Active Server Pages Principles of Information Systems, FifthSixth Edition Chapter 54
Chapter 544:
Software: Systems and Application SoftwareOrganizing Data and InformationThe FileSystemObject Object
At a Glance
Instructor’s Manual Table of Contents
Chapter Overview
Chapter Outline
Chapter Principles and Objectives
Teacher Notes
Quick Quizzes
Teaching Tips
Further Readings or Resources
Discussion Questions
Projects to Assign
Key Terms
Chapter Overview
Chapter Objectives
Teacher Notes
Quick Quizzes
Discussion Questions
Extra Cases
Teaching Tips
Further Readings or Resources
Team/Group Activities
Projects to Assign
Key Terms
Problem Solving Exercises
Instructor’s Notes
Chapter Overview
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Lecture Notes
Discussion Topics
Extra Cases
Teaching Tips
Further Readings or Resources
Team/Group Activities
Review Questions
Discussion Questions
Problem Solving Exercises
Team Activities
Web Exercises
At a Glance
Instructor’s Notes
Chapter Overview
Chapter Outline
Chapter Objectives
Lecture Notes
Discussion Topics
Key Terms
Instructor’s NotesCChapter Overview
This chapter serves as a reviews of drives, directories, folders, and files. Also discussed in this section is the FileSystemObject object. The chapter consists ofincludes several very useful tables that, which are reproduced in this manual for a quick referenceChapter 5 gives the business student key insights into how an organization uses data and transforms it into meaningful information. Most businesses suffer from too much data rather than not enough and a. A typical manager will encounter a flurry of numbers, statistics, and reports. A database helps extract significance from these numbers. The database can contribute to organizational success in a number of other ways too including providing managers and decision makers with timely, accurate, and relevant information. Traditionally, data was maintained in separate files which were. These files were created by separate applications and were characterized by program-data dependence. These problems were addressed with the database approach to data management, which . Using this approach yieyielded benefits such as reduced data dependency, easier update and modification, reduced redundancy, standardization of data access, and more efficient program development. Use of the database approach has required computer specialists to give extra special care to content and access, logical structure, and physical organization of data. The result can be a well-designed and well-managed database that is an extremely valuable tool in supporting decision making. Most frequently, this is done through the use of a database management system (or DBMS).
in business settings. The DBMS acts as an interface between the data and application programs. The data is generally accessed through the use of a data manipulation language like SQL. In recent years, the functionality and power of DBMSs and other database systems has improved through the use of the Internet, telecommunications, distributed databases, and other support tools. Multidimensional databases and on-line analytical processing systems are being used to explore data and allow users to extract more information. Data mining allows for the automated discovery of new information from large data warehouses. Object-relational database management systems provides a new set of capabilities compatible with today’s object-oriented technology. Applications in business intelligence, competitive intelligence, and knowledge management are also furthering the use of collected data in business settings. 4 provides insight into the processes and methods for instructing information systems to perform value-adding tasks in ways desired by organizational users. This is accomplished through the use of software. Two types of software are important to information system users. The first type is systems software. This software provides an interface between the other category of software, application software, and computer hardware. Systems software coordinates the activities of the hardware and various application programs. Systems software is hardware specific. Application software consists of programs that help users solve particular computing problems. Accounting packages, decision support software, wordprocessors, and graphic software are all examples of applications. Operating systems are selected by organization with consideration for current and expected needs within the context of the hardware environment. Application software is either custom developed, purchased off-the-self, or developed through the customization of off-the-shelf software. Propriety software should not be developed, in general, unless doing so will meet a compelling business need that can provide competitive advantage. Software development requires the use of a programming language. The selection of an appropriate language must consider the skill levels of the staff together with the task at hand. Most organizations develop software using third or fourth generation software. Other viable alternatives include object-oriented languages and visual programming languages. .
Lecture Topics / Page #Review of Drives, Folders, and FilesData ManagementAn Overview of Software / 5-388
Data Modeling and Database ModelsApplication Software / 5-4
Database Management Systems (DBMSs)Programming Languages / 5-5
Database DevelopmentsSoftware Issues and TrendsFileSystemObject Object Overview / 5-589
Chapter Outline
Lecture Topics / Page #Data Management / 5-3
Data Modeling and Database Models / 5-4
Database Management Systems (DBMSs) / 5-4
Database Applications / 5-5
Chapter Principles and Objectives
Principles / Learning ObjectivesThe database approach to data management provides significant advantages over the traditional file-based approach. /
- Define general data management concepts and terms, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the database approach to data management.
- Name three database models and outline their basic features, advantages, and disadvantages.
