Simple WordArt

  1. Open a blank document

Change page color to match t-shirt.

  1. Under the page layout on the ribbon, choose page color. This will give you an idea of what your art will look like on the t-shirt.
  1. Choose more colors on the page color screen. The t-shirt background color is in the second row,

Create Word Art

  1. On the ribbon choose the insert tab and choose WordArt and choose a style you like. I chose the first one on the left in the top row.
  1. In the Edit WordArt window, write your text, choose your font and size. I chose Comic Sans MS and left the remaining default settings.
  1. Click OK. The words appear on the blue background.
    Chick on the WordArt style1 in WordArt styles.
  1. Adjust the size of your text by holding the mouse over a corner box to stretch the box without changing the proportions. Once you have your text box in the size you want, Click the first WordArt Style box, WordArt Style 1.

  2. Click on the change WordArt shape icon (slanted blue A) and choose one of the warps. I chose slant up.
  1. Move the WordArt box to the far right to make room for the star.

Insert the clipart star

On the ribbon click insert and choose clip art. I chose the white star with the red background. Clicking on the picture brings it into your t-shirt document. Shrink the star to fit with the text.

  1. Right click picture you want to modify and click edit picture. Click on red circle, then the del key. The White star remains.


You could also eliminate the red background by setting its red color to transparent.
Select the picture. On the Picture toolbar, click Recolor Picture , then Set Transparent color

Click the red color to make it transparent.

NoteIf the Picture toolbar is not visible, click Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Picture

NoteThe Set Transparent Color option is available for bitmap(bitmap: A picture made from a series of small dots, much like a piece of graph paper with certain squares filled in to form shapes and lines. When stored as files, bitmaps usually have the extension .bmp.) pictures that don't