organised Usually responsible Aware of needs for healthy living
Often needs help from others Takes some responsibility Some awareness of needs of healthy living
Always needs help from others Takes little responsibility Little awareness of needs of healthy living
Listening Talking
Always listens effectively Expresses self very well
Mostly attentive Expresses self well
Often requires prompts Has some difficulty expressing self
Inattentive Has great difficulty
Reading Writing
Has very good understanding Writes very well
Shows good understanding Writes well
Shows some understanding Has some difficulty
Shows little understanding Has great difficulty
Controlling Small movement Controlling large movements
Has very good hand eye control Well co-ordinated
Has good hand eye control Co-ordinated
Has some difficulty Has some difficulty
Has poor co-ordination Has poor co-ordination
Colours Shapes Numbers
Knows all basic colours very well Knows basic shapes very well Can count very well (up to ) Knows some basic colours well Knows some basic shapes well Can count well (up to _)
Knows one or two colours well Knows one or two shapes well Requires help to count (up to )
Needs help on colours Needs help on shapes Cannot count yet
Physical Language
Can run Speaks to adults / other children Can hop Listens to adults / other children Can skip Responds to adults / other children Can throw / catch a ball Follows instructions

Parents Signature: ……………………………………………….. Date: / /


Likes Dislikes


Arts & Crafts




Small world/Construction

Outdoor Play

Role Play/Dressing Up


Happy Healthy Snacks

Child’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Any Comments:


Parents Evaluation Form

Name of parent/guardian:

Name of Child:

I hope that you feel you can approach me at anytime to make suggestions on how I can improve or adapt the care I provide your child. However, I think its important that on an annual basis I provide you with an opportunity to give me written feedback. This will help me to reflect on the service I provide, evaluate it and make changes if necessary. I very much appreciate the time you will take to complete this short questionnaire.

1. Are you happy with the format we use to communicate with each other or would you prefer an alternative method?

2. Are you happy with the current routines and activities that we do or would you like any new ones introduced? (Please provide details)

3. Are you happy with the meals/snacks that I provide? Would you like me to introduce any new foods? (Please provide details)

4. Do you have any concerns with your child’s development?

5. Are you happy with the methods I use to manage your child’s behaviour?

6. Are there any other areas that you like/dislike or think I should improve on? (Please provide details)

7. What grade would you give my service? (please circle)

Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Weak Unsatisfactory

Signature of Parent: Date:

Signature of Childminder: Date: