SUBMISSION TO: Christchurch City Council

ON: Three Year Plan 2013-16

FROM: Lyttelton/Mt.Herbert Community Board

CONTACT: Paula Smith


Lyttelton/Mt.Herbert Community Board

Phone: 3294445


The Lyttelton/Mt.Herbert Community Board (the Board) appreciates being able to make this submission on the Council’s Draft Three Year Plan (TYP) 2013-16.

The Board wishes to make comment and/or suggestions on the following specific issues:

Anchor Projects – Central City
The Board supports lower Council contributions to anchor projects in the central city. While not opposed to betterment in principle this is not a priority for our community.
Asset Sales
The Board supports the Councils position on strategic asset sales and reminds Council of the Boards resolution passed at its 14 August 2012 meeting:
That the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board support continued public ownership of NewZealand’s strategic assets, and continued Christchurch City Council ownership of it’s metropolitan and regional strategic assets, in particular, Lyttelton Port of Christchurch.
Capital Project Consultation
The Board welcomes the proposals to involve the Community Board in all Capital Projects affecting the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert area.
Performance Indicators
In addition to general community satisfaction performance indicators, the Board suggests Council consider annual surveys of Community Boards to provide qualitative information about community satisfaction, for particular activities, for example Recreation and Leisure, Community Facilities, Neighbourhood Parks, Parks and Open Spaces etc.
Godley House
The Board requests that some funding be included to enable progress to be made on planning by the Council (in partnership with the local community) for the redevelopment of the Godley House site in DiamondHarbour, because it is a significant Christchurch site.
Lyttelton-Mt Herbert Community Board Objectives
A copy of the Objectives of the Lyttelton-Mt Herbert Community Board for this triennial term are attached for information.

In addition, the Board wishes to make comment on the specific projects in the attached table.

The Board would appreciate the opportunity to speak in support of its submission.

Paula Smith

Chairperson - Lyttelton/Mt.Herbert Community Board

19 April 2013

Community Board contact:

