California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators


Surf & Sand Resort, Laguna Beach

November 9-10, 2004

Minutes for Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Council Members Present:President Joanne Brennan, Louise Jones, Sean Smith, David Levy, John Anderson, Colleen MacDonald, Mindy Bergeron, Katherine Sharifi, Toni Dubois, Tracie Matthews, Pam Cooper, and Meredith Kelly

Others Present: Addalou Davis, Tami Sato, Linda Williams, Shyra Compton, Karen Grumm, Max Espinoza, Donna Huber, Kathleen Clough, Laura Cunha, Linda Bisesi, Antoinette Moore, Timothy Bonnel, Justene Adamec, and Wayne Mahoney

Absent: Ann Whitmer, Erika Fierro, Sunshine Garcia, Noelia Gonzalez, Ann Klein, Maureen McRae Levy, Dennis Schroeder, Sherry Padilla, Marianna Deeken, Carrie Steere-Salazar, and Marco De La Garza

Open Discussion

CDs entitled “A Parent’s Guide to Paying for College 2005-2006” were passed out to CASFAA Executive Council members, liaisons, and guests. More copies can be obtained by contacting CHELA. (CHELA is a non-profit lender). In addition, CHELA will have copies available at their booth during the CASFAA conference in December.

According to Wayne, Ann Klein was supposed to send an email to membership regarding election results.Wayne will contact Ann via email so she can remind Ena to send results of election.

Concluding Comments - Wayne Mahoney

Wayne provided closing remarks on his tenure as CASFAA President. He indicated that being CASFAA President is a 3-year commitment, a 3-year commitment that is a lot of fun. He noted that, “It is very interesting to see the inter-workings of the association.” In addition he commented that the position reinforced the importance of working with people and listening to other points of opinion. He thanked everyone for their participation and hard work. He specifically thanked Linda Bisesi for her help. He is certain that she will do her best to help the next President. In conclusion Wayne passed his Bear to Joanne and announced that the old Council people can now “go home.”

New Council Call to Order – Joanne Brennan

Joanne welcomed the new Council. She revealed her first major change she implemented this year, which was to have the new Council participate in the initial Executive Council meeting as opposed to having the new Council come in the day after.

Introduction – Gayle Northrop

Joanne introduced Gayle Northrop. Gayle is a consultant who works with non-profit organizations. She helped with the CASFAA survey and retreat. The new Council proceeded to introduce themselves to Gayle one at a time. She thanked everyone for letting her join the meeting. She mentioned that there were lots of familiar and new faces, which will surely generate a “tricky balancing act.” She identified CASFAA as being a very unique association because the entire Council and subsequent committees are comprised of volunteers.

Institutional Memory & Momentum

CASFAA’s mission this year is to get everybody up and running. One idea was to have two-year terms instead of one-year terms, (to bring new people up to speed quickly). Gayle asked how many had read the CASFAA policies and procedures within the last twelve months. (A handful raised their hands). She stressed the importance of everybody reading the policies and procedures on a regular basis. Also to review the CASFAA Mission Statement (which was adopted by the 1999 Executive Council). Gayle was curious to know if anybody was on the council during that time, (Joanne, David, and Toni responded by raising their hands).

Gayle went on to analyze the mission statement. David was concerned that modifications would be made to the mission statement that would exclude our ultimate goal of “helping students.” Toni indicated that it needs to be changed because CASFAA does not “directly help students.” She stated, “We are not giving them the fish, we are helping them fish.” Everyone agreed that it is imperative for the mission statement to reflect on the fact that CASFAA supplies personal development to financial aid administrators.

Gayle next emphasized the importance of implementing a “Statement of Purpose,” which would encourage the completion of goals by each committee. It would involve setting goals and developing strategic plans. A “Statement of Purpose” would say for example, “My committees’ mission is this, this is how we will do it, and this is how it supports our mission.”

Gayle facilitated a discussion on Executive Council duties and what the Executive Council’s ultimate job is. Toni said that every new Executive Council has to make the choice whether to babysit the association for a year or work really hard. Gayle stated that fiduciary responsibilities are imperative, (after all, CASFAA is managing money from members).

