Checklist: Real Estate Owned (REO)

Property Address: ______

Seller(s) Name: ______


CAR Form / Agent
This checklist
RLA / Residential Listing Agreement:___SA ___KLA___SELM___MT
AD / Agency Disclosure: ___AD1 ___AD2
PRBS / Possible Representation of More than One Buyer or Seller
MLS Listing Printout/Waiver (Authorization to exclude from MLS C.A.R SEL)
RPA / Residential Purchase Agreement ___BIA___PAGE 10___EMD___POF___Pre-Approval ___RR___RRR___EXT___EXT___EXT___COP___CBC___NBP___NSP___FVAC
REO / Real Estate Owned Advisory
ADM / Addendum/s ___1___2___3___4___5___6___”AS IS”___SFA___SIP
CO / Counter Offer/s ___1___2___3___4___5___6
AVID / Statewide Buyer and Seller Advisory
Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure: ___LA___SA
TDS / Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement ___Addendum to TDS
NHD / Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement/NHD Report Receipt
FLD / Lead-Based Paint & Hazards Disclosure – Homes built before 1978
SPQ / Seller Property Questionnaire
WHSD / Water Heater and Smoke Detector Statement of Compliance
CR / Contingency Removals ___1___2___3___4___EXT___EXT___EXT
VP / Verification of Property Condition (Buyer Final Inspection)
FIRPTA / Seller’s Affidavit of Non-Foreign Status
DBD / Megan’s Law Data Base Disclosure
NHD / Residential Earthquake Hazard Booklet Receipt – (Homes built before 1960) Built ____
MCA / Market Conditions Advisory
City Disclosure (City/County)
BIW/BIE / Buyer’s Inspection Waiver(BIW)___Buyer’s Inspection Elections (BIE)
ESD / Exempt Seller Disclosures
CBC / Cooperating Broker Compensation Agreement & Escrow Instruction
WCMD / Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixtures and Carbon Monoxide Detector Notice
WFA / Wire Fraud Advisory
Preliminary Title Report:___HOA___CC&R’s___Home Warranty
Final Signed and Completed HUD1
Broker Demand
Copy of Buyer(s) Earnest Money Check/Receipt Deposit
Square Footage and Acreage Advisory
GRFD / Guidance for Residential Fireplace Disclosures
All Reports must be signed and dated by all parties

REVISED 04-12-2017

I hereby certify that the above forms, signed & dated by all principals and agents, are in my file. I will keep this file for a period of three (3) years from close of escrow, as required by the California Department of Real Estate, and upon notice from Broker, shall make this file available for auditing, inspection and copying by the commissioner or his or her designated representative. I certify further that all copies of signed and dated documents & forms given to Broker are true & correct copies of the original. / Agent Signature
Print Name