This policy may be reviewed at any time but unless otherwise required, at least once during every term of Council.

Version 4 Adopted: Council Meeting held 15 December 2011 (Minute No.360/12/2011)


1. Purpose 4

2. Crisis Manager’s Plan 5

Crisis Centre 5

Response Phase 5

Checklist 6

Resumption Phase 7

Checklist 7

Restoration Phase 7

Checklist 8

2.1 Suggested Meeting Agendas 9


Finance 11

IT Communications 11

Response Phase Procedures 12

Checklist 12

Resumption Phase Procedures 12

Checklist 13

Restoration Phase Procedures 14

Checklist 14


Response Phase Procedures 15

Checklist 15

Resumption Phase Procedures 16

Checklist 17

Restoration Phase Procedures 17

Checklist 17


Response Phase procedures 18

Checklist 18

Resumption Phase Procedures 19

Checklist 19

Restoration Phase Procedures 19

Checklist 20


Response Phase procedures 21

Checklist 21

Resumption Phase Procedures 22

Checklist 22

Restoration Phase Procedures 23

Checklist 23

6.1 Damage Assessment Guidelines 23

Preliminary Assessment 23

Detailed Damage Assessment 27

7. Emergency contact Details 31

1.  Purpose

This document is to be read in conjunction with the “Business Continuity Plan – Framework” document. The “Business Continuity Plan – Operational Procedures” provides detailed guidance for staff and teams involved in the BCP process should a business disruption event occur.

All Coolamon Shire staff members should be aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to business continuity.

2.  Crisis Manager’s Plan

The primary role of the Crisis Manager is to oversee, coordinate and manage all response and resumption activities taking into account advice provided by key Coolamon staff and external experts. The Crisis Manager is also the delegate with authority to activate the BCP and/or various components of it to address specific incidents. For example, use of the crisis centre to manage a major incident not related to a full BCP activation.

Crisis Centre

The nominated premises which will be known as the Crisis Centre is the Furner/Stephenson Community Centre, Dr Buchanan Drive, Coolamon. The Emergency Response Committee will assembly at this Centre at the direction of the Crisis Manager. It is wired to set up 10 computers. Currently at this location there exists 2 computers, these computers will be used to supplement any computers required during the Crisis Centre’s operations.

The existing telephone number of Council (02) 69301800 and facsimile number (02) 69273168 are to be redirected immediately to the Crisis Centre. All members of the Emergency Response Committee will attend the Crisis Centre immediately after the disaster to assist with all communications and correspondence emanating from the disaster.

Although the Crisis Centre has a certain amount of office equipment located within the premises, additional supplies and equipment will be required, these supplies and equipment are detailed later in this plan.

Response Phase

This phase relates to the first 24 hours of any disruption event. The primary focus is on safety and welfare, followed by establishing the framework for management of the event. The Crisis Manager is therefore to ensure the following issues are addressed.

·  Authorising Business Continuity Plan activation;

·  Confirming area representatives and contact information;

·  Notifying and continuing liaison with the Mayor;

·  Determining resource allocation / priority;

·  Establishing resumption strategy, based on information supplied by area representatives;

·  Ensuring supporting areas are working together and coordinating recovery activities;

·  Staff injuries, health and safety are being monitored and managed;

·  Voice communications are being treated as high priority;

·  Notifications required - both internal and external;

·  Public relations;

·  Security is adequate to prevent unauthorised access to affected areas;

·  Detailed damage assessment of affected area; and

·  All equipment, records and other property are being salvaged where possible.

A checklist for the Crisis Manager has been prepared (below) for the Response Phase of an incident.


/ Comments/Status /
1.  If relevant, ensure all staff evacuated from building in accordance with emergency evacuation procedures and are safe. (If incident occurs during business hours arrange to brief staff on status of events.)
2.  Establish communication with Emergency Services.
3.  Obtain as much information relating to the disruption as possible (includes ensuring building is safe and a preliminary assessment of damage).
4.  Determine whether BCP is to be activated ensuring that relevant contact details of key personnel are known. (Ensure calls are redirected and/or activate alternative telephone numbers known.).
5.  Activate Crisis Management Team and locate in Control Centre (Furner/Stephenson Community Centre)
6.  Notify Mayor.
7.  Contact and/or organise for contact, CMT members to attend the Control Centre.
8.  Ensure contact details for all staff are available and determine whether additional staff welfare arrangements should be immediately activated.
9.  Ensure Personnel / Building / Sensitive Material is safe/secure.
·  Are sensitive documentation / files secure?
·  Have steps been taken to secure the building once access is permitted?
10.  Check status of media interest.
11.  Prepare for and convene CMT meeting.
12.  Complete incident checklist. If time permits, convene a preliminary meeting of CMT to assess emergency.
13.  Ensure all insurance obligations have been met and OH&S considerations activated.

