Checklist for Assessing Students’ Multiple Intelligences

Check those statements that apply in each intelligence category.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

¾ writes better than average for age

¾ spins tall tales or tells jokes and stories

¾ has a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia

¾ enjoys word games

¾ enjoys reading books

¾ spells words accurately

¾ appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue twisters, etc.

¾ enjoys listening to the spoken word (stories, commentary on the radio, talking books, etc.)

¾ has a good vocabulary for age

¾ communicates to others in a highly verbal way

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

¾ asks a lot of questions about how things work

¾ computes arithmetic problems in his/her head quickly

¾ enjoys math class

¾ finds math computer games interesting

¾ enjoys playing chess, checkers, or other strategy games

¾ enjoys working on logic puzzles or brainteasers

¾ enjoys putting things in categories or hierarchies

¾ likes to experiment in a way that shows higher order cognitive thinking processes

¾ thinks on a more abstract or conceptual level than peers

¾ has a good sense of cause-effect for age

Visual/Spatial Intelligence

¾ reports clear visual images

¾ reads maps, charts, and diagrams more easily than text

¾ daydreams more than peers

¾ enjoys art activities

¾ draws figures that are advanced for age

¾ likes to view movies, slides, or other visual presentations

¾ enjoys doing puzzles, mazes, “Where’s Waldo?” or similar visual activities

¾ builds interesting three-dimensional constructions for age (e.g. LEGO)

¾ gets more out of pictures than words while reading

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

¾ excels in one or more sports

¾ moves, twitches, taps, or fidgets while seated for a long time in one spot

¾ cleverly mimics other people’s gestures or mannerisms

¾ loves to take things apart and put them back together again

¾ puts his/her hands all over something just seen

¾ enjoys running, jumping, wrestling, or similar activities (or if older, will show these interests in a more “restrained” way, e.g. punching a friend, running to class, jumping over a chair)

¾ shows skill in a craft or good fine-motor coordination

¾ has a dramatic way of expressing himself/herself

¾ enjoys working with clay or other tactile experiences

Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence

¾ tells you when music sounds off-key or disturbing in some other way

¾ remembers melodies of songs

¾ has a good singing voice

¾ plays a musical instrument or sings in a choir or other group

¾ has a rhythmic way of speaking and/or moving

¾ unconsciously hums to self

¾ taps rhythmically on the table or desk while working

¾ sensitive to environmental noises (e.g. rain of the roof)

¾ responds favorably when a piece of music is put on

¾ sings songs learned outside the classroom

Interpersonal/Social Intelligence

¾ enjoys socializing with peers

¾ seems to be a natural leader

¾ gives advice to friends who have problems

¾ seems to be street-smart

¾ belongs to clubs, committees, or other organizations

¾ enjoys informally teaching other kids

¾ likes to play games with other kids

¾ has two or more close friends

¾ has a good sense of empathy or concern for others

¾ others seek out his/her company

Intrapersonal/Introspective Intelligence

¾ displays a sense of independence or a strong will

¾ has a realistic sense of own strengths and weaknesses

¾ does well when left alone to play or study

¾ marches to the beat of a different drummer in his/her style of living and learning

¾ has an interest or hobby that he/she doesn’t talk much about

¾ has a good sense of self-direction

¾ prefers working alone to working with others

¾ accurately expresses how he/she is feeling

¾ is able to learn from failures and successes in life

¾ has high self-esteem

Source: From 7 Kinds of Smart by Thomas Armstrong. Copyright 1993 by Thomas Armstrong.

Used by permission of Dutton Signet, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.

Naturalist Intelligence

¾ likes being outdoors

¾ has pets at home

¾ enjoys spending time with animals

¾ interested in environmental/conservation concerns

¾ play takes him/her to the “great outdoors”

¾ idea of a perfect vacation is to spend it doing something in nature

¾ prefers to visit sites of natural beauty rather than museums.

¾ feels restless if confined inside

¾ enjoys collecting data about the natural environment

¾ favorite books/TV shows focus on plants/animals/the natural world

© Rebecca Crown, 2004

2005 Latin Pedagogy Workshop ~ Crown, Masello, Cohen