IB Cell Skit Guiding Question: How do the parts of a whole interact with one another?
Keep this paper to turn in to Mr. Grunander when you present your skit.
You need to write (informally) and perform a skit using the parts of a cell discussed in class. Remember that the organelles all work together as a whole for a greater purpose – that’s what you need to think. You will make an analogy between the cell and something else that shows how the parts of a whole function together. You can be creative, cheesy, or serious, but your major focus is on the whole “working together as a whole theme.” The theme doesn’t have to be “how a cell works,” but you need to use the function of an organelle properly. In order to clarify, make sure you name every character in your skit after the organelle they represent – and point them out audibly.
You can have a narrator if you wish, but everyone needs to participate. The easiest way to do that is to give everyone a speaking part. If you need to, people can double up on roles. Here are the organelles you need to include: cell membrane, chromosomes, nucleus, ribosome, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and/or rough), Golgi apparatus, vacuole, lysosome, mitochondria, cytoskeleton, cilia and/or flagella. If you’re a plant, you need to include cell wall and chloroplast.
For your grade, we’ll be using three of the IB Science Objectives. Here they are:
A. One World
Achievement Level / Descriptor0 / · Doesn’t meet any criteria
1-2 / · Briefly discusses how organelles work as a whole in an analogy to a specific local or global theme.
· Mentions some of the parts of a whole without discussing how they interact with one another.
3-4 / · Describes how organelles working as a whole can be applied in an analogy to a specific local or global theme
· Discuss all of the parts of a whole and tries to discuss how they interact with one another.
· Mention parts of a whole in relation to a specific local or global issue.
5-6 / · Compares how organelles work as a whole in an analogy to a specific local or global theme.
· Describe and discuss ways in which the parts of a whole interact with one another.
· Describe parts of a whole in relation to a specific local or global issue.
B. Communication in Science
Achievement Level / Descriptor0 / · Doesn’t meet any criteria
1-2 / · Attempts to communicate information with some cell terminology
· Some of the information is presented in the script and skit
· Tries to cite sources, but citations are inaccurate
3-4 / · Communicates information using cell terminology
· Most of the information is presented in their script and skit
· Source citations are mostly accurate with a few errors
5-6 / · Communicates effectively using cell terminology correctly
· All of the information is presented in an appropriate script format and in the skit
· Accurately sites all sources.
C. Knowledge and Understanding of Science
Achievement Level / Descriptor0 / · Doesn’t meet any criteria
1-2 / · Explains some of the parts of a cell and their function.
· Makes no attempt to present cell functions in a different situation.
3-4 / · Explains parts of a cell and their function
· Attempts to present cell functions in a different situation
5-6 / · Explains parts of a cell and their function.
· Uses the analogy to accurately present cell functions in a different situation