Resumption Phase

During this phase (2-7 days post disruption event) the focus shifts to resuming the critical business functions. The primary focus, while still on people safety and welfare, encompasses identifying and actioning strategies to commence the return of normal business activities as soon as is practicable.

The Crisis Manager is to monitor the Crisis Management Team to ensure that all tasks are coordinated, completed within the set deadline, and resources are made available as needed. This is a vital period where the Crisis Manager and CMT members are to plan for the resumption process and which processes/areas are to have priority to recover business priorities.

Meetings are to be convened, once a reasonable assessment of the situation has been established, and at regular intervals, as the resumption process stabilises and business support is established.


1.  Convene a preliminary meeting with the CMT to assess emergency and identify priority areas for recovery. Ensure agenda items addressed and action/outcomes recorded
2.  Ensure CMT Support Team functioning and all arrangements in place.
3.  Develop project plans for key activities to be undertaken.
4.  Develop briefing and situation reports for all activities.
5.  Determine recovery strategy and allocate tasks.
6.  Determine IT / Telephone situation and what level of services can be expected .
7.  Ensure detailed damage assessment undertaken.
8.  Establish what work groups have the highest priority.
9.  Determine the actual staff numbers to be rehoused, taking into account:
·  staff able to work from home
·  staff working from alternative sites.
10. Identify replacement equipment required.
11. Organise de-brief and identify future CMT meeting times.
12. Confirm all insurance responsibilities have been fulfilled.

Restoration Phase

At this stage (7 days to full restoration of services) the recovery tasks are well advanced. The teams are operating using facilities at the affected office or at another location (on a limited basis). It is now time to return to normal processing either at the restored original location, or at a different permanent location, as appropriate. This phase includes recovery of more complex information systems such as the Financial Management Information System.

In many respects this phase will involve many of the requirements of the previous phase, however there should be less time critical processes - giving the Crisis Manager more time to plan and execute detailed restoration plans.


1.  Convene status meetings as necessary. Monitor activities to ensure:
·  Plans and milestones are on track
·  Identify priorities and review as required
·  Identify replacement equipment needs, repairs/permanent site relocation
·  Check effect of the disaster upon staffing levels.
2.  Ensure logs of activities are up to date. Brief Mayor.
3.  Identify less critical business processes requiring recovery:
·  Discuss priorities with Area representatives
·  Coordinate with Facilities & Services.
4.  Develop detailed budget of expenditure requirements.

2.1  Suggested Meeting Agendas

Preliminary Meeting

1.  CMT Support Team

§  Role and responsibility

§  How they can assist

2.  Briefing of CMT Members by Crisis Manager

§  Most current information to hand

§  Get update from all Areas

3.  Immediate Issues

§  Staff injuries

§  Phones

·  Have they been diverted?

§  IT equipment

·  Are servers operational?

§  Building security

4.  Message to staff

§  How are staff being informed

·  answering machine

·  media

·  staff briefing

5.  Access to the Building

§  Affected building availability

§  Preliminary / detailed damage assessment

·  who should go?

·  protective gear

6.  Specify information requirements

§  Resumption cost options

§  Staff relocation options

7.  Further notifications to be initiated

8.  Date, time and purpose for next meeting

Crisis Strategy Meeting

1.  Crisis Manager introduction

2.  Team reports on information gathered

3.  Summarise options

4.  Devise strategy options

5.  Formulate recovery strategy

6.  Break recovery strategy into tasks

7.  Allocate tasks

8.  Determine Area expenditure guidelines

9.  Date and time for first Status Meeting.

Restoration Meeting

1.  Crisis Manager summary of events so far

2.  Staff / Counselling update

3.  Business Issues

·  Business priorities

·  Options available

·  Short term

·  Medium term

·  Long term

4.  Media response to the situation

5.  Individual Area reports

6.  Allocate tasks

7.  Determine Area expenditure guidelines

8.  Date and time for next meeting.



Finance is responsible for financial administration following a crisis and arranging for cash to be available.

