CPT Code changes for CPT 2016

December 1, 2015

Dear Valued Client:

The American Medical Association (AMA) has made Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code changes to the 2016 edition of the CPT coding manual.

Quest Diagnostics will be implementing these changes effective January 1, 2016. The enclosed lists the individual tests affected and the appropriate CPT code changes.

These tests may also be included in panels or profiles. This list may also be found on the Quest website http://www.questdiagnostics.com/home/physicians/cpt-icd.html.

In September 2015, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the possible adoption of new G codes for toxicology and the deletion of G codes that existed for 2015. We will be updating our systems when their decision is finalized.

CPT 2016 changes involve a new AMA Panel 80081 Obstetric Panel (includes HIV testing), a few new molecular testing codes, new GSP codes, changes to Tier 2 molecular codes, additional MAAA tests, and deletion of several methodology CPT codes in the Chemistry section. Additional detailed information will be available on our website.

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve all of your laboratory needs. We at Quest Diagnostics will make every effort to assist you with the transition to the 2016 AMA CPT coding being used for our test offerings.

Please do not hesitate to call your Quest Diagnostics Sales Representative with any questions or concerns you may have regarding CPT code changes. Or visit our website

at QuestDiagnostics.com for further CPT coding updates.

Thank you very much for using Quest Diagnostics for your laboratory testing needs.

