Effingham County Middle School
1659 Hwy 119 South
Guyton, GA 31312
Phone: 912-772-7001 Fax: 912-772-7005
Dear Parents,
Your daughter has expressed a desire to try out for the 2016-2017 Competition/Football squad. We are excited that she has chosen to pursue participation in this sport, and we look forward to this experience! Being an ECMS Cheerleader is a large responsibility, in that the girls are expected to attend every practice and every competition or game, as well as maintain their grades and meet all financial obligations. Please take the time to discuss with your daughter the commitment and responsibility of being involved in the program.
The competition/football cheerleaders will cheer at 5 competitions this year and at least 6 games (could be up to 2 more if we make it to the playoffs). They will practice heavily during the summer and have a mandatory camp June13-17, 2016 (if you do not attend you will lose your spot). During school, we will practice on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (except game days) and Thursdays from 3:45-5:30. During practices, we will be working on the routine, jumps, and football cheers. There may be occasional days where we extend practice until 6:00 or we have a Friday Practice (usually the week of a competition—if needed).
Tryout practice will be held from Tuesday-Thursday, April 5-7 from 3:45 – 5:30 in the ECMS gym. Tryouts will be Friday, April 8, 2016 at 4:00 in the ECMS gym. The team rosters will be posted after tryouts on the front gate of the school and on the school cheerleading webpage.
1. Prospective cheerleaders must meet school eligibility requirements.
2. Current Physical forms must be on file in order to participate. All physical forms are due by April 4, 2016 ! If we do not have a form on file, the perspective cheerleader will not be eligible to try out.
3. Perspective cheerleaders must be passing 4 of the 5 classes (connections classes are average into one class) for the semester prior to tryouts and the semester prior to the season which they are participating.
4. Perspective cheerleaders cannot miss more than 5 days in the semester prior to tryouts or participation. If you do not meet this eligibility, you may request a hardship meeting with our principal, Mr. Hughes, before tryouts or before the beginning of the season.
5. All parental forms must be turned in byApril 4, 2016.
6. Daily tryouts are definitely encouraged. If you should miss a day of tryouts this will put you at a disadvantage over everyone else. We will be learning new material each day, and we will be unable to stop and teach what someone has missed.
7. Summer Camps are mandatory. You should plan to stay the entire time and you should NOT make doctor or dentist appointments on those days. We are a team, and if one or more of us is not there we cannot learn what we need to. Please plan your vacations if possible around practice days as well.
8. You will need to be at all practices. If you need to leave early or miss it needs to be discussed with the coach at least two days prior (extreme emergencies will be recognized). If you need to leave or miss practice, you will need to bring in a doctor’s excuse as well. Excessive absences could result in sitting out quarters of games or dismissal from the squad. If you are absent you risk someone stepping in and taking your spot. We cannot practice what we need to be our best if one or two girls are out each practice.
9. Being an ECMS cheerleader carries a large financial obligation. We try to keep cost down and break up the payments, but it is still quite large.
10. Fundraisers are a must. Each squad will have two fundraisers a year. This money is used for any items we may buy as a squad and for end of the year gifts. You may choose to complete the fundraiser requirement or pay the money from the profit we would have made if you had participated in the fundraiser. The booster clubs may also choose to have fundraisers. For competition/football this usually pays for part of camp and the amount of money for each cheerleader’s goody bag at each competition.
Please review all of the above considerations and requirements with your daughter as you make your final decision regarding cheerleading. Exceptions cannot be made for anyone on any of the above issues. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us at ECMS or by emailing us: Marti Smith () or Ashlee Vickery (.)
Cheerfully yours,
Marti Smith and Ashlee Vickery
2016-2017 ECMS Cheerleading Tryout Information
· Tryout Dates:
o April 5 – April 7, 2016: Practice will be held from 3:45-5:30 in the ECMS gym
o April 8, 2016: Tryouts will begin at 4:00 (Tryout Practice will begin at 3:45 in the ECMS gym and is optional)
· Physicals- must have current physical on file prior to tryouts
· Eligibility- must pass 4 out of 5 classes (connection classes averaged)
· Attendance- No more than 5 absences during the 1st semester. If you make the squad, to compete next year, you must meet the attendance requirements for the 2nd semester.
