Career Program CP-32: Training, Capability, and Doctrine
Warfighting Developers Career Program
Career Program 32 (CP-32) is a Civilian career program for Department of the Army Civilians who work in training and education, capabilities and doctrine development. Civilians working in the Education Group (1700 series) participate in the development, instruction and support of training and education. They analyze individual, collective and leader development requirements and produce training and education products for the Army. It is imperative that professionals in the various training series work together in order to effectively and efficiently accomplish respective missions. A Capability Developer is involved in analyzing, determining, prioritizing, and documenting requirements for doctrine, organizations, training, leader development and education, materiel and materiel-centric DOTMLPF requirements, personnel, facilities and policy implications within the context of the force development process. Capability Developers are responsible for representing the end user during the full development and life cycle process and ensuring all enabling capabilities are known, affordable, budgeted and aligned for synchronous fielding and support. Doctrine developers research, write, coordinate and produce doctrine which is the fundamental principles with supporting tactics, techniques and procedures used for the conduct of operations in support of national objectives. Doctrine developers are responsible for the management, development, integration, and quality control of Army doctrine; integrating Army doctrine vertically and horizontally with other Army doctrine, joint, and allied joint doctrine; representing the Army in multi-Service, joint, and allied joint working groups; and performing other doctrine related tasks.
CP-32 is comprised of Army Civilians working in a wide variety of TDA and TOE organizations throughout the Army that deal in all aspects of training and education as well as capability and doctrine development. CP-32 professionals are assigned to Army Commands (ACOM), Army Service Component Commands (ASCC) and Direct Reporting Units (DRU). Civilians may be assigned to Headquarters staff; Army University, Centers of Excellence (CoE), training management offices, field operating agencies, quality assurance offices, capability/doctrinal development and integration organizations, and other instructional/educational institutions.
Career Program Designation:
Managers assign Career Program designation to positions based on a comparison of duties and assigned responsibilities to the description of CP-32 Training, Capabilities, and Doctrine Development duties and responsibilities below. When the preponderance of duties are representative of those described below, the position description should be coded CP-32 and this decision reflected in both FASCLASS and in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System. When questions arise over the appropriate Career Program designation, the manager should contact CP-32 Career Program Managers at 757-501/6009/6010/6011 for guidance. The servicing CPAC HR advisor can assist in documenting the career program designator as required.
Occupational Series Exclusive to CP-32: None
CP-32 Duties and Responsibilities (this is not a complete listing):
1701 General Education and Training Series
-Supervise, develop or manage training and education programs and policy
-Develop organizational vision and establish training and education development priorities
-Plan and obtain resources necessary to accomplish training and education program requirements
-Direct and oversee training and education budget execution through subordinate supervisors
-Direct training and education program reviews and follow-on actions
1702 Education and Training Technician Series
-Plan, acquire, manage, analyze, reproduce, distribute and sustain training enablers
-Manage training load with Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS)
-Identify Army training and education support requirements
-Support development of architectures and standards
-Manage the integration of training support processes
1712 Training Instruction Series
-Deliver and present instruction by using various instructional strategies
-Administer training and education programs
-Provide content to training/education products and materials
1750 Instructional Systems Series
-Conduct needs analysis, collective and individual task analysis, and/or job analysis
-Provide quality control/assurance of training and education process and products
-Provide professional educational principles and theory in the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) of training/education programs and products
-Design learning based on adult learning principles and application of learning principles
0301 Miscellaneous Administration and Program Series
-Develop and integrate Warfighting Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leader Development, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) requirements documentation
-Participate as an Integrated Concept Team member to write concepts, perform analysis and experimentations and recommend solution sets
-Integrate Army doctrine in Multi-Service, Joint, and Allied Joint Doctrinal publications
-Execute Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS)
-Execute warfighting experiments and technology demonstrations
-Research, analyze, write or revise, integrate, publish, and distribute Army doctrine to the force in Army doctrine publications (ADP), Army doctrine reference publications (ADRP), field manuals (FM) and Army techniques publications (ATP)
Additional Information:
To view career maps and create an Individual Development Plan (IDP), visit Army Career Tracker (ACT) at
For more information on CP-32 opportunities and programs visit any of the following sites:
CP-32 milBook at
CP-32 website at
CP-32 ACT Community at
CP-32 FaceBook at