CSEM-BMP – Centre for Sustainability & Environmental Management In Professional Confidence

CSEM – Centre for Sustainability

& Environmental Management

2008- 2009

PG Certificate, Diploma, MA & MSc in Integrated Sustainable Management for Business

Validated by Middlesex University, London, UK

Middlesex Collaborative Programmes Unique Ref: 011L802

We will be better and braver if we engage and enquire than if we indulge in the idle fancy

that we already know – or that it is no use seeking to know what we do not know. - Plato

All we are given is possibilities – to make of ourselves one thing or another.

–  Jose Ortega y Gasset

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change

the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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Frontis Piece

Participant Name: ______

In case of loss please, contact or return this handbook to the above participant at the following:

[Participant to write a return address, or contact details, in case of loss, above.]

Participant Notes:

Document Development and Control:

020829 - Module 6: Course Director’s further change of Aims to more fully incorporate social aspects.

030122 – Page 6: Pathway table diagram altered, replacing specific with numbered months.

030301 – 5.0: Altered from ‘Programme Structure’ to ‘Programme Structure and Study Duration Requirements’

Add ‘: 5.2 Duration of Study for Each Module

National rules for study hours for an MSc specify that each module should involve 135 hours (about 17 days). We have to design for an average intake.On this course we normally enrol successful senior professionals with an above average work rate.In practice, when the course is over two years, we are talking aboutthis amount over2months. The intensive 4.5 days of each module + assessment morning convert to about 45 hours (about 6 normal working days). This leaves the equivalent ofabout 11 days for pre-reading, reading, research, practical client review, preparing and producing your paper and presentation (advised as a max of 8-12 slides for thefirst modules). Different participants manage their approach to thisin widely different ways.’

030814 – 5.0: Altered Module C1 name to Business Strategy for Sustainable Development

030814 – 5.0: Altered Module O1 & Foundation Course to Regulation for Sustainable Development

030814 - Cover: Altered 2002-3 to 2003-2004

030814 – Academic Schedule updated for 2003-2004 & split between University dates and CSEM modules.

030921 – Redraft of Appendix: Standard Opening Research Project

031011 – 5.Self- Managed Learning Set: Delete ‘Typical’, replace e ’Model’; place ‘SML’ after ‘Self-Managed Learning’, add: ‘This new approach will be changed and developed in the light of experience’.

031020 – Minor up-dates to module reading lists, changing edition dates to most recent editions

031120 – Update of Core People Management Module to bring out focus on facilitating design of training, change management and leadership development programmes, increase direction towards learning organisation methods.

040630 – Addition of Subject Definition Appendix

041201 – Addition of new appendix with Terms & Conditions and Limitation of Warranty.

061114 – Addition of table on Enlightenment at Work Themes in introduction

090128 – Addition of Appendix: Contents Guide and Appendix: Additional Information

090210 – Addition of Appendix: Advice on writing papers for CSEM assignments
CSEM-BMP and its relationship with Middlesex University

1.  THE CSEM-BMP Post-Graduate Certificate/ Diploma / MA & MSc PROGRAMME

Following considerable research and consideration, CSEM chose to have its programme validated by Middlesex University. Important factors in the decision included Professor Goulding, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s pioneering vision and success in establishing a national pioneering focus for work-based learning; the positive experiences of Ashridge Management College and of the Forum for the Future’s Young Scholars Programme - and finally the possibility of Programme including modular progression through to a doctorate (subject to further validation).

Students successfully completing the necessary parts of the programme will, therefore, receive a Middlesex University award of a Post-Graduate Certificate or Diploma or MA or MSc and also have right to pass through the appropriate Middlesex University graduation ceremony.

Our validating University has an important role in relation to the Centre, providing both institutional

approval and Programme validation. The University with which the Centre is in collaborative partnership

maintains continued responsibilities for the Programme, which provides assurance for the participants.

Students enrol and register as students of The Centre for Sustainable & Environmental Management and registered by CSEM with the University for their academic award.

If a student does not complete the full programme, CSEM will provide a ‘transcript’ of results and our validating body will give an official document recording any individual elements of the programme successfully completed.

