Chapter 7, Section 1 The New Immigrants
1. Through the “Golden Door”
Many immigrants are lured by the _____________________; others temporary jobs
· 1870–1920, about ______________________Europeans arrive in U.S.
· Many flee ________________________ persecution: Jews driven from Russia by __________________.
· Population growth results in lack of farmland, industrial jobs
· Reform movements, revolts influence young who seek independent lives
Chinese and Japanese
· About _____________ Chinese arrive; first attracted by gold rush
- types of work performed by Chinese people during this time:
· Japanese work on ___________________ plantations, and then go to West Coast.
- by 1920, more than 200,000 lived on West Coast, why?_________________________
The West Indies and Mexico
· Between 1880 and 1920 about 260,000 immigrants arrive from the West Indies. Why?__________________________________________________________
· Mexicans immigrate to the United States during this time also. Why? _____________________________________________________________
How many come?__________________________________________________
2. Life in the New Land
A Difficult Journey
· How did most immigrants get to the United States?_____________________________
· How long did the journey take? __________________________________
· What was the cheapest way to travel?____________________________________
Ellis Island
?What is Ellis Island?___________________________________________________
Where is it located?__________________________________________________
?What were the legal requirements for entering the U.S. at Ellis Island?_____________________
?Between 1892–1924, about _________________ immigrants processed at Ellis Island.
Angel Island
?What is Angel Island? ________________________________________________
Where is it located?__________________________________________
?Between 1910 and 1940 about ___________________ Chinese immigrants entered the U.S. through Angel Island.
· Compare Angel Island to Ellis Island:
Cooperation for Survival
· Challenges immigrants faced after moving to the U.S.
· Many seek people who share cultural values, religion, language
- ethnic communities form
Friction develops between “hyphenated” Americans, native-born
3. Immigration Restrictions
The Rise of Nativism
? A mixture of people in the U.S. blended together by abandoning their native culture is thought
of as a __________________________________________.
-however, many new immigrants don’t want to give up cultural identity
? _____________________________—is the overt favoritism toward native-born Americans.
? Nativists believe that ________________ are superior to other ethnic groups.
? Some people object to immigrants’ religion: many are Catholics, Jews.
? 1897, Congress passes literacy bill for immigrants; President _____________________vetoes.
- 1917, similar bill passes over President Wilson’s veto.
Anti-Asian Sentiment
? Nativism finds foothold in labor movement, especially in the ____________________.
- fear Chinese immigrants who work for less
? __________________ groups exert political pressure to restrict Asian immigration.
? 1882, the___________________________________________ bans entry to most Chinese.
The Gentlemen’s Agreement
? Nativist fears extend to Japanese, most Asians in early 1900s
- San Francisco segregates _________________________ schoolchildren.
? Gentlemen’s Agreement—Japan limits emigration /Why?_____________________________
Chapter 7, Section 2 The Challenges of Urbanization
Who is Jacob Riis? ________________________________________________________________
1. Urban Opportunities
Immigrants Settle in Cities
? Define urbanization- __________________________________________________
? Why did most of the immigrants settle in cities? -
? The Americanization movement was designed to __________________________________________
? Schools, voluntary groups teach immigrants skills needed for ___________________________,
-name the 5 courses listed in your text that were used to help newcomers learn the ways of the
native-born Americans.
? Ethnic communities provide __________________________________ of other immigrants from
the same country.
Migration from Country to City
? Farm technology decreases need for laborers; people move to cities
-name the 2 inventions mentioned that made farming more efficient:
? Many African Americans in South lose their livelihood
? 1890–1910, about ____________________ African Americans move to cities in North and the West to escape racial violence.
? Many find conditions only slightly better than what they left behind. They find that
____________________ and___________________________ were often reality in Northern cities too.
? Competition for jobs between blacks, white immigrants causes further racial tension.
