VA Students

Important Information for students receiving VA benefits through the GI Bill at Emily Griffith Technical College (Chapter 30, 33, 35, 1606 and VRAP*)

Emily Griffith Technical College is deemed by the VA to be a non-college degree granting (NCD) institution; therefore, students must be in daily attendance in a classroom and are not allowed to participate in online courses, home study or any other form of distance learning while receiving benefits. Programs that are structured to have the majority of their courses online (i.e. Dental Assisting, Pharmacy Tech, Billing and Coding, etc.) will not be approved by the VA.

EGTC Teachers are not authorized to allow students receiving VA Educational Benefits to study from home. Emily Griffith Technical College is required to notify the VA should students receiving VA benefits not comply with the daily attendance requirement

Students who are not attending on a regular basis will be reported to the VA and may have to repay any monies paid to the school and student. While the VA may require that students receiving VA benefits repay monies to the VA, students' course registration at Emily Griffith Technical College will not be impacted.

Any changes to your registration i.e. Registering for new courses, dropping or withdrawing from a course, etc., must be reported to the VA advisor ASAP. The advisor is not responsible for certifying unreported enrollments

Charpters 30, 35, 1606 and VRAP students only ( Does not apply to Chap 33 Post9/11)

In order to get paid VA students must verify their attendance at the end of each month on the VA webpage( click on verify attendance(W.A.V.E) or call 1-877-832-2378.

I understand and agree to the above policy.

Student’s Signature _______________________________ Date _________________

*Exceptions maybe allowed for Chapter 31 recipients.