Minutes – Q2-2014
SATURDAY, 4/26/2014 – 9:00am – 4:30pm
Sheraton Grande Hotel, Sacramento
Agenda Items / Time / Facilitator(s) / Discussion/Action items
Network and
Set-up time / 8:00 – 8:30am
Breakfast / 8:30 – 9:00am / Mike Letizia, PHR-CA State Director / Letizia - Welcomed attendees and began introductions.
Call to Order – Meeting Opens / 9:00 – 9:15am / Mike Letizia
Mike Aitken, Government Affairs
Col. Sutherland,
Dixon Center
Lt. Commander Kim Mitchell / Letizia – At 9:00 am Letizia called the meeting to order. He introduced Aitken from SHRM, to discuss a nationwide agreement between SHRM, Easter Seals and the Dixon Center. He introduced Col. Sutherland and Lt. Commander Kim Mitchell. Their objective is to enhance the understanding of the needs of veterans in Southern California, one of the highest concentrations of veterans in the U.S. He announced a pilot program with SD SHRM.
Sutherland gave a presentation on the Dixon Center. One million veterans are expected to transition to civilian life within the next three years. Many are expected to come to the Southern California area. Dixon will help them integrate back in to civilian life by offering job training, housing and education. Aitken will be working closely with Scholink, We All Serve Champion to make this a sustainable effort. He announced they picked up 17 volunteers at the Conference. Cortum – Will CalSHRM receive communication updates from SD SHRM? Yes. Tyler – Are tax credits for hiring veterans still in place? Yes, they have been extended through the end of the year. Stevenson – Should we consider adding to our Chapter Incentives? Yes, we can consider. Woodard – How long will the pilot program last? Gaddis – How is this different from the EDD program? Sutherland – The government cannot do this alone. We do not want to replicate programs already in place. Mestman – Is there a list of veterans in our area that are looking for jobs? Sutherland – No, it’s nearly impossible to get list from government. Woodard – Campuses in SD have strong connections with veterans. Sutherland – Community colleges and universities are first, next we go to non-profits and faith based organizations. Letizia – Thanked Sutherland for his presentation and is looking forward to working with you.
Council Governance
and Operations Update / 9:15 – 9:45am / Mike Letizia
Michael Garcia, PHR Secretary/Comm. Director
Karen Verrico, CAE Treasurer / Letizia – He officially notified the board members of changes coming to the bylaws for review and voting at our next quarterly meeting.
Garcia – Roll Call-Attendance – We had 100% representation from Chapters. Reviewed the minutes to the last meeting. No changes were brought forward. Letizia – called for a motion to approve minutes.
M/S/C – Motion /Munyer, Second/Kalt, Motion Carried
Garcia asked all attending to sign the attendance roster.
Verrico – Conference update. We had 287 individuals enrolled for the Legislative Conference. Give (5) no shows. No walk-ins. We met our budgeting revenue expectations. Final billing from the Hotel is pending. Due to the Treasurers commitment to the Conference, a full report will be provided at the next meeting.
SHRM & MAC Update / 9:45–10:00am / Dianna Gould, SPHR Field Services Director SHRM
Jason Gabhart, Government Affairs Advisor SHRM
Deb Horne, SPHR Past State Director
MAC Rep, Pacific West / Gould – Attended representing Jon Decoteau. His goal is to meet with all the state Chapters to establish relationships. She gave the SHRM Report. April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and thanked everyone at CalSHRM for their dedication and service. SHRM now has in place a dedicated landing page for California members. It has California specific resources including a California Law Book to be published May 2014. Mestman – Is this book on line? Yes. Rivera –The cost? The cost is still forthcoming. The Excel Awards have been finalized. SHRM is creating a Media Guide. All you need to do is input a ZIP code and all media related outlets will be displayed in your area. Mestman – Are there parameters established yet? No, it has blank fields for you to fill. However, there is no guarantee the news agency will pick up your information. All this is because of your feedback. E-Blast processing has changed from 5 day waiting period to 10 days. She announced that Foundation scholarship application window is now open. $20,000 has been allocated for Pacific West. July 15 is the deadline for applications. Student Chapters now can be associated with CalSHRM rather than individual Chapters. The PAC West Regional Student Conference got together in Portland Oregon. California had great representation with University of Pacific scoring 2nd place. Gould introduced Gabhart, California State Government Affairs Advisor for SHRM. Gabhart was pleased to be here and was happy to have met so many of the Chapter representatives. He works with Decoteau and will make it a point to visit each Chapter over the coming months.