Specific responsibilities include:

·  providing administrative resources for emergency finance and purchasing;

·  ensuring contractor payments are processed promptly;

·  supporting and controlling purchase procedures/guidelines;

·  maintaining special Business Recovery expenditure codes, obtaining emergency funding, and recording all payments and orders placed;

·  providing, maintaining and controlling a cash float where required, or reimbursing officers for cash expenses;

·  establishing emergency communicating facilities, emergency power supplies, phone connection (or mobile phones) and staff amenities are available;

·  maintain a record of any external services or equipment received to ensure adequate accounting for costs at a later date.

IT Communications

IT/Communications is a critical supporting activity for Council operations. IT Communication activities which may need to be undertaken include:

·  Notifying external providers of the event and identifying remedial action strategies.

·  Undertake initial and subsequent detailed damage assessments.

·  Providing business areas with IT and communication services as soon as is practicable, includes emergency telephone and broadband facilities.

·  Clarifying the availability of remote access to Council systems.

·  Identify alternative IT facilities and strategies and associated budget considerations; and

·  As required, supervising the supply and installation of IT equipment.

Response Phase Procedures

During this phase the primary activity undertaken by the officer responsible for this section is one of safety for themselves and work colleagues. This phase also involves assisting in the establishment of IT Communication and finance arrangements and procedures to support the Crisis Management Team and immediate key business activities and responsibilities.


/ Comments/Status /
1.  Follow emergency response activities, for example, evacuation of the building.
2.  If safe to do so, collect tokens used for remote access to Shire systems and cheques.
3.  Attend CMT Preliminary Meeting to identify financial requirements.
4.  Provide advice on emergency and interim arrangements for funding purchases and payments to staff.
5.  Notify staff required to assist in later stages of the BCP activities. For example, administrative assistance, purchasing officer, expenditure recording and monitoring.
6.  Ensure any options for dealing with the event are fully costed and commence initial financial budgets, controls and monitoring.
7.  Provide regular up date briefings to CMT meetings.
8.  Establish financial arrangements and procedures to support the Crisis Management Team.

Resumption Phase Procedures

The previous phase was primarily involved in ensuring safety of personnel and establishing the nature and scope of the disaster. During the Resumption Phase the focus shifts to resuming critical business functions (refer business objectives and maximum critical outages above). Specific responsibilities of the IT Communications and Finance Team during this period include:

·  Organising for access to banking and appropriate draw down systems;

·  Confirming emergency payment/purchasing arrangements, including cash floats;

·  Developing budgets;

·  Ensuring that financial records occur;

·  Accounting for expenditure and preparing financial reports;

·  Assisting in the development of budgets, including relocation costs, if relevant;

·  Assist in the preparation of any insurance claims; and

·  Assisting in seeking financial supplementation (includes full funding; partial supplementation; no supplementation; borrowing against future budgets).

·  Ensure Computer Network is progressively bought on line.

·  Communication systems are in place, eg: phone and internet etc.

·  Establish emergency communicating facilities, emergency power supplies, phone connection (or mobile phones) and staff amenities are available.

·  Maintain a record of any external services or equipment received to ensure adequate accounting for costs at a later date.


In addition to the above dot points the following checklist should also be considered.

1.  Convene meeting and allocate tasks (Monitor outcomes).
2.  Provide regular up date briefings to CMT meetings, IT, Communications and Finance.
3.  Identify requirements for the return of critical financial functions.
4.  Establish system for budget development, recording and monitoring expenditure.
5.  Establish and operate a cash float.
6.  Determine in consultation with other staff which suppliers require payment urgently and ensure payments are made.
7.  Establish access to Council’s bank accounts to make payments via EFT or manual cheques.
8.  Have arrangements for regular progress reports on expenditure levels been established?
9.  Ensure phone system operational.
10.  Ensure Computer System operational.
11.  Identify communications issues and discuss options with the Crisis Manager.

Restoration Phase Procedures