Chapters in Books

Warmington, P., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Martin, D., Middleton, D., Brown, S., Popova, A. and Apostolov, A. (2007) Learning leadership in multiagency work for integrating services into schools, in J. Forbes (Ed) How Service integration is operating in practice in the Scotland, Northern Ireland and England and Wales policy contexts: ESRC seminar 2 proceedings, School of Education, University of Aberdeen

Daniels, H., Brown, S., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Middleton, D., Parsons, S.,Popova, A.,and Warmington P., (2005) Studying Professional Learning for Inclusion in Yamazumi, K., Engestrom, Y. and Daniels, H. (Eds) (2005) New Learning Challenges: Going beyond the industrial age system of school and work. Osaka: Kansai University Press

Daniels, H. (2005) Exploring interagency approaches in Bryson, P. (Ed) Not Included? Belfast: Save The Children Fund

Daniels, H. (2005) The transformation of teachers’ work in and for inclusive practice in Yamazumi, K. (Ed) International Symposium on new Learning Challenges. Osaka: KansaiUniversity

Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Martin, D., Leadbetter, J., Brown, S., and Middleton, D. (2004) The transformation of teachers’ work in and for inclusive practice in J. Vadeboncoeur and P. Jervis-Tracey (Eds) Crossing Boundaries: Perspectives across paradigms in educational research. Brisbane : Australian Academic Press

Edwards, A., Apostolov, A., Dooher, I. and Popova, A. (in press) Working with Extended Schools to Prevent Social Exclusion, in K. Morris. (Ed) Social Work and Multi-Agency Working: challenges and opportunities. Bristol: Polity Press.

Edwards, A. (with editors) Agency and Activity Theory: from the systemic to the relational, in H Daniels, K. Guttierez & A Sannino (Eds) Learning and Expanding with Activity Theory. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Daniels, H., Leadbetter, J., Soares, A., and MacNab, N. (2006) Learning in and for cross school working. In K. Yamazumi (Ed) Building Activity Theory in Practice: toward the next generation. Osaka: KansaiUniversity Press

Articles in Journals

Daniels, H., and Warmington P. (2007) Analysing third generation activity systems: labour-power, subject position and personal transformation Journal of Workplace Learning Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 377 – 391

Daniels, H., Leadbetter, J., and Warmington P., with Edwards, A., Brown, S., Middleton, D., Popova, A.,and Apostolov, A., (2007) Learning in and for multi-agency workingOxford Review of Education Vol. 33, No. 4, September 2007, pp. 521–538

Daniels, H. (2007) La formacion de equipos interagenciales: un estudio de apprendizaje innivador Cultura y Educacion 19 (3)

Leadbetter, J., Daniels, H., Brown, S., Edwards, A., Middleton, D., Popova, A., Apostolov, A., and Warmington P., (2007) Professional learning within multi-agency children’s services: researching into practice Educational Research, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 83 – 98

Daniels, H. (2006) Analysing institutional effects in Activity Theory: First steps in the development of a language of description Outlines: Critical Social Studies 2006, No. 2, pp. 43-58

Edwards, A. (2004) The New Multi-Agency Working: collaborating to prevent the social exclusion of children and families, Journal of Integrated Care, 12 (5) 3-9.

Edwards, A. (2005) Relational Agency: learning to be a resourceful practitioner, International Journal of Educational Research. 43. 3. 168-182.

Edwards, A. (2007) Working Collaboratively to Build Resilience: a CHAT approach, Social Policy and Society. 6 . 2. 255-265.

Edwards, A. (2007) Relational Agency in ProfessionalPractice: a CHAT analysis, Actio. An International Journal of Human Activity. 1. 1-17.

Edwards, A. & Apostolov, A. (in press) A Cultural-Historical Interpretation of Resilience: the implications for practice.Outlines: critical social studies

Leadbetter, J. (2006) Investigating and conceptualizing the notion of consultation to facilitate multiagency working. Educational Psychology in Practice Vol 22, 1 pp19-31.

Leadbetter, J., (2006) New ways of working and new ways of being: multi-agency working and professional identity. Educational and Child Psychology

Vol 23,4 pp 47-59.