The discussion soon led to reserve funds. At this time CASFAA has a sufficient reserve fund. Should they be utilizing these resources? Addalou commented that providing free training will deplete reserves. CASFAA would as a result have to work hard to have this level of operating funds again.

Gayle suggested that segmental representatives have their own meeting. They should come together and share issues and ideas. Tami said that this is what the Executive Council meetings are for. The Executive Council members agreed that sharing reports would be most effective for these groups.

Joanne asked Executive Council if they would rather receive packets each time the Executive Council meets or a 3-ring binder with the reports in it. Majority wanted a packet. Joanne suggested that reports be sent the Thursday before Executive Council meetings and copies be brought to the meetings for members as well as guests. She added that everyone should look at the set dates for future Executive Council meetings and plan accordingly Colleen suggested that the association’s LCDs be utilized to project the reports.

President’s Goals

Joanne indicated her number one goal this coming year is volunteerism. She wants to have elections in June to assure that “new people know what they are getting into.” She expressed that she would like Executive Council members to bring a colleague to future meetings. This would boost morale to join the association. Colleen suggested that they should have to apply for volunteer activities. Addalou agreed, saying that they should complete the online volunteer form so they can specify what area they are interested in. She added this would incur an increase in travel expenses. An agreement was reached that a compromise needs to be reached before we invite guests.

Executive Council

Executive Council reviewed Joanne’s primary goals. She asked each of the members to establish goals to promote the CASFAA mission. Gayle chimed in by recommending that new members contact past members for ideas regarding goals. She indicated 5 goals should be sufficient. Gayle also suggested that each member ask themselves how they can support Joanne’s goals. “What will be our legacy in this position? What are we going to look back on?”

Joanne made a correction to the July Executive Council meeting. The July meeting will take place from the 24th thru the 26th (not the 27th). She also announced future meeting locations. May 22nd thru the 24th will be at the Temecula Creek Inn and July 24th thru the 26th will be at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose.

Treasurer – Mindy Bergeron

Mindy announced John Anderson will be in charge of obtaining insurance for the association (among other things). Donna suggested that the fund development person use her for sponsorship requests (since she is the representative for the varied lenders).

A discussion was had that Kathleen should be notified via email when non-monetary donations are received. David indicated that this past year there were no thank-you cards sent out to donors. In addition, he said that fund development might be unaware that one of their tasks is to send thank-you cards. He has received at least two emails from lenders asking if CASFAA has received their donated funds. Toni said that fund development should establish sending thank-you cards as one of their goals. Members agreed on this and that their needs to be correspondence between Tracey and Karen. Donations must be recorded by the Treasurer and Fund Development Chair. Kathleen will contact Tracey to see who should have received thank-you cards.

The budgets for all the Executive Council meetings have to be in by the next meeting. David asked if the Chairs will be able to view budgets online in the future. Mindy responded, “Yes,” this is one of her goals.

The topic of audits came up. Mindy indicated that the association has only had a review of the books, not an audit of the books. David added that CASFAA had an audit in 1996. Everyone agreed that the association should start adhering to the policy regarding audits.

Four members of the Executive Council will have credit cards. They are Louise Jones, Joanne Brennan, David Levy and Mindy Bergeron. After January 1, we can contact Joanne or Mindy to charge plane tickets or other bills if we don’t want to charge our own credit card or if we don’t have one. (A motion was passed not long ago that states that Executive Council members do not have to have the President sign their reimbursement forms). Everyone agreed that expenses should be reasonable, not extravagant. Mileage to and from airport will be covered as well as parking fees. It was emphasized that CASFAA will not pay for alcohol. Also, rental cars must be approved by the President. The Executive Council needs to contact David if they have an emergency and are not able to come to a meeting.

