Checklist for the Unit
Please print this checklist and add a check mark on the items you have completed in the unit. This will help you manage your time better. You can check your grades in Moodle once your assignments and assessments have been graded.
_______ Content pages including grammar/structure- Read and review all unit content.
_______ Worksheets “Práctica”-Practice your new content using the worksheets provided.
_______ Vocabulary - Review new vocabulary for the unit.
_______ Online Resources – Visit the web sites provided for additional reinforcement and
practice of unit topics.
_______ Composición – Write a short essay in Spanish. Please carefully read the directions given and submit.
_______ Lectura– Read the comic strip provided and take the related assessment.
_______ Diálogo – Complete your dialogue, practice it, and present it orally.
You have the option of making an audio recording or speaking in Spanish with your teacher in person. This is your oral assessment for the unit.
_______ Evaluación – Take the assessment for the unit online.
· The Unit Assessment includes: vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening sections.
· It will take you about an hour for each assessment. Please start and finish your assessment.
· Your teacher will grade your essay once you have submitted the assessment.
· The grade given at the end of your assessment is not your final grade, your grade can either go up or down depending on the grade you will receive on your essay.
· You can re-take this assessment as many times as you want, until you master the topic for the unit.
!Buena suerte!