Other output

Warmington, P., Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Brown, S., Leadbetter, J., Martin, D., and Middleton, D. (2004) Interagency Collaboration: a review of the literature: ESRC TLRP/ University of Birmingham

Presentations and invited keynotes

Invited Keynote at The Third Finnish Conference on Cultural and Activity Research (FISCAR 07) Transforming Objects of Social Practices within Global Frameworks. September 27- 28th , University of Helsinki

Recent developments in the conceptualisation of CHAT: Theory, methodology and analysis Vygotskian Theory: Where next? Invited seminar at the School of Education, University of Nottingham. June 8th

Codes, Modalities and Vygotskian Theory. Invited presentation at Colloque enjeux sociaux, savoirs, langage, pédagogie. Actualité et fécondité de l’œuvre de Basil Bernstein. Organised by Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Sciences HumainesLyon, 31 May to 2 June 2007

Vygotsky and Applied Linguistics. The Department of Applied Linguistics, The CatholicUniversity of Sao Paulo. May 24th 2007

Applying theories of culture and pedagogy in the field of applied linguistics The Department of Applied Linguistics, The Catholic University of Sao Paulo. May 25th 2007

Bernstein and Vygotsky: compatible theories? Workshop Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Seminario LingNet) May 23rd 2007

Conceptual weaknesses in Activity Theory, Keynote presentation Il Seminario de Estudos em Linguagemn, Educacao e Technologia May 22 nd 2007

Challenging categories and changing contexts: the importance of well supported teachers at Governmental Seminar on Frameworks for Intervention in the case of problematic behaviour held at Lillegården Resource Centre, Norwegian Support system for Special Education 15-16 May 2007

Two Keynotes addresses - 19-20th February 2007 At ‘Learning and Socio-cultural theory: exploring modern Vygotskian perspectives’. A Workshop organised by the Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, LNL Research group, in affiliation with Australian and New Zealand ISCAR (International Society for Cultural and Activity Research)

The Vygotskian imagination: reflections on possibilities for research

Activity Theory in Educational Research

Os grupos de pesquisa lace eb e ilcae convidam para o evento...Keynote Programa Ação Cidadã: Atividades em Transformação para a Inclusão de Todos!PUC (CatholicUniversity of Sao Paulo)- São Paulo24th October 2006

Identity transformation in rapidly changing workplace cultures Keynote at conference entitled ‘Cultural Historical psychology: Current situation and perspectives’ Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow October 3-4, 2006

Learning in and for interagency working (invited ESRC TLRP symposium) at 4th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning 11 - 14 December 2005 SydneyProceedings ISBN 1 920754 97 0

The formation of interagency teams: A study of innovatory learning” at IV Journados de Desarrollo Humano Y Educacion at Alcala de Henares 6-9 September 2005

At 'Socio-cultural theory in educational research and practice'

8th/9th September 2005 University of ManchesterStudying shifts in Subject Position from the perspective of Activity Theory

Learning in and for Interagency Work Not Included Invited Save The Children Fund Seminar Belfast 11th March 2004

Edwards, A. (December 2004) Spaces for Professional Learning in the Boundary Zones, AARE Conference, Melbourne (contribution to symposium, invited)

Edwards, A. (May 2005) Working With other Professionals: the implications of the Every Child Matters agenda for CPD and ITE, ESCALATE Conference, Lancaster (keynote)

Edwards, A. and Evans, R. (September 2005) Resilient Practice for Resilient Children: creating capacity for relational agency in preventative services, ISCAR Conference, Seville (contribution to symposium, convenor)

Edwards, A. (November 2005) Relational Agency: learning to be a resourceful practitioner, launch of the Centre for Human Activity Theory, KansaiUniversity. Osaka, Japan (keynote)

Edwards, A. (November 2005) Cultural Historical Activity Theory: a relational turn, ESRC-TLRP Annual Conference, University of Warwick(keynote)

Edwards, A. (June 2006) Managing Large Projects, ESRC Researcher Development Initiative Event, University of Warwick (keynote)

