Chapter 7 [Part TWO]: The Peak Years of Killing:

1942 & 1943 [191-214]

“Big Picture” Questions:

1) What was the nature of the vast system of Nazi concentration camps? In what ways did it mirror the Third Reich as a whole?

2) Who resisted the Nazis, what methods did they use, & what impact did resistance have?


· men’s & women’s experiences? (“different horrors, same hell”)

· who knew & what did they know about Nazi extermination?

· examples: Teresa Stangl & Jews in different parts of Europe

What happened to Jews who were not in the killing centers?

· how many hid & where?

· Jewish children versus adults & girls versus boys

· examples: Henny & Rudy

How many in the entire camp system? How many died in total?


Who was in the camp system & how did they live?

· old versus new prisoners? names of notorious camps?

· who worked in the camp system?

à perks? (e.g., zoos, brothels, etc.)

à women staffers? (e.g., “Bitch of Buchenwald”)

à kapos?

à system of colored badges?

· The Roma/Gypsies [200-202]

à how many killed? Himmler’s attitude toward?

à “pure Gypsies”?

à treated/viewed differently from Jews?

· Homosexuals—The “Men with the Pink Triangle” [202-203]

à how many died in camps?

à how & why viewed as threat by Nazis?

à “queer blocks”? differential death rates?

à why were some released? under what circumstances?

RESISTANCE [203-212]

How is resistance defined? What overall effects did it have?

1) Spread of Information

· Jan Karski’s mission (fall 1942)

· what did the Allies know & when? responses to mass murder?

2) Jewish

· what types of & specific examples?

· Jewish partisans in Lithuania (early 1942)

· Warsaw Ghetto uprising (spring 1943)

3) Within Germany

· White Rose (winter 1942) Hans & Sophie Scholl

· who & when? what impact or response?

4) Obstacles

· fear of severe Nazi reprisals

· divisions w/in communities


· who, what, where, when, how, & historical significance?