Horne – Gave the MAC Update. MAC is the voice of volunteer leaders. We are in the process of sending out mini-survey to gauge how SHRM can better serve the state councils. The surveys take approximately seven (7) minutes to complete.
Action Item: Horne – will resend the survey to members.
The MAC’s next meeting will be in Washington, D.C. on May 12 and 13, 2014.
Membership Development / 10:00-11:00am / Lisa Diener/SHRM
Jason Gudenius /MGI
Trisha Zulic, SPHR
Membership Director / Diener & Gudenius - Chapter Membership Development and Marketing Series. They provided marketing advice when communicating through emails. Personalized emails work best with actionable phrases like: Download this; register now, etc. Avoid spam triggers such as Free. Bullet points work well because they focus the reader’s attention. Colorful is not always better, lots of graphics is not helpful in emails. Munyer – We use a lot of graphics in our newsletter, problem? No, graphics work well with newsletters. Yellow notes work well and have good impact. She suggested Chapters should be doing marketing templates to determine costs of renewals. Also do a membership dashboard to monitor renewal rates.
Break / 10:55–11:20am / Morning Refresh: Coffee, Tea, Water
CONCURRENT SESSIONS / 11:10–12:15pm / District Directors
Mike Letizia / District Chapter Breakout Sessions
Council Leadership Breakout Session
Roundtable / 12:15 – 1:15pm / Mike Letizia
Patti Blosser/District Directors
Jenny Roney, MPA SPHR District Director 3
Amelya Stevenson, SPHR District Director 1 / Collaborative Full Council Roundtable Session – Letizia – Discussed the Chapter Incentive Program. He gave out the total qualifying amount by each Chapter.
Blosser - Asked the District Director to share information from their breakout session:
Roney – District 3 – She felt the marketing templates were the biggest take-away from the meetings so far. Letizia reminded everyone that 90% of Conference attendees were at-large members. We allowed the Chapters with Ambassadors to handout pre-populate Chapter Designation Forms. Do not leave money on the table. Go after At-Large members. The content they receive at the Conference is not what they would get at the Chapter level. Horne – We will work to fine tune the Ambassador Program for next year.
Stevenson – District 1 – Personalized letters signed by Chapter President is a novelty today. They do this at SJHRA. She felt a concerted effort needs to be made to steer At-Large members to Chapters however possible. Gaddis – Suggested networking sponsor luncheons. Munyer –He suggested consider giving At-Large members a sizeable discount to attend local meetings.
Lunch /
Networking / 1:15 – 2:30pm / Letizia – Offered to work through lunch so we may wrap up early. It was agreed upon.
Core Leadership Update / 2:30 – 3:45 pm / Kristen Goucher, College Relations Director
Cori Winn-Charles, SPHR Diversity Director
Michael Kalt, Esq., Government Affairs Director
Jason Gabhart, Government Affairs Advisor SHRM
Nina Woodard, SPHR GPHR, Professional Development Director
Ron Scott, SPHR Workforce Readiness Director
Keri Sowerby, Marketing Director
Randall Hood, Technology Director
Rosanna Indie, Social Media Director
Terry Kolasa, Foundation Director
Richard Dawson, SPHR Certification Director
Jason Jones, Business Development Director
Michael Garcia, PHR
Communications Director/Secretary / Goucher – Reported that the PacWest Student Conference was a success in Portland, Oregon. 2015 Conference will be back in California. This year we had a number of graduate level teams and 14 undergraduate teams.
Winn-Charles – No report given.
Kalt – Reported that he and Horne testified before the California Senate Labor Enforcement Committee. Six (6) Chapters participated in letter writing campaign. Later this year, they will work on opposition to paid sick leave bill. We would like to have unanimity from Chapters when we respond.
Gabhart – Reported he is working to increase SHRM’s visibility in Sacramento. We need to increase our brand, by being able to testify at the Capitol at a moment’s notice. He is making himself available to meet with all Chapters. Regarding the A-Team, we now have 42 Team Captains. He will work with Kalt on future responses to bills. He handed out SHRM’s Guide to Public Policy Handbook.