2. Urban Problems
? Housing options for working-class families -
? What is a row house? ____________________________________________________________
? What is a tenement? ____________________________________________________________
? What is mass transit? ____________________________________________________________
? List examples of mass transit.______________________________________________________
· Links cities to the suburbs.
? 1860s cities have inadequate or no piped water, indoor plumbing rare.
? Filtration introduced 1870s, chlorination in 1908.
? Streets: manure, open gutters, factory smoke, poor trash collection
? Contractors called ______________________ are hired to sweep streets, collect garbage, clean outhouses
- often do not do job properly
? By 1900, cities develop sewer lines, create sanitation departments
? As population grows, thieves flourish
? New York organized the first full-time, salaried _____________________ in 1844, it was too small to be effective.
? Limited water supply contributed to another menace the _______________________________.
? Other fire hazards: wood houses, candles, kerosene heaters
? Most firefighters volunteers, not always available
? 1900, most cities have full-time, __________________________________fire department.s
? Fire sprinklers, non-flammable building materials make cities safer
3. Reformers Mobilize
The Settlement House Movement
? Social welfare reformers work to relieve urban poverty
? An early reform program,_____________________________________—preaches salvation
through service to poor.
? What are Settlement houses?____________________________________________________
? Who ran the settlement houses?__________________________________________________
· What types of services did the settlement houses provide?
? _________________________________ founds Hull House with Ellen Gates Starr in 1889.
· _________________________________founds the first settlement house for African Americans in 1890.
Chapter 7, Section 3 Politics in the Gilded Age
1. The Emergence of Political Machines
The Political Machine
? What is a political machine?____________________________________________
? Give services to voters and businesses for political or financial support.
? After Civil War, machines gain control of major cities
? The machine was organized like a ________________________. Precinct captains, ward bosses,
and the city boss worked together to elect their candidate and guarantee the success of the
The Role of the Political Boss
? Whether or not the city boss serves as mayor, he still managed to get the job done.
(list the jobs he was able to accomplish)
? Bosses paid by ____________________________________, get voters’ loyalty, extend influence.
Immigrants and the Machine
? Many precinct captains and political bosses were ____________________________________.
? Was is naturalization?___________________________________________________________
2 . Municipal Graft and Scandal
Election Fraud and Graft
? Some political machines used _________________________ to win elections.
? What is Graft ?—________________________________________________________________
? What is a kickback?_____________________________________________________________
· How did the political bosses control the police?________________________________________
The Tweed Ring Scandal
? 1868 William M. Tweed, aka ______________________________, heads Tammany Hall in NYC
· What is Tammany Hall?___________________________________________________________
? What is Tweed’s job?_____________________________________________________________
? Political Cartoonist, ______________________________________helps arouse public outrage
- Tweed Ring broken in 1871
3. Civil Service Replaces Patronage
Patronage Spurs Reform
? What is Patronag e?______________________________________________________________
? What is Civil service ?_____________________________________________________________
· What is the argument about civil service jobs?_________________________________________
Reform Under Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur
? Republican ____________________________________________ was elected president in 1876
-he could not convince Congress to support reform, so he used other means. Name some:
? 1880, Republican independent __________________________________________ wins election
? Stalwart ___________________________________________________ is vice-president
? ____________________________________ gives patronage jobs to reformers; is shot and killed
? As president, Arthur urges Congress to pass civil service law
? What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act ?_____________________________________________
Business Buys Influence
Harrison, Cleveland, and High Tariffs
? _____________________________wants high tariffs; _______________________ want low tariffs
? 1884, Democrat ___________________________________________ wins; cannot lower tariffs
? 1888, ________________________________________________ becomes president, supports higher tariffs
- wins passage of McKinley Tariff Act
? 1892, ______________________________________reelected, supports bill that lowers McKinley Tariff
- rejects bill that also creates income tax
- Wilson-Gorman Tariff becomes law 1894
? 1897, William McKinley becomes president, raises tariffs again