Exam 1 Review

ESPM 120

Weeks 1-6

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 (1st half), 8

Chapter 1: The Soils Around Us

+ functions of soil in the ecosystem (Fig. 1.2)

+ soil as an environmental interface (Fig. 1.9)

+ soil composition (solids and pores; Fig. 1.17)

+ nutrient supply (Fig. 1.24)

+ soil quality

Chapter 2: Formation of Soils from Parent Materials

+ 5 factors of soil formation (Fig. 2.10)

+ 4 processes of soil formation (Fig. 2.32)

+ 2 types of weathering (Fig 2.4)

+ primary/secondary minerals

+ soil profile: master horizons and subordinate horizons

Chapter 3: Soil Classification

+ order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, series

+ general properties distinguishing soil orders (Table 3.3 and Fig. 3.8)

+ diagnostic vs. genetic soil horizons

Chapter 4: Physical Properties of Soil

+ soil color

+ soil texture (textural classes, methods of determination) (Fig. 4.6 and 4.7)

+ soil structure (density and porosity equations) (Box 4.5 and Fig. 4.12)

+ tillage and management of soil (pros and cons of conservation and conventional


** exclude Section 4.9

Chapter 7: Soil Atmosphere (Aeration only)

+ gas exchange (Fig 7.3)

+oxidation/reduction (Table 7.1)

**exclude Sections 7.5-7.7

Chapter 8: Soil Colloids

+ 4 major types of soil colloids

+ building blocks of Si clays (tetr/octahedron) (Fig 8.4, Fig 8.8)

+isomorphous substitution (Fig 8.5, Table 8.2)

+CEC calculations (Box 8.4)

**exclude Sections 8.11-8.15

Fridays and Extras:

Week 1

+ Hilgard Hall soil profiles: look up name online, intro to description of soils

+ samples of sand/silt/clay/humus: idea of size fractions, organic vs mineral

Week 2

+ Giannini Soil Profile: processes and factors of soil formation, soil survey use

Week 3

+ box w/ genetic horizons of soil profile: color, texture, structure

+ Demo/Lab: soil texture by feel and by hydrometer

Week 4

+ Special Topic: Biosolids: use soil as recycler

- end products of waste water treatment plants

- methods of P removal

- potential benefits of land application of biosolids

+ institute class composting

Week 5

+ primary mineral box: show starting point before weathering

+ Virtual Mineral Museum: 3D view of silicate clay mineral structure