Attachments Workgroup Conference Call 07/14/2009
The regular Tuesday ASIG conference calls will occur on:
- July 14 ***
- July 28
- Aug 11
- Aug 25
- Sept 08 (last call before Plenary meeting)
Time: 2:30 Eastern for up to 60 minutes. All calls use the same dial-in information. Phone Number: 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 863259#
Phone options: *6 to mute #6 to un-mute
Matt Klischer; Tim Brown; Craig Gabron; Meledie Meyer; Durwin Day (co-chair); Rob Root (co-chair); Marguerite Galloway (scribe)
LOINC booklet – Rob received many updates/suggestions related to the LOINC booklet. Most were word-smithing (a better way to say things), but the volume was over-whelming so Rob drew a line in the sand and didn’t pursue it. Sue Thompson forwared a change regarding the table of contents, which will be made. An suggestion related to ‘LOINC code’ will not be made at this time. The ASIG’s goal is to get the documents published. Consider the LOINC booklet to be finished.
Medications booklet – the next booklet to be reviewed will be Medications.
Implementation Guide – this guide is the driver to understanding the booklets & how to use them. Rob would like to address the Implementation Guide sooner rather than later, but it will depend on the status of his copy.
Booklet Review – Rob controls the edited documents. As booklets are ready for review, he will forward them and solicit input. Rob feels the ASIG will get through all of the booklets (except Rehab) before the September Plenary. Rehab will be the last booklet reviewed.
AGENDA : September Plenary Meeting
Due to a conflict with the September X12 conference, participation in the Attachments Workgroup will not be at its usual level. Rob solicited ideas for upcoming work and the agenda. The following suggestions were made:
a. PIUC booklet: Craig feels the booklet would benefit the workmen’s compensation push within the industry. With 6-8 work requests, the ASIG should review and prioritize them.
b. Expand the pilot project utilizing the CDV (the pilot was purely HDV). In order to pursue this work item, the ASIG would have to develop a project plan and send it to CMS. Durwin suggested there might be a nitch for the ASIG to get into with EHR, and EHR using LOINC.
c. Craig noted that the upcoming WEDI audiocast (Mary Kay McDaniel) addresses attachments & the challenges. It would be a benefit to get a pilot moving to assist their effort.
d. WEDI update: Durwin & Mary Lynn could provide an update on what WEDI is doing.
e. Booklet review: The booklets require a technical review for accuracy. Calvin Beebe would be a good candidate. Rob has forwarded a request to HL7 headquarters asking for technical assistance in validating the technical matter in the booklets (estimated at 40-100 hours).
f. Early Adoption: discuss the early adoption of attachments without a final rule.
Atlanta Minutes
The ASIG will not have a dedicated scribe at the Atlanta Plenary meeting. In order to capture the meeting minutes, Rob will provide a minutes template which will be passed around at the meeting. Volunteers (by quarter or day) will populate the template. At the end of the meeting, Rob will use the populated template to publish the meeting minutes.
In search of a scribe…
If you or someone you know may be interested in being a scribe at the ASIG conferences, please contact one of the co-chairs.
July 28, 2009. ASIG calls are scheduled 2:30 – 3:30 PM eastern every other week. See conference call dates & call-in information above.
Adjourned at 2:55 PM.
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