Validation of the CSEM programme is mediated by the University’s School of Health and Social Sciences via which CSEM students can gain the range of benefits of the University’s National Centre for Work Based Learning Partnerships (NCWBLP), starting with the possibility (if appropriate) of building onwards to a doctorate (subject to further validation approval).

CSEM’s Link Tutor is Dr. Michael Baker, Joint Programme Director.

Middlesex’ Link Tutor is Dr. Tracey Cockerton, Associate Dean: Academic Development, Senior Manager, School of Health and Social Sciences, Middlesex University, Hendon, Town Hall Campus, Room T134, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BT. Tel: +44 (0)20 8411 5464; Email:

The role of the Link Tutors is to facilitate the smooth-running of the collaboration.


This handbook must be read in conjunction with our validating University’s Guide and Regulations

(www.mdx.ac.uk/regulations/). The formal ‘University Regulations’ may also be accessed via the Middlesex 24-7

website on www.mdx.ac.uk/24-7, under the heading ‘Assessment and Regulations’. The Middlesex 24-7 website provides a wide range of general guidance and support for students. Printed copies of the ‘Guide and Regulations’ are available from Middlesex University Libraries. Students and staff are advised to be familiar in particular with

Regulations Section F (Infringement Regulations - Academic dishonesty) and Section G (Appeal Regulations and

Procedures). The College/Institute acts in accordance with these procedures in the case of student dishonesty or a

student appeal.

3.  FURTHER DOCUMENTS HELD BY CSEM for consultation by the students and staff:

a) The Middlesex University Charter for Students on Collaborative Programmes

b) The Memorandum of Co-operation for the Programme. This is the formal agreement between the University and the College/ Institute on the delivery of the Programme.

c) Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) Code of Practice: Collaborative Provision and Flexible and Distributed Learning.


Since some of our mature students come from overseas, we seek to observe the relevant parts of the Higher

Education Quality Council's Code of Practice for Overseas Collaborative Provision in Higher Education (2nd

edition, 1996). Note: this is to be replaced shortly by a Code of Practice issued by the Quality Assurance Agency

for Universities in the UK.

CSEM Calendar 2008 – 2009

Dates /

Business Seminars & Workshops


MA/ MSc Programme Modules

July 26 – September 7: Summer vacation closure
16 – 19 / Professional and Research Methods for SD
(4 Days) / Research Module (PRM)
Assessment Deadline: October 17
10 – 14 / Operations and Audit for Sustainable Development (5 Days) / Core Module (C4)
Assessment Deadline: December 12
16 - 19 / Waste, Emissions, Land and Sustainable Development (4 Days) / Core Module (C5)
Assessment Deadline: January 16
Dec 20 – Jan 4: Christmas vacation closure
24 - 27 / People Management & Leadership
in Sustainable Development (4 Days) / Core Module (C2)
Assessment Deadline: March 27
March 12 tbc / Board of Studies
24 – 27 / Sustainable Life Cycle Management
(4 Days) / Core Module (C6)
Assessment Deadline: April 24
April 11 – 19: Easter vacation closure
21 – 24 / Globalisation, Corporate Social Responsibility & SD (4 Days) / Optional Module (O1)
Assessment Deadline: May 22
April 30 / Assessment Board
19 – 22 / Climate Change, Emissions-Trading & Sustainability (4 Days) / Optional Module (O4)
Assessment Deadline: June 19
June 11 tbc / Board of Studies
16 – 19 / People Management & Leadership
in Sustainable Development (4 Days) / Core Module (C2)
Assessment Deadline: July 17
7 - 10 / Integration in SM (4 Days) / Core Module (C7)
Assessment Deadline: August 7
July 25 – September 6: Summer vacation closure

5.  Indicative Model Calendar For MA/ MSc Modules & Dissertation

Year 1 of Two-Year Pathway / Year 2 of Two-Year Pathway
Month / 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 1 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 7
Modules / Professional & Research Methods/ Skills / Integration
4-Day Modules
(e.g.) / Systems / Waste / Ops & Audit / Life
Cycle Mngt / People Leader
Ship / Strategy / Emiss. Trading / Leader
Assign-ments / √ (1) / √(2) / √(3) / √(4) / √(5) / √(6) / √(7) / √(8) / √(9) / √(10)
Dissert’n / √(11)
Credits / 15 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 20 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 40
Cum Credits / 30 / 45 / 60 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 / 155 / 195

Note: This calendar is intended to operate when student recruitment is appropriate.

