Capitalization and Punctuation #5


1. shelby's best friend moved to anchorage alaska

2. julie's grandmother lives in Oregon

3. what are the capitals of louisiana georgia and texas

4. acapulco mexico is a popular tourist destination

5. the oldest permanent european settlement in the us is st. augustine florida


1. he could not make up his mind whether to take french spanish or russian

2. the rocky mountains run through several states including colorado wyoming and utah

3. my brothers play soccer football and baseball

4. spain portugal and france are in Europe

5. kim sally and katy are my best friends


1. the london symphony orchestra performed ludwig von beethovens ninth symphony

2. he decided to visit professor abbott who taught depaul university in chicago Illinois

3. they shopped at sonderbergs department store and then visited cramden park zoo

4. the union pacific railroad serves the midwestern and northern parts of the united states

5. he was a sergeant in the marine corps stationed at a naval base south of san diego


1. jill's parents were married on september 4 1980

2. on july 16 1969 apollo 11 lifted off from cape kennedy

3. his sister was born on thursday march 10 2004

4. the explorers left their camp on january 20 1863

5. Mary was born on January 12 1994


1. the amazon river is located in south America

2. i asked mother when uncle george would be visiting us from fargo north dakota

3. the triplets went to disneyland on August 29 2007

4. sad had to mow the lawn fix the window and trim the tree on saturday

5. key west florida is only 90 miles from cuba

Sullivan 2008 – Sentences adapted from