· Discipline Requirements – reviewed case-by-case
The competition/football squad will cheer at 5 cheerleading competitions (normally on Saturdays) and football games (normally on Wednesdays). We will pick 14-16 members for the squad. All members (EVEN ALTERNATES) will cheer at the football games. THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT ONE OR TWO OF THE GIRLS PICKED WILL BE ALTERNATES FOR THE COMPETITION SQUAD.
The squad will be required to attend camp sessions(attendance is mandatory) during the summer and each squad member will be required to fundraise for both the school and the booster club (or pay your part of the profit if you choose not to do the fundraiser).
1) Participants must have all paperwork and forms on file by March 20, 2013 in order to tryout.
2) All practices and tryouts are CLOSED to any and all visitors.
3) During tryouts, you must wear appropriate shorts, tennis shoes, and tops. Please wear adequate undergarments, as well.
4) NO cell phone during practice or tryouts! Phones can be turned off or turned in to the coaches during practice and retrieved after practice each day.
5) Your hair MUST be up and off the shoulders. Bangs must be pulled back out of the face. No hair beads or any types of decorative hair accessories are allowed.
6) NO JEWELRY of ANY kind will ever be allowed at practices or tryouts (per GHSA regulations). If you were not born with it, then if falls under the category of jewelry.
7) NO GUM - ever.
8) Nails must be no longer than the fingertips, and no nail polish is allowed. Acrylic and artificial nails are not allowed (per GHSA regulations).
9) Do not arrive late to practice or tryouts.
Tryout Requirements
If you wish to tryout for competition squad, tumbling above a cartwheel is very important. Tumbling is part of three of the ten categories judged in competition cheerleading (the more girls we have who can’t do at least a standing or running back handspring the more points we are deducted). Tumbling will not keep you off the squad, but it is helpful. We will also be looking for people who have strong lower and upper body strength combinations for basing, balance skills for flying, and people who would be able to be back spots. We are also looking for dancing skills, strong motions and voices, and strong jumps. It is important that you can do a toe touch, pike, and hurdler. Also, leadership skills, willingness to take constructive criticism, and an eagerness to always improve are important skills to possess as a competition cheerleader. WE WILL NOT BE GOING TO A THIS YEAR FOR WEEKLY SKILLS SO WE WOULD LIKE IT VERY MUCH IF YOU WOULD START TAKING TUMBLING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INSTEAD.
-All material (dance, cheer and jumps) will be taught at the tryout practices.
-Tumbling may consist of any skills you have mastered including a front or back roll, back extension roll, cartwheel, round-off, back-hand spring, or any other more complex skills.
All tryouts will be “judged” by the cheerleading coaches and will be conducted throughout the week. Try-outs are closed to family and friends. The ECMS Cheerleading Teams will be selected by the coaches and is based on the above qualifications. All decisions are final, and are not subject to deliberation.
Please see one of the coaches before or after school with any questions or concerns. Listen to the announcements for additional information regarding cheerleading tryouts for the 2016-2017 season.
Competition/Football Team Coaches: Marti Smith:
Ashlee Vickery:
These are estimated costs and may change.
1. Camp Fee / $ 200.002. Shoes / $ 75.00
3. Bow and Bloomers / $ 22.00
4. Warm-Up Suit/ Tshirt / $ 78.00
5. Cheer Bag (optional—if you already have one…same bag as last but changing the logo to the Effingham “E”—still red and white on Navy) / $ 40.00
***Other costs during the season may include money for
lunch/dinner during games, camps, or competitions.