Minutes for Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Council Members Present:President Joanne Brennan, Louise Jones, Sean Smith, David Levy, John Anderson, Colleen MacDonald, Mindy Bergeron, Katherine Sharifi, Toni Dubois, Tracie Matthews, Pam Cooper, and Meredith Kelly

Others Present: Tami Sato, Linda Williams, Shyra Compton, Karen Grumm, Donna Huber, Kathleen Clough, Laura Cunha, Antoinette Moore, Linda Bisesi, Timothy Bonnel, and Wayne Mahoney

Absent: Ann Whitmer, Erika Fierro, Addalou Davis, Sunshine Garcia, Noelia Gonzalez, Ann Klein, Maureen McRae Levy, Dennis Schroeder, Justene Adamec, Max Espinoza, Sherry Padilla, Marianna Deeken, Carrie Steere-Salazar, and Marco De La Garza

Fiscal Planning Chair – John Anderson

John started out by defining the Treasure Elect’s role. The role is essentially to prepare him for the 2006 Treasury position. He then went on to discuss the assets in CASFAA’s checking account. At this time there is a significant amount of money in the checking account, approximately $305,000. These funds will be used to pay bills associated with the conference.

CASFAA has taken measures to invest in more risky accounts. John explained the advantages and disadvantages. He introduced Blakesly & Blakesly as being an investment organization that will not charge a fee, since they make their money from other companies that are investing CASFAA’s money. At the present time, CASFAA’s Franklin Templeton growth fund and Mutual European fund are doing the best. With these type of funds, CASFAA is looking at a 7 year term. After 7 years it will be at an 18% return. At a later date, CASFAA will sell them.

John continued by presenting the 2005 CASFAA Project Budget Form. Project participants must pay their membership dues. The form must be completed thoroughly. Everything must go through Fund Development. Individuals cannot pick and choose who will sponsor their project. As expenses are posted, Executive Council members will be able to observe the budget. They will not have the ability to modify; however, they will have read-only access via user name and password.

Project forms need to be submitted to chairs. Executive Council members must submit theirs to Joanne. The budget essentially reflects what to expect, it does not constantly change. According to John, “Budgets are placeholders to enable us to be realistic.” He recommended that when setting costs for varied activities to be as realistic as possible. Anything requiring a contract must go through the legal counsel via David Levy. The president or her designee signs all contracts.

John indicated that the association does not have bonding insurance; however, this needs to be discussed seriously if annual audits take place. Also, if a project is running and the site requires evidence that the organization is insured, John will obtain certification of proof of insurance.

We are required by the IRS to file 1099s for anyway that is paid over $600. Speaker fees are included; travel and lodging are not included.

The CASFAA Conference is a separate entity; however, the Conference committee is not as they have their own budget. The conference committee will meet at a later date to establish their budget. Segmental representatives will forward their Conference projects to the Conference chair.

John concluded with the topic of fiscal planning. He indicated that there is a legitimate issue in regards to reserves. CASFAA has sufficient funds for protection; however, discussion needs to occur as to how much to keep. In addition investing needs to be discussed. A policy needs to be created addressing the handling of reserves. This will be one of John’s goals which he will bring to a future Executive Council Meeting. John ended his presentation by emphasizing the importance of not creating hardship for future Executive Councils.

Looking Ahead

Wayne announced that January 21st will be the deadline to submit budgets to John.

Joanne announced that Executive Council members will have the opportunity to meet Jeff Baker at the conference. Jeff provides federal updates. Tami provided more insight in regards to the meeting by saying they usually meet him in the Presidential suite. Everyone will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have. She also noted that the Executive Council will be expected to attend the Newcomers’ reception.

Marco reiterated the importance of reading CASFAA’s policies and procedures. Tami will be reformatting the procedures. The bylaws must be brought to every meeting. Sean will be manning the CASFAA booth during conference. He will be contacting Executive Council members to complete various shifts.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 a.m.
Moved by Wayne Mahoney, duly seconded by Sean Smith and unanimously approved by the Council.
A motion was made to let the Executive Council approve the job description that was attached to Motion email on 12/16/04 and to authorize the President, or her designees, to solicit applications for the position of Administrative Coordinator, and that after a period of time (such time being the sole discretion of the President) the President form a committee to review resumes, interview worthy prospective applicants and fill this position.
The motion passed with 11 Executive Council members voting.