Chapter 1

Chapter 1

SNM Chapter Procedures

A. Chapter Dues Billing

The Society of Nuclear Medicine invoices and collects dues on behalf of each regional SNM Chapter. Society chapters are required by SNM bylaws to set local dues for each corresponding member type at the National level. The existing member types include:

1. Full

2. Associate

3. Technologist

4. Technologist-Voting

5. Affiliate

6. Student Categories

7. Technologist Section

Technologist Chapters must set corresponding dues for Technologist Section membership at the local level. The ability of a Technologist Chapter to set Technologist Category dues (vs. only Technologist Section dues) is decided independently by each regional Chapter.

Increases in the level of Chapter dues are allowed once per year and must be submitted in writing by June 30. Dues increases submitted by this date will be reflected in the Annual Billing beginning with the initial reminder mailed on July 31.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the SNM Membership Categories and the annual membership invoice. Well-educated Chapter Leadership will promote an equally informed grassroots membership. For your assistance, a Guide to Membership is included in Appendix A at the end of this section of the Chapter Manual.

B. Chapter Dues Reimbursement

Dues collected by the Society on behalf of each regional Chapter are reimbursed to the Chapter at the close of each fiscal quarter [March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31]. Reimbursement checks are typically mailed within three weeks following the end of each quarter due to the time needed to close quarterly financial records and post incoming payments.

Chapter dues reimbursement checks are mailed to the Treasurer of record for each Society and Technologist Chapter. The Treasurer also receives a corresponding roster of all member payments encompassed in the total reimbursement check for the given quarterly period. Changes in appointments to the Chapter Treasurer position must be forwarded immediately to the SNM Director of Membership to facilitate correct mailing of the quarterly reimbursement checks.

As a general rule, distribution of Chapter dues for the various SNM membership categories occurs in the following manner:

Society Treasurers Receive: Technologist Treasurers Receive:

Full Member Dues Technologist Section Dues

Associate Member Dues

Technologist Member Dues[1]

Technologist Voting Member Dues

Affiliate Member Dues

C. Chapter Reporting

The Society’s Membership Department maintains all member records for each regional SNM Chapter. The SNM database is updated daily to reflect address changes, membership payments, membership additions, and cancellations. Any such information received directly by an SNM Chapter should be immediately forwarded to the Membership Department to allow for updating your Chapter roster in the National database. Also, members may now go online at, our website to update their membership profile.

In addition to the financial reports forwarded quarterly to each Chapter Treasurer, a packet of material is also forwarded to the Chapter Membership Liaison of record at the close of each fiscal quarter. The quarterly mailings include the following:

1. Alphabetical Chapter Roster

2. New Member Labels for Quarter

3. Quarterly Statistical Abstract

The Alphabetical Chapter Rosters include each member’s name and address, work telephone, fax number, join date, membership status, and paid through date as of the quarter end. Labels of new members who have joined for the preceding quarter are provided to allow each Chapter an opportunity to send a personalized welcome letter. Sample welcome letters are available from the Membership Department. The Quarterly Statistical Abstract is a compilation of National membership statistics and includes analyses of New Member Growth, Member/Subscription counts, Chapter counts, Council counts, Degree/Certification statistics, and Attrition/Reactivation data.

At the close of the March 31 fiscal quarter each year, Society and Technologist Chapter Membership Liaisons also receive pressure sensitive labels for members who have not elected to renew for the year. Labels of suspended members who have lapsed for the membership year are provided to allow the Chapter an opportunity to send a personalized reactivation letter. Sample reactivation letters are available from the Membership Department. A comprehensive demographic abstract is also prepared and distributed to the Chapters at the March 31 quarter-end. The demographic abstract includes year to year comparisons of members’ primary and secondary specialties; places of practice; professional activities; percentage of time spent practicing nuclear medicine; years of practice; birth data; gender data; and other professional affiliations.

Chapter Membership Liaisons may also request member suspension and new member data on disk to facilitate personalized contact. Requests for electronic files should be forwarded to the Director of Membership.

Changes in the appointment of Chapter Membership Liaisons should be immediately forwarded to the Director of Membership to facilitate correct mailing of the quarterly materials.

D. Chapter Mailing Lists

Society and Technologist Chapters may order mailing labels of their Chapter members from the SNM Membership Office for routine mailings (i.e. Chapter Newsletters, Chapter Election Bulletins, etc). There is a fee of .05/label to cover the time and materials costs of preparing the order. Orders may be placed using the mailing list order form found in Appendix B of this section of the Chapter Manual.

Please allow three weeks processing time for label order preparation and mailing. Prepayment of label orders is not required, and the individual or organization ordering the labels will be billed for the order at the close of each month.

SNM Chapters may also conduct target list marketing by using sort criteria such as state, zip code, member type, degree/certification, join date, etc. SNM Chapters who wish to conduct specialized campaigns for membership retention and/or membership solicitation can obtain complimentary mailing labels from the Society.

If you have a special promotion in mind and require assistance with list selection criteria, please contact the Membership Department for guidance.

E. Chapter Membership Recruitment

SNM Chapters are encouraged to promote membership at the grassroots level. The Society is committed to providing all the necessary recruitment vehicles to assist with new member recruitment. Resources available from the Membership Department include:

1. Coded Membership Brochures/Applications[2]

2. Free Prospective Member Lists/Labels

3. Sample Issues of JNM/JNMT

The Society also has two traveling exhibit booths available for special Chapter promotions or Chapter meetings. The exhibit booth must be reserved in advance of required dates through the SNM Department of Communications. A maintenance fee of $50.00 for the 10x10 Standing Booth, or $25.00 for the Tabletop Booth, is charged per use. The Society incurs the charge for shipping the booth to your Chapter, and the Chapter is responsible incurring return shipment costs. A box of promotional materials from the Society may also be included at your request.

Please note that all new members are automatically assigned to the regional Chapter in their nearest proximity. Members may elect to alter their preassigned Chapter, only by providing a written request to the Membership Department.

F. Submission of Chapter Information

SNM Society and Technologist Chapters are a vital link to the grassroots membership. It is imperative that the Society has updated information on Chapter Officers and Chapter Meetings at all times. This information is referred daily to members who wish to become more involved at the local level. Also, Chapter Meeting dates are published on the SNM Website ( as a resource to both active and prospective members.

We have upgraded our web module to allow members to go online and update their address and demographic information. It will also allow users to purchase SNM Products as well as view services and other pertinent information linked to the SNM’s Website.

If you have changes in your Society or Technologist Chapter leadership, please use the form(s) located in Appendices C-D to inform the National office. Letters are also mailed quarterly to the Chapter Presidents as a reminder to update this information.

For any other questions regarding Chapter Administration, please contact the Director of Membership Services, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 1850 Samuel Morse Drive, Reston, VA 20190-5316, Phone (703) 708-9000, Ext. 1216, Fax (703) 708-9015.

The Membership Department is looking forward to working with you to make your term of office a complete success.


[1] There are two SNM Society Chapters who elect to reimburse their Technologist Chapters for Technologist and Technologist-Voting category dues in addition to Technologist Section dues.

[2] All Chapter applications are promotionally coded for tracking purposes. Please contact the Membership Department for a camera-ready copy of your Chapter’s specially coded application.