AMA Changes in CPT Coding

Effective January 1, 2016

Quest Diagnostics Test Name / Quest Diagnostics Order Code / 2015 CPT Coding / 2016 CPT Coding /
BRCAvantageTM, Comprehensive / 91863 / 81211, 81213 / 81162
BRCAvantageTM, Ashkenazi Jewish Screen with Reflex BRCAvantage, Comprehensive / 92140 / 81212 with reflex to 81211, 81213 / 81212 with reflex to 81162
BRCAvantageTM Plus (BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, PTEN, CDH1, STK11, PALB2) / 92587 / 81211, 81213, 81321, 81323, 81404, 81405 (x2), 81406 (x2), 81479 / 81162, 81321, 81323, 81404, 81405 (x2), 81406 (x2), 81479
BRCAvantageTM with Reflex to Breast Plus Panel / 92573 / 81211, 81213 with reflex to 81321, 81323, 81404, 81405 (x2), 81406 (x2), 81479 / 81162 with reflex to 81321, 81323, 81404, 81405 (x2), 81406 (x2), 81479
ABL Kinase Domain Mutation in CML, Cell-based / 16029 / 81403 / 81170
ABL Kinase Domain Mutation in CML, Plasma-based, LeumetaR / 16031 / 81403 / 81170
CEBPA Mutation Analysis / 90812 / 81403 / 81218
CEBPA Mutation Analysis, Extracted DNA / 90813 / 81403 / 81218
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prognostic Panel (Normal Karyotype) / 90871 / 81403, 81310, 81245, 81246 / 81218, 81310, 81245, 81246
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prognostic Panel (Normal Karyotype)(NY) / 91867 / 81403, 81310, 81245, 81246 / 81218, 81310, 81245, 81246
Calreticulin (CALR) Mutation Analysis / 92074 / 81479 / 81219
c-kit Mutation Analysis, Plasma-based, LeumetaR / 19960 / 81404 / 81273
C-KIT Mutation Analysis, Cell-based / 19961 / 81404 / 81273
c-KIT Mutations with Reflex to PDGFRA Mutations for GIST / 16237 / 81404 with reflex to 81404 / 81273 with reflex to 81314
NRAS Mutation Analysis / 16818 / 81404 / 81311
RAS Mutation Analysis, Plasma-based LeumetaR / 16127 / 81275, 81403, 81404 / 81311, 81275, 81403
RAS Mutation Analysis, Cell-Based / 16128 / 81275, 81403, 81404 / 81311, 81275, 81403
Colorectal Cancer Mutation Panel (KRAS, PIK3CA, BRAF, NRAS) / 18902 / 81275, 81404, 81210, 81404 / 81275, 81311, 81210, 81404
Thyroid Cancer Mutation Panel (BRAF, RAS, RET/PTC, PAX8/PPAR) / 90469 / 81210, 81404, 81275, 81403, 81404, 81401 / 81210, 81311, 81275, 81403, 81404, 81401
RAS Mutation Analysis, Thyroid Cancer / 90479 / 81275, 81403, 81404 / 81275, 81311, 81403
PDGFRA Mutation Analysis / 16859 / 81404 / 81314
Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (11 Tests) / 90891 / 81220, 81200, 81251, 81242, 81209, 81255, 81260, 81330, 81290, 81250, 81205 / 81412
Ashkenazi Jewish Panel (11 Tests) (NY) / 90892 / 81220, 81200, 81251, 81242, 81209, 81255, 81260, 81330, 81290, 81250, 81205 / 81412
IgG, IgA, Indirect Immunofluorescence, Serum / 16690 / 88347 (x2) / 88346, 88350
Acylglycines, Quantitative, Urine / 10661 / 82544 / 82542
Bromide, Serum/Plasma / 30540 / 82491 / 82542
Cardio IQ® Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids / 91734 / 82541 / 82542
Chlordane and Metabolites / 6076 / 82492 / 82542
Coenzyme Q10 / 19826 / 82491 / 82542
Dapsone / 3303 / 82492 / 82542
DDT with DDD and DDE / 34537 / 82492 / 82542
Dimethylsulfoxide, Blood / 6110 / 82491 / 82542
Dopamine, Plasma / 14762 / 82491 / 82542
Dopamine, Random Urine / 17101 / 82491 / 82542
Dopamine, Urine / 14763 / 82491 / 82542
Epinephrine, Plasma / 37560 / 82491 / 82542
Fatty Acid Profile, Comprehensive / 17568 / 82544 / 82542
Fatty Acid Profile, Essential (C12-C22) / 11254 / 82544 / 82542
Herbicides Panel 1 Screen / 38008 / 82486 / 82542
Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio with Qualitatitve Phosphatidyl Glycerol / 19971 / 83661, 82489 / 83661, 82542
Methylbromide as Metabolite, Blood / 6202 / 82491 / 82542
N,N Dimethylformamide (DMF) Exposure, Urine / 33960 / 82491 / 82542
Norepinephrine, Plasma / 37562 / 82491 / 82542
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids / 91001 / 82541 / 82542
Organochlorine Pesticides / 3529 / 82492 / 82542
Organochlorine Pesticides, Blood / 7804 / 82492 / 82542
PCB Panel, Blood / 26503 / 82491 / 82542
Pentachlorophenol, Blood / 35380 / 82491 / 82542
Polychlorinated Biphenyls Panel / 34535 / 82491 / 82542
Porphyrins, Fractionated, Plasma / 5519 / 82492 / 82542
Porphyrins, Fractionated, Plasma (NY) / 10289 / 82492 / 82542
Porphyrins, Total, Plasma / 10290 / 82491 / 82542
Porphyrins, Total, Plasma (NY) / 10288 / 82491 / 82542
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Screen, Plasma / 15992 / 82541 / 82542
Methoxychlor / 3195 / 82491 / 82441
N,N Dimethylformamide (DMF) Exposure, Urine / 33960 / 82491 / 82542
Tetrahydrofuran / 38024 / 82491 / 82542
Sulfide Exposure Biouptake Marker / 30528 / 82491 / 82542
Tamoxifen and Metabolites, LC/MS/MS / 91998 / 83789 / 80299
Carbamazepine-10,11-Epoxide / 36676 / 83789 / 80156
Lindane / 617 / 82491 / 82441
Chloral Hydrate / 894 / 82491 / 82441
Chloral Hydrate, Blood / 24989 / 82491 / 82441
Hypoglycemic Panel / 19595 / 83789 / 80299
Acetaldehyde, Blood / 202 / 82491 / 80320
Acetonitrile Exposure Profile, Blood / 35385 / 82491, 82010, 82600 / 80320, 82600
Alfentanil Screen, Urine / 21106 / 80354 / 80304
Diuretics Screen, Urine / 91594 / 83788 / 80304
Dextrorphan/Levorphanol Screen, S/P / 3245 / 80362 / 80304
Glutethimide / 422 / 83789 / 80368
Ipecac Use Markers / 30511 / 83789 / 80304
LSD Trace Analysis, Urine / 30165 / 82492 / 80323
Meclizine Screen / 6184 / 80375 / 80304
Naltrexone and Metabolite Confirmation,Free (Unconjugated) / 34532 / 83789 / 80362
Strychnine Screen, Blood / 1024 / 83788 / 80302
Strychnine Screen, Serum/Plasma / 855 / 83788 / 80302
Strychnine Screen, Urine / 8305 / 82486 / 80302

The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.