A well-designed and well-managed database is an extremely valuable tool in supporting decision making. /
- Identify the common functions performed by all database management systems and identify three popular end-user database management systems.
The number and types of database applications will continue to evolve and yield real business benefits. /
- Identify and briefly discuss current database applications.
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
1.Define general data management concepts and terms, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the database approach to data management.
2.Name three database models and outline their basic features, advantages, and disadvantages.
3.Identify the common functions performed by all database management systems and discuss the key features of three popular end user database management systems.
4.Identify and briefly discuss recent database developments.
Teacher Notes
Identify and briefly describe the functions of the two basic kinds of software.
Outline the role of the operating system and identify the features of several popular operating systems.
Discuss how application software can support personal, workgroup, and enterprise business objectives.
Identify three basic approaches to developing application software and discuss the pros and cons of each.
5. Outline the overall evolution of programming languages and clearly differentiate between the five generations of programming languages.
Describe a drive, a folder, and a file
Describe and use the different objects in the FileSystemObject object
Describe the properties and methods of the FileSystemObject object
Use the FileSystemObject object to save data on the server
Understand the code that required with the use of the FileSystemObject object dictates
Use the SiteGalaxy Upload component to upload files from a client to a server
Data ManagementAn Overview of Software
The critical function of software is to direct the workings of the computer hardware. Software consists of computer programs that are sequences of instructions used by the central processing unit to control its actions. Software can be classified in two main categories: systems software and application software. System software is a collection of programs that form a link between application software and hardware. Application software enables people to solve problems and perform specific tasks. All software programs are written with coding schemes called programming languages.
An operating system (OS) receives an instruction from an application program and translates it into a set of instructions meaningful to the hardware. The OS serves as an intermediary, allowing for hardware independence. A key function of the OS is memory management. This involves controlling storage access by converting logical requests into physical locations. Another key function of the OS is task management. The OS allocates computer resources through multitasking and time-sharing. This enables multiple applications to be used by multiple users simultaneously. The OS also provides a user interface. Command-based and graphical user interfaces (GUI) are available. Popular operating systems include the early command-based MS-DOS for PCs and GUIs such as Windows 98, Windows NT, and Mac OS. Unix is another popular operating system and is used on many different computer types and systems. A popular, free version of Unix is Linux.
Information systems operate within an organization according to a sphere of influence. Software must also consider the scope within which it must operate. Personal productivity software works within a personal sphere of influence. Organizational teams and subunits often need software that operates within a workgroup sphere of influence. Organization-wide systems often need an enterprise sphere of influence support. The sphere of influence often determines the appropriate operating system to be used by an organization.
The following table illustrates popular operating system choices:
One of the firm’s most valuable resources is data. The following table shows how data is organized in a hierarchical sequence from the smallest to largest element:
At the top of the hierarchy is the database. The database stores information about things important to business. These things are called entities. Each entity is a generalized class of objects for which data is collected, stored, and maintained. An attribute is a characteristic of an entity. Specific values of attributes, called data items, can be found in the fields of the record describing the entity. A data key is a field within the record that Entities, attributes, and keys are important database concepts. An entity is a generalized class of people, places, or things (objects) for which data is collected, stored, and maintained. Examples of entities include employees, inventory, and customers. An attribute is a characteristic of an entity. For example, employee number, last name, first name, hire date, and department number are attributes for an employee. The specific value of an attribute, called a data item, can be found in the fields of the record describing an used to identify the record.
The traditional approach to data management has been from a file perspective. Files were created by separate applications and were characterized by program-data dependence. Data duplication becomes common in this scenario and businesses experience a variety of data management problems. In a database approach, a pool of related data is shared by multiple application programs and rather than having separate data files, each application uses a collection of data that is either joined or related in the database. This approach offers significant advantages These problems are were addressed in many businesses with the database approach to data management. Using this approach yielded benefits such as reduced data dependency, easier update and modification, reduced redundancy, standardization of data access, and more efficient program development. Disadvantages awerre also experienced. include These included the expense of a database management system, needing a specialized computer system, and increased vulnerability. Use of the database approach has required computer specialists to give special care to content and access, logical structure, and physical organization of data. The result can be a well-designed and well-managed database that is an extremely valuable tool in business decision making.
Review of Drives, Folders, and Files
This section discusses file and directory structures and serves as a refresher. On most PC’s, folders and files can be stored on either a hard drive, (usually given the drive designation of “C:,”), or a floppy disk drive, (usually denoted by “A:”). Drive letters can also be used for CD-ROM drives and network drives. A network drive, also called a share, is acts as a pointer to a folder stored on another computer. The storage area on a hard drive or floppy drive is divided into directories (folders) that can be used to organize files.