Summer Schedule for Competition/Football Squad
May 26 à (ECMS Gym) 3:30–7:00– Cheer Practice (Skill Building)
June 10à (ECMS Gym)10:00-1:00– Cheer Prace (Skill Building)
June 13-14 à (ECMS Gym) 8:00 – 5:00 – Choreography Camp
June 15 – 17 à 8:00-12:00 – Choreography Camp
July 11-12 à (ECMS Gym) 10:00 – 3:00 – Cheer Camp
July 21 à (ECMS Gym) 9:00 – 12:00 – Cheer Camp
July 22-23à (ECMS Gym) 1:00pm- 9:00 am—Cheer camp/sleepover
***Regular practices resume August 8 from 3:45-5:30. Monday-Thursday
NEW TO 2016 season*** The girls will need to give me either a cell phone number or an email that they can check regularly. Videos of cheers will be sent to the girls during the summer (They will probably receive one of two cheers or chants a week). It is each girl’s responsibility to learn the cheer at home. We will practice the cheers at school, but THEY WILL NOT BE TAUGHT AT PRACTICE. If they come to practice and do not know five or more of the required cheers, they will have to run and will not be allowed to cheer at the games (they will sit on the sideline in uniform). They can return to cheer at the games when they show us that they know those particular cheers.
Effingham County Middle School Cheerleading
2016-2017Information Form and Parental Permission Form
Cheerleader Name:______
Home phone______Birthday______
CHEERLEADER’s Cell/ Email (where they can receive messages/video links from us)______
Mother/Guardian Name:______Father/Guardian Name:______
Parent Email______
Emergency contact:______phone:______
Emergency contact:______phone:______
Physician/Pediatrician Name and Contact Number:______
Please list any medical information which pertains to perspective cheerleaders (allergies, chronic illness, medications, etc.)______
I/We hereby give our child permission to participate in the Effingham County Middle School Chee4rleading program. We have read the Parent Letter and fully understand our obligation, as well as that of our child. W e also understand that our daughter much be covered by school and or personal insurance.
I/We, ______. Do hereby release Effingham County Middle School, sponsors, and administrators, from responsibility in case of illness or injury of my child, ______, while performing her cheerleading during, including travel.
I also give permission fro treatment of illness and injury that may be sustained while performing said duties. I have read this form and certify that I will be responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with the care and treatment rendered during this period. .
I/we agree to return upon request all equipment, including uniforms issued by my/our child by Effingham County Middle School, in as good a condition as when received.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:______Student Signature:______
I have read the letter, and I understand it.
I understand that the ECMS cheerleading coaches will evaluate my daughter, and we agree to abide by the coaches’ decision.
I understand all costs involved as stated in the parent letter and agree to make payments by the determined deadlines if my daughter is named as a member of the ECMS cheerleading team. If you have any questions or concerns about payments, please contact Mrs. Smith.
I understand that my child may have to miss games if she does not learn the cheers she is required to learn each week. I also understand that if my child misses practice at anytime (especially during the summer when we are learning how to perform our routine), the alternates may take her place if they are able or have the potential to successfully complete her part of the routine. The only excuses that are accepted during the summer are doctor’s excuses or deaths in the family. If there is a prior commitment I need to contact Mrs. Smith BEFORE MAY 26 to gain permission to be excused from a summer practice.
I understand by the very nature of the activity, cheerleading and gymnastics carry a risk of physical injury. I understand that certain risk cannot be eliminated, and there are injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, or broken bones which could occur. This risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from falls on the back, neck, or head. In signing this agreement, I agree to release Effingham County Middle School, the ECMS staff and administrators, as well as Effingham County Board of Education or any of the aforementioned personnel responsible in the case of accident or injury at any time.
Parent Signature Date
Parent Signature Date
To the Prospective cheerleader:
I am interested in being an ECMS cheerleader. I understand the risks involved as stated above. If selected, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the ECMS cheerleading coaches and/or administrators of Effingham County Middle School.
Student Signature Date