INSY 5337 - 001
Advanced Data Management
Spring 2012
Instructor: Radha K. MahapatraPhone: (817) 272-3590
Office: 521 BE-mail:
Class Time: R 7:00 – 9:50 p.m.COBA 138
Office Hours: R 2:00 – 2:30 p.m., 6:30 – 7:00 p.m., or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Raghu Raman
TA Office:
TA Hours: TBA
Required: Data Warehousing Fundamentals 2e, by Paulraj Ponniah, John Wiley, 2010.
Recommended: Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2008, by Brian Larson, McGraw Hill, 2009
Prerequisites:INSY 5335 or equivalent
You must have a good understanding of data modeling, database design and SQL. These concepts are covered in INSY 5335 or any first level database management course covering OLTP database systems. If you lack this knowledgebase then I suggest that you take INSY 5337 after taking INSY 5335.
Course Objective: Students will learn concepts, tools, and technologies associated with modeling, design, implementation, and management of data warehouses.
Course Description: This course will help the student understand the process by which a data warehouse system is designed and developed. The student will get acquainted with OLAP models and their differences with standard OLTP models. Efforts will be made to give the students a thorough understanding of the underlying concepts and software systems.
Learning Outcomes:
- The student will be able to describe various concepts related to data warehousing and the components of a data warehouse.
- The student will have a thorough understanding of modeling techniques to model the requirements for a data warehouse.
- The student will learn about various architectural configurations for implementing a data warehouse, and be able to evaluate alternative configurations.
- The student will understand various methods and tools for extraction, transformation, and loading of data.
- The student will learn how to access data in a data warehouse using OLAP tools.
- The student will be able to develop business cases to justify investing in a data warehouse.
Course Requirements:
Course requirements include two tests, a group project, and several homework assignments. Details about the project and homework assignments will be separately announced. The distribution of the total grade among the different components is as follows:
Assignments/ Project40%
Mid Term Exam (3/22)30%
Final Exam (5/10)30%
Grades: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, 0-59 = F
A course curve, at the discretion of the instructor, may be implemented at the end of the semester, based on the overall performance of the class.
Computer Requirement: We will use Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the platform to learn the technology. The software will be available as a free download. You need to have access to an adequately configured PC or Laptop that can run SQL Server 2008. Please refer to the download instructions available separately to download and install the software in your PC/ Laptop.
Class Policies
Attendance: Attendance is considered mandatory for all lectures. If you miss a class, you are responsible for the material covered. I will not be taking attendance – other than verify the roster.
Examinations: The exams are closed book, closed notes. Do not miss any exam. If you miss an exam without a valid excuse, then your grade in that exam will be zero. Examples of valid excuses are serious illness and participation in University sponsored events. If you miss an exam due to illness, a written excuse from a doctor is necessary. When you have to miss an exam due to participation in a University sponsored event, you must inform me prior to the exam and submit appropriate documentation to verify your claim. When you miss an exam for a valid reason, your grade for that exam will be determined based on your final exam grade. No makeup exam will be given under any circumstance. If you have any question concerning a grade you receive in an exam, it is your responsibility to inform me within one week of the exam being returned to you. Grades will not be discussed after that time.
Tentative Class Schedule
DateTopicReading (Ch. from PP)
1/26DW fundamentalsChaps 1, 2
2/2Defining requirementsChaps 5, 6
2/9SQL Server Intro
2/16Architecture and infrastructuresChaps 7, 8
2/23Metadata mgmt.Chap 9
3/1, 8Data designChap 10, 11
3/15No Class – Spring Break
3/22Mid Term exam
3/29ETLChap 12
4/5OLAP Demo
4/12OLAPChap 15
4/19Data qualityChap 13
4/26Physical design and deploymentChap 18, 19
Data MiningChap 17
5/3Project Presentations
5/10Final Exam (starts at 8:15 p.m.)
SYLLABUS CHANGES: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the above syllabus as necessary; students are responsible to be attentive to changes announced in class and/or posted in the class website.
Tuition: Students who have not paid by the census date and are dropped for non-payment cannot receive a grade for the course in any circumstances. Therefore, a student dropped for non-payment who continues to attend the course will not receive a grade for the course. Emergency loans are available to help students pay tuition and fees. Students can apply for emergency loans by going to the Emergency Tuition Loan Distribution Center at E.H. Hereford University Center (near the southwest entrance).
Attendance and drop policy: Students are required to read and be prepared to discuss the assigned textbook chapters and workbook exercises on the scheduled class days. Class attendance and lateness policies will be discussed during the first week of class. Those policies include by reference all provision for grade adjustment or drop policies included in the applicable Graduate or Undergraduate Catalog in effect at the start of the semester. No student will be dropped from the class rolls for never attending or excessive absences.
A student dropping a course after the Census Date but on or before the appropriate final drop date will receive a grade of "W" only if at the time of dropping, the student is passing the course (has a grade of A, B, C, or D); otherwise an F will be received.
Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form at The University of Texas at Arlington. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University.
“Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.” (Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2., Subdivision 3.22).
Grade Grievances: The procedure in the 1997 catalog is the following: "The student has one calendar year from the date the grade is assigned to initiate the grievance. The normal academic channels are the department chair or program director, academic dean, and the Provost...."
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA): If you are a student who requires accommodations in compliance with the ADA, please consult with me at the beginning of the semester. As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide “reasonable accommodation” to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Your responsibility is to inform me of the disability at the beginning of the semester and provide me with documentation authorizing the specific accommodation. Student services at UTA include the Office for Students with Disabilities (located in the lower level of the University Center) which is responsible for verifying and implementing accommodations to ensure equal opportunity in all programs and activities.
Student Support Services: The University supports a variety of student success programs to help you connect with the University and achieve academic success. They include learning assistance, developmental education, advising and mentoring, admission and transition, and federally funded programs. Students requiring assistance academically, personally, or socially should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more information and appropriate referrals.
Absences Based on Religious Beliefs: A student who misses an examination, work assignment, or other project due to the observance of a religious holy day will be given the opportunity to complete the work missed within 15 days following the due date of the assignment, test, or other project missed. To be eligible for such a make-up, the student must notify me in writing of classes scheduled on dates he or she will be absent to observe a religious holy day. Notification must be made within the first 15 (fifteen) class days through either a written correspondence, personal delivered, acknowledged and dated by me or written correspondence sent certified mail, return receipt requested to me. Failure to follow the rules provided above within the time frames listed will result in the absence being considered unexcused.
Bomb Threats: If anyone is tempted to call in a bomb threat, be aware that UTA will attempt to trace the phone call and prosecute all responsible parties. Every effort will be made to avoid cancellation of presentations/tests caused by bomb threats. Unannounced alternate sites will be available for these classes. Your instructor will make you aware of alternate class sites in the event that your classroom is not available.