Technical Tip / The top of the folder hierarchy is referred to as the “root folder” or just the “root.” In Windows, it is which are referred to by “a:\” and “c:\” in Windows for the floppy drive and hard drive, respectively.File extensions are used to separate different types of computer files. A file or folder can have one or more of the following attributes:
Normal: A regular file that can be opened, modified, and saved
Read only: A file that can be read, but not altered
Hidden: A file that is hidden from the user; usually a system file
System: A special file used by the operating system
Directory: A file that is a folder
Archive: A file that has been changed and needs to be backed up
Alias: A file that is serves as a shortcut to another file
Compressed: A file that has been compressed by the operating system
There are tThree types of files exist: binary files, which contain data stored in the form of 1’s and 0’s;, ASCII files, which stores data as a series of characters (text);, and Unicode files, which also store data as a series of characters (text), but allows special characters from different languages.
What is a term for the top level of the folder hierarchyThe heart of an operating system is called a(n) ______. The smallest element in the data hierarchy is the ____.
referred to as? ANSWER: bitKernelThe root folder or root.
By what other term isWhat is used to compose a characterWhat is the element of the operating system that allows individuals to access and command the computer systemWhat is another name for a network drive known by?
Which type of file allows special characters from different languages? ANSWER: A Unicode file.
What Whatich is the term used to describe a collection of recordsthe interface that allows applications to make use of the operating systemfiles are usually hidden?
ANSWER: FileApplication program interface (API)System files.
What WhWhat term is used to describe the degree of accuracy of to which the data in any file is accurateis the ability of a computer to handle an increasing number of concurrent users smoothly?
ich type of file contains data stored in the form of 1’s and 0’s? ANSWER: Data integrityScalability.
What was one of the first widely installed microcomputer operating systemsWhat was developed because of problems with the traditional approach to data management?
A(n) _____ is a characteristic of an entity.
ANSWER: Database approachMS-DOS. attribute
A binary file.
Data Modeling and Database ModelsApplication Software
Modern business data is very complicated. Much of this complexity has been addressed with the database approach to data management. Using this approach yielded benefits such as reduced data dependency, easier update and modification, reduced redundancy, standardization of data access, and more efficient program development. Use of the database approach has required computer specialists to give special care to the items listed in the following table:e. Application software enables an individual, workgroup, or enterprise to use the power of a computer to perform a variety of organizational tasks. A company can either develop its own software for a specific application (called proprietary software) or purchase an existing program called off-the-self software. Some companies combine the two approaches and customize off-the-self software.
Software can be built either in house or by contracting out. The advantages of doing this include the items listed in the following table:
Advantages of Custom DevelopmentDatabase Items for Consideration: / Software more closely matches needsContentDevelopment results are more controllableAccess
More flexibility in making changesLogical Structure
Physical Structure
One of the tools database designers use to show the relationships among the data is a data model. A data model is a map showing the relationships between various data entities. The following table summarizes the primary types of relationships between data entities.:
Database Relationship Types: / 1:1 one-to-one1:N one-to-many
N:1 many-to-one
N:M many-to-many
Databases typically use one of the common database models. These are summarized in the following table:.
Common Data Models: / Hierarchical (tree)Network
The hierarchical model has one main record type at the top called a parent. Each parent may have several children but a child can only have a single parent. This creates a top-down arrangement. The network model expands the hierarchical by providing an owner-member structure in which each member may have more than one owner. The relational data model is the most commonly used modelone today and provides a great deal of flexibility. In this arrangement, the data is represented as tables with rows and columns linked through common data elements. Basic data manipulations include selecting, projecting, and joining. The relational model is more flexible and intuitive.
There are several disadvantages too. These include:
Disadvantages of Custom Development: / Development is generally longerIn-house staff requirements are greater
Greater risk of performance problems
Maintain and support activities are increased
Purchasing off-the-self software offers several advantages. Among these are:
Advantages of Off-the-Shelf Software Purchase: / Lower costsLower risks
Higher quality
Disadvantages include the following:
Disadvantages of Off-the-Shelf Software Purchase: / Organization may be paying for features it doesn’t require.Software may lack important features
Work processes may need to be changed to match software
A growing class of software falls into the personal application software category. Wordprocessors, spreadsheet programs, personal database programs, and graphics programs are often included. Software suites are a collection of these personal application packages intended to enhance office productivity. They generally allow movement of data between packages through techniques called object linking and embedding.