Taking Pictures with a Digital Camera

Canon Power Shot A75 Digital Camera Tutorial

Digital camera vs. traditional Film camera:

· There is no expensive film to buy and develop.

· Preview your pictures instantly; delete at your leisure.

· Upload pictures quickly to your computer for viewing.

· Manipulate and fix pictures using photo manipulation software installed on your computer. No need to visit a photo lab or consult a professional.

· Higher resolution on some cameras, which allows for higher quality images.

· Ability to print pictures from your computer. No need to visit a lab for printing or development.

Getting to know your digital camera:

First things first, the best and probably most important step you can take is getting to know your way around your digital camera. If you are familiar with your camera you will be able to make the most out of your pictures with less hassle.

Preparing the digital camera:

If the batteries and memory card are not in the camera when you check it out, follow these simple steps in order to put the batteries and memory card in properly.

Taking pictures:

∙ (Step C may not need to be done because the date and time should already be set).

Viewing the images you took:

Erasing an image:

Quick References:

∙ Zooming:

Shooting modes:

Getting images from the digital camera to the computer on a PC:

1. Follow these following steps.

2. From your PC, click on the Start menu at the bottom of your screen then navigate to My Computer. Once My Computer is opened you should see an icon named Cannon Power Shot A74, just double click on this icon to locate your pictures.

Getting images from the digital camera to the computer on a MAC:

1. Follow step a and b above in order to get the computer to recognize the digital camera.

2. Follow the next steps.

3. Double click on the icon that appears on the desktop after the computer has recognized the digital camera. When you double click all of the pictures and video that you took should appear in the device.

Emailing pictures:

(Emailing pictures on a PC compared to a MAC should have little variation).

1. Launch your email program.

2. Now that you are in your email, click Compose or New to open a blank document to be emailed.

3. Enter in the email address you wish to send the pictures to, and then you must locate the attachments or insert button on your email client. (Every email client is different. You just need to take a moment to find the button that says attachment)

4. Once you have located the button go ahead and click once on it.

5. A new window should open up and in the window there should be a button that says browse.

6. Click on the browse button once, and now another window opens up. This window allows us to navigate to where you saved the pictures or directly to the digital camera itself. If you look at the top of the new window you will see a menu bar that says look in, if you click on the menu it will allow us to locate the folder where you saved your pictures or you will see the imaging icon of the Canon Power Shot A75 digital camera in there.

7. Once you have located the picture you would like to attach, select the image then click open on the lower left corner of the window. (You may follow steps 6 and 7 to attach more pictures).

8. Once you have all of the images attached, you can now select the send button in the main email window.

Educational Technology Center Revised on 08/08/06