Liz Carter

Community Board Adviser

Akaroa Service Centre

78 Rue Lavaud


Phone: (03) 9415682


Council Activities and Services
95 / Healthy Environment
Flood protection and control works
Wastewater collection / Request that estuaries and harbours be added to the following statement under these sections:
Water quality in rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands, estuaries and harbours is improved
105 / Road Network / Request the following be added under What is the Council trying to achieve:
The local rural road network is managed to contribute to biodiversity outcomes, reduce sediment discharges and encourage use by pedestrians and cyclists.
107 / Active Travel / Request the following be added under What is the Council trying to achieve:
The local rural road network is managed to encourage safe use by cyclists.
107 / Public Transport Infrastructure / Request the following be added under How would we know these services were successful?:
Amenity: Ensure user satisfaction with the
number, quality of, and personal safety at,
bus shelters and ferry terminals.
(The Board notes the existing facilities at B Jetty are unsatisfactory)
117 / Licensing and enforcement
(Cross Reference – District Planning Page 251) / The Board would like to see a programme of routine/random checking of resource consents (including rural subdivision consents), in addition to reacting to complaints
154 / Recreation and sports services / The Board welcomes the expectation that the Lyttelton Swimming Pool will be open in the 2013/14 year.
155 / Recreation and sports services / Request the following be added under How would we know these services were successful?:
Deliver accessible community-based
recreation and sport programmes, events
and campaigns equitably across the city.
Comment – there is a particular need in post earthquake Lyttelton where the Recreation Centre, the swimming pool and other recreation and leisure facilities remain closed.
187 / Christchurch economic development leadership and coordination / As well as supporting cruise ship visits to Akaroa, the Board requests that CCT and the Council work towards increasing the number of cruise ships that berth at the Port of Lyttelton for upcoming seasons.
189 / Christchurch economic development leadership and coordination / Target
Lyttelton (Community) Visitor Centre will be
open 9.00-5.00 daily (with opening hours
extended as necessary to accommodate cruise ship visits)
The Board notes that these are not the hours currently operated by the Lyttelton Information Centre.
199-200 / City governance and decision making / Measure
Percentage of residents that feel the public
has some or a large influence on the
decisions the Council makes.
The Board considers that the Planned Performance of 55% is not high enough for this Measure.
227 / Community Facilities / Under Targets, the Board would like to see significant improvement in the dialogue between the Council and Lyttelton-Mt.Herbert communities about the repairs, rebuild and continuing management of facilities in the local area.
251 / District Planning / Landscapes and natural features are
protected and enhanced
Prepare the new proposed Christchurch
District Plan (combining the Christchurch
City Plan and Banks Peninsula District Plan)
The Board welcomes the review of the District Plan in 2013/14. We are pleased the Council is trying to achieve protection and enhancement of landscapes. On Banks Peninsula, and in particular Lyttelton Harbour, landscapes are under increasing pressure from the cumulative effects of rural lifestyle subdivisions since the earthquakes.
Proposed Capital Programme
290 / Harbours & Marine Structures / The Board seeks funding of $15,000 for further investigations, more detailed drawings and accurate costings to work up a proposal and enable a community Working Party to progress a project intended to improve boating safety at the public facilities in Naval Point.
301 / 994 / Marine Structures renewal programme / The Board requests that Community Board be added to the Consultation Required.
302 / 420 / Corsair Bay Plan Renewals / The Board requests that it be added to the Consultation Required because in the past development at Corsair Bay has not been in accordance with the agreed Development Plan.
303 / 408
2390 / Head to Head Walkway Project
Banks Peninsula Walkways Development
Lyttelton Natural Environment – a new Civic Square / The Board requests that Community Board be added to the Consultation Required for these three projects.
307 / 255 / RTI Bus Finder Installations / The Board would like to see an RTI bus finder at the connection between the bus system and ferries in Lyttelton.
315 / 479 / Lyttelton Stormwater Brick Barrels / The Board would like information on this project
320 / 2827 / Port Hills tracks and parks re-opening / The Board supports this project.
320 / 2441 / Sumner Road/Evans Pass re-opening / The Board supports this project and hopes that provision for the Head to Head Walkway can be incorporated into the design.
323 / 2392 / Lyttelton Natural Environment - Local landscape and heritage interpretation / The Board supports this project and requests that the Community Board and local runanga be included under Consultation Required
324 / 2450 / Stoddart Point Development / The Board supports this project
327 / 241 / Banks Peninsula Seal Extension / The Board wishes to be added to the Consultation Required and involved in the consultation because of issues raised in the past by the community
327 / 245 / Inner Harbour Road Improvement (Lyttelton to Diamond Harbour) / The Board supports and welcomes the provision for improvements to the Inner Harbour Road
327 / 918 / Intersection Improvement: Simeon/Godley Quay / Under Consultation Required this project needs consultation with the community, not just the Community Board
327 / 919 / Lyttelton Port Access Road / The Board requests that it be added to the Consultation Required and requests information on this project.
327 / 1976 / Suburban Masterplan – Lyttelton / The Board wishes to ensure that funding is provided to include changes to the District Plan identified in the Lyttelton Master Plan B1 and B2.

Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board Objectives

for the 2010 – 2013 Triennium

“A place where people enjoy living”

These objectives are agreed by members of the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board. They are intended to guide decision-making and provide a basis for the Board's advocacy work in this triennium and beyond. These objectives can only be achieved in partnership with others, including our many resourceful community groups, mana whenua, local businesses (including Lyttelton Port of Christchurch), the Christchurch City Council and government agencies.

·  Local community partnership in earthquake recovery

·  Port traffic off waterfront quays

·  Improved public access to inner harbour waterfront

·  A rebuilt sustainable Lyttelton town centre, with character

·  Lyttelton Urban Design Advisory Committee up and running

·  Retention, restoration, and timely recovery of local heritage

·  Arts and creative activities supported and celebrated

·  Lyttelton Harbour catchment water quality steadily improving

·  Head-to-Head walkway up and running

·  Predator-free Port Hills

·  Landscapes protected and sustainably managed

·  Stoddart Point and Coastal Cliff Management Plan finalised

·  Agreed plans for Godley House site redevelopment

·  Destination Lyttelton Harbour “on the map” for visitors

·  More and different people involved (broader community engagement)

·  Greater community interest in role of the Community Board

Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board

Adopted 15 May 2012