Edwards, A. (March 2007)Collaborative Approaches to Developing Effective Teachers: implication from and for research. UCET-OfSTED UK Conference, Glasgow (keynote)

Edwards, A. (April 2007) Enhancing Expertise Through Interagency Working. AERA Annual Conference, Chicago (refereed)

Edwards, A. (June 2007) Object-oriented Activity in Multi-professional Work. Nordic ISCAR Conference, Oslo (refereed)

Edwards, A. (August 2007) A CHAT interpretation of resilience: involving children and families in the development of resilience The ISCAR section symposium 2007 on Cultural-historical approaches to children’s development and childhood (CHACDOC), Copenhagen (keynote)

Edwards, A. (September 2007) Resisting Relational Agency: shoring up the professional boundaries of schooling. Paper presented at the 2007 EARLI Conference,Budapest

Warmington, P. Researching professional learning: can theory work in the workplace? Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research Seminar, University of Birmingham, December 2005 (with Jane Leadbetter).

Warmington, P. Learning in and for interagency working, Interagency Working Research Seminar, University of Helsinki, April 2005.

Warmington, P. Learning in and for interagency working: morphing theory with design, Experiences of Research Seminar Series, University of Birmingham, 23 March 2005.

Warmington, P. Learning in and for interagency working: conceptual tensions in ‘joined up’ practice, Teaching and Learning Research Programme Conference, Cardiff, November, 2004.

Other Conference and Seminar Papers

Edwards, A. (July 2003) Using Activity Theory Frameworks to Examine Interagency Collaboration, University of Helsinki.

Edwards, A. (Feb 2005) Understanding Mind in World: The Vygotskian Legacy, TLRP Seminar Series - Contexts, Communities, Networks. Universities of Stirling and Lancaster and GlasgowCaledonianUniversity.

Edwards, A. (May 2005) Multi-agency Working to Build Resilience, Invitational Symposium on Networks and Resilience, University of Birmingham.

Daniels, H. and Edwards, A. (May, 2005) Young People at Risk of Social Exclusion: interagency working and professional learning, University of Helsinki.

Edwards, A. (June 2005) Using Activity Theory to Understand Learning, University of Exeter.

Edwards, A. (September 2005) Activity Theory as a Research Tool in Two Studies of Inter-professional Practice, BERA Conference, Pontypridd (contribution to symposium, convenor)

Edwards, A. (September 2005) Creating New Forms of Distributed Inter-professional Practice, ISCAR Conference, Seville (contribution to symposium, convenor)


Warmington, P. Developmental Work Research: activity theory as a dialogic tool for researchers and ‘multiagency’ professionals, Learning in and for Interagency working: undertaking analysis in activity theory Symposium, British Education Research Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick, September 2006.


Warmington, P. From activity to labour: commodification, labour power and contradiction in activity theory, Contradictions in Activity Symposium, 1st International Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, 20 – 24 September 2005.

Warmington, P. Exploring ‘Division of Labour’: an important analytical tool for understanding new forms of professional learning within multi-agency working, in Learning in and for Interagency Working Symposium, 1st International Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR), Seville, 20 – 24 September 2005 (with Jane Leadbetter).

Warmington, P. Surfacing contradictions: intervention workshops as change mechanisms in professional learning, Changing Concepts, Changing Practices: activity theory as a research tool symposium, British Education Research Association Annual Conference, University of Glamorgan, 14-17 September 2005.


Warmington, P. New wine into new skins: rethinking professional learning for emerging ‘joined up’ practice in the UK, Professional Learning in a Changing Society Conference, Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, November 2004.

Warmington, P. Conceptualising professional learning for multi-agency working and user engagement, British Education Research Association Annual Conference, UMIST, Manchester, September 2004.

Warmington, P. Learning in and for interagency working: a UK perspective on co-configuration, 3rd Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research Conference, Copenhagen, September, 2004.


Warmington, P. with Daniels, H., Edwards, A., Leadbetter, J., Martin, D., Brown, S. and Middleton, D. (2005) Interagency Collaboration. (Bath: Learning in and for Interagency Working). ISBN 095502840X