6.  Self-Managed Learning Set (SML): Introduction:

“Reason must be the beginning of every activity, reflection must come before any undertaking.”

from Ch 37 v 61-20, Wisdom of Siracides/ Ecclesiasticus, circa 190 BC.

In common with a number of other Masters Programmes that are primarily intended for mature professional participants, for example, that at Roffey Park in the UK, the CSEM Programme is built around a learner-centred approach and in particular Self-Managed Learning Sets.

These sets will generally be made up of cohorts coming on to the Programme in September/ October and January/February and are at the heart of your Programme. They will have a Supporting Tutor through the (currently) two to five years of your Masters studies – see Student Support section below for additional information on the SML Set and other student support.

Your set will may well generally meet every month, for example, on the third Monday. This will coincide with your module weeks (typically Tuesday to Friday) to minimise your breaks away from your organisations or clients.

09.00 – 09.30 / Introduction and orientation
09.30 – 12.30 / Tutorial / Workshop for previous assignment
- reviewing, facilitating, shaping intervention processes and assignments
12.30 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 – 18.00 / Professional & Research Methods Module (Year 1 of Two-Year Pathway)
- support process for developing Assignments and Dissertations.
Integration Module (Year 2 of Two-Year Pathway)
- continues this support process
18.00 – 19.00 / Break
19.30 – 21.30 / Evening Workshop: Extended Dialogue: Values, Issues, Resistance & SD – with experienced management / sustainable development facilitator
This should provide congenial time and space to reflect on your practice, programmes and projects – and what you are learning.
21.30 – 22.00 / Close

The SML Set day will generally be structured:

This approach will be changed and developed in the light of experience.


CSEM Calendar 2008 – 2009 6

Contents 8

1. Welcome and Introduction: 10

1.1 Introduction 10

1.2 Background and Rationale 10

1.3 Who is the New Programme designed for? 12

1.4 How do I make the most of the Programme design? 12

2. The Student Experience: What the student should experience on the Programme 13

2.1 Our Starting Point 13

2.2 Does this amount to a need for enlightenment at work? 13

2.3 Student Starting Points 14

2.4 Students need to become Problem Solvers 14

2.5 Students need to become Change Masters – or close! 14

2.6 How should our graduates feel after completing a CSEM course? 15

2.7 How should the students want to act after the course? 15

3. CSEM Staff – including Contact Details & Organisation Diagram 15

3.1 Staff Roles and Responsibilities 16

4. CSEM Organisation Chart 20

5. Programme Rationale, Overall Aims/ Purpose and Objectives/ Outcomes 21

5.1 Fundamental Programme Rationale 21

5.2 Programme Overall Aims 21

5.3 Expressed as a Purpose: (for the participant) 21

5.4 Principal Outcomes (Objectives): (intended learning outcomes) 22

5.5 Second Tier Outcomes/ Objectives 23

5.6 To achieve these Aims and Objectives/ Outcomes, the Programme design includes 23

5.7 Programme Learning Outcomes & Where Learnt & Assessed 24

5.8 General Assignment Guidance 27

5.9 Preparation for Module Assignments 28

5.10 Programme Structure and Study Duration Requirements 29

5.11 Post-graduate Certificate and Diploma 29

5.12 Duration of Study for Each Module 30

6. Credit Accumulation and Work-Based Learning 31

6.1 Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) 31

6.2 Accreditation for Prior Experience & Learning (APEL) 31

7. The National Centre for Work-based Learning Partnerships 32

7.1 Introduction 32

8. Sample Pathways 33

9. Postgraduate Certificate/ Diploma/ MA/MSc – Outline Content 36

9.1 Introduction 36

9.2 Assessment 36

9.3 Brief Module Descriptions 36

10. Student Involvement and Feed-back 41

10.1 Introduction 41

10.2 Role of CSEM Course Management Committee (CMC) 41

10.3 Arrangements for Student Involvement and Feedback as a validated Masters Programme 41