Woodard – Reported that 11.75 HRCI credits were available for the Conference. Less for the non-advocacy tracks. HRCI broke down the credits by code. Strategic credits are now referred to as business credits. General credits are HR and international credits are global. HRCI awarded 6.5 California specific credits.
Scott – No report given.
Sowerby – Reported marketing lately as all been focused on the Conference. The branded pens and notepads were a success. Two Chapters did reach out to her to review their websites.
Hood – Reported on Google Analytics – since January 2014 we had 5,000 viewers; average pages viewed went from 2.5 to 3.4; our bounce rate went from 60.4& down to 35.1%. The most prevalent age category for viewing website is 18 to 34, gender breakdown: 45.8% female, 54.1 male. City with the most views: Sacramento. Followed by Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Alexandria, Virginia. Overall views are same as 2013.
Indie – Reported that search engine optimization is in process. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts are doing well. She continues to work with SHRM Media Relations. During Capitol visit, she Tweeted and immediately received a response from an Assemblywoman. Letizia – encouraged everyone to Tweet and link up. Hootsuite Social Media allows you to schedule too.
Kolasa – Reported Foundation donations for the Conference totaled $3,200. This year we had a cash box available. He thanked everyone for their generosity.
Dawson – Reported the 2014 HRCI guide is out and includes pre and post-tests. California certification is still using 2007 information. The questions are still relevant but we need to update. It belongs to use, not to Cal Chamber. We do not know if the flashcards have been updated.
Jones – Reported my goal is to drive revenue to the Conference and Chapters as needed. This Conference started with two (2) slots left unfilled. We picked up one last minute because they saw a media release. One service provider has committed for 2015 and is brining others along.
Garcia – Reported the newsletter went out time and thanked all who worked on it. The content was varied and the quality of articles was excellent. Regarding name plates and badges, mark up any changes to titles/designations and return to me for correction. Asked all to sign the roster for today’s meeting.
Initiative Updates / 3:45 – 4:00pm / Deb Horne / Horne – Reported on Conference Update/Initial Recap. This year we’ve turned the corner. We increased our attendees by 120. Pre-Conference went from 85 last year to 158 this year. The word from vendors is they really appreciate being in the same room as the main Conference. This is a model we will keep for next year. The next Legislative Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency, April 8 – 10, 2015. She thanked everyone who helped out. The next Conference call will be May 9, 2014. Regarding the Conference experience, last year our Conference was the highest rated of all SHRM events. The Capitol visits were awesome. Gabhart – He received a lot of positive input, many asked to be on the advocacy distribution list, now at 60 members. Kalt suggested we use SHRM Local 1426 to get Legislators attention. Woodard – Thanked Horne for all her work as Conference Chair.
Open Discussion Forum / 4:00 – 4:15pm / Mike Letizia
Michael Garcia / General Discussion from attendees: Roney – She was contacted by a doctoral student in Organizational Development. She is working on communication changes between the generations. Referred her to the CalSHRM website to find local Chapters to give presentation. Sowerby – Who is attending the next meeting? The next meeting will be held July 18th, a half day session for Executive Council and Core Leadership. Chapter Presidents may attend. Meeting will be held at Casa Munras in Monterey, California. Those who fly can come into San Jose. There is a shuttle to hotel. Stevenson – Suggested that the Conference Chair and the State Director should not have to pay for the Conference.
Action Item: Gaddis – The PowerPoint presentation on Marketing will be made available to all members. MGI presentation will also be made available.
Zulic – Is anyone going to Orlando for the SHRM National Conference? If so, let’s get together.
Letizia – Asked Garcia to review the Action Items.
Action Item: Letizia – I will ask Indie if she could put together a SHRM Conference Connect.
Action Item: Horne – will send out last MAC survey again to all state Council members.
Action Item: Gaddis – The PowerPoint presentation on Marketing will be made available to all members. MGI presentation will also be made available.
Action Item: Letizia – I will ask Indie if she could put together a SHRM Conference Connect.
Meeting Wrap-Up / 2:45pm / Letizia – Thanked all for Attending
Blosser – Reviewed the Meeting Calendar
Meeting Adjourns / 2:52pm / Meeting Adjourned.

2014 – 2015 CalSHRM Meeting Calendars