Theme/Topic:Introduction to Arabic
Goals (What should students know & be able to do by the end of the unit?)Students will be able to
1. introduce themselves and respond in Arabic
2. introduce someone and respond in Arabic
3. know the Arabic numbers from 0 to 10
4. talk about family members
5. say and write the Arabic alphabets أ ب ت ث ج ح خ
6. learn about the body parts
7. learn the Arabic numbers from 10 to 20
8. learn fruits in Arabic
Summative Performance Assessment: create at least 1 performance task for interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication
Reference pg. 18-23
(reading, listening, and/or viewing) / Interpersonal
(Speaking and/or writing) / Presentational
(Speaking and/or writing)
- Students will watch and listen to a video about numbers, the alphabets, fruits, family membersand body parts.
- Students will introduce. themselves and respond.
- Students will introduce their friends and respond.
- Students will say and write the Arabic alphabets and the numbers.
- Students will introduce their family members.
- Students will name body parts and some fruits in Arabic.
Week 1
Weekly Can-Dos for Students:
(at least 1 & no more than 3)
Reference pg. 24-36 / 1. Students can introduce themselves and respond in Arabic
2. Students can introduce someone and respond in Arabic
Formative Assessment Tasks: / 1. Students will perform the mini dialogues they have learned and memorized about how to introduce themselves and others as well as how to respond in Arabic.
2. Students will put into order the scrambled sentences,make up the dialogue they have learned about introducing themselves in Arabic.
Communities / Standardstargeted are:
- Communication: students will perform the dialogue in class
- Culture: Students learn about the way people introduce themselves and others in Arabic.
- Comparisons: students compare the way people in USA and people in the Arab world introduce themselves and others.
Grammar/Sentence patterns:
(write these in the target language) / السلامعليكم
أنااسميأيمن و أنت؟
منهذا؟ منهذه؟
هذاجون, هذهسوزن
مرحباجون , مرحباسوزن
Materials Needed: / Data-show, laptop
Week 2
Weekly Can-Dos for Students: (at least 1 & no more than 3)
Reference pg. 24-36 /
- Students can say the Arabic numbers from 0 to 10.
- Students can talk about family members in Arabic.
Formative Assessment Tasks: / 1. Students will say the number in Arabic when they see it on the flash card.
2. Students will match each number with the Arabic equivalent (how it is written)
3. Students will say the name the family members in Arabic.
4. Students will present their family members from their family tree they draw in Arabic
Communities / Standards targeted are:
Communication: students present their family members in Arabic.
Culture: Students will learn about family members in the Arab world
Comparison: Students will have the chance to compare the Arab family organization with the American one.
Vocabulary: / صفر , واحد , اثنان , ثلاثة , أربعة , خمسة , ستة , سبعة , ثمانية , تسعة , عشرة
أب , أم , أخ , أخت , خال , خالة , عم , عمة , جد , جدة
Grammar/Sentence patterns: / هذاعمي , هذهعمتي , هذاأبي , هذهأمي , هذاأخي , هذهأختي , هذاخالي , هذه خالتي
Materials Needed: / Laptop, flash cards, data show, white sheets, pencils and crayons
Week 3
Weekly Can-Dos for Students:
(at least 1 & no more than 3)
Reference pg. 24-36 / 1. Students can say and write the Arabic alphabets أ ب ت ث ج ح خ
2. Students can name the body parts in Arabic.
Formative Assessment Tasks: / 1. Students will see and recognize and say each letter in Arabic on the screen.
2. Students will practice writingthe learned alphabets correctly.
3. Students will name the body parts in Arabic and match each picture with its related Arabicname.
Communities / Standard targeted is:
Communication: students will answer the questions about the body parts in pairs.
Vocabulary: / , حاء , خاء , ألف , باء , تاء , ثاء , جيم
قدم , ساق , بطن , يد , ذراع , صدر , كثف , رقبة , رأس , وجه , أنف , أذن , عين
.شعر , فم
Grammar/Sentence patterns: / ماهذا ؟ ماهذه؟
هاذاوجه. هذهيد
Materials Needed: / Data show, laptop, flashcards
Week 4
Weekly Can-Dos for Students:
(at least 1 & no more than 3)
Reference pg. 24-36 / 1. Students can identify and say the Arabic numbers from 10 to 20
2.Students can recognize and name some fruits in Arabic
Formative Assessment Tasks: / 1. Students will say for each number appearing on the screen in Arabic.
2. Students will match each number with the correct sheet containing the Arabic name.
3. Students will say the name of each fruit on the flash card.
4. students will answer questions about fruits in Arabic in pairs.
Communities / Standard targeted is:
Communication: Students will ask and answer about fruits in Arabic in pairs.
Vocabulary: / عشرة , احداعشر , اثناعشر , ثلاثةعشر , أربعةعشر , خمسةعشر
ستةعشر , سبعةعشر , ثمانيةعشر , تسعةعشر , عشرون
موز , كرز , تين , عنب , بطيخ , مشمش
Grammar/Sentence patterns: / ماهذا؟
هاذاموز , بطيخالخ
Materials Needed: / Data show, laptop, flash cards, white sheets and crayons