NAME: ______PER. ______
You have researched wind turbine blade designs (separate activity). Answer these questions before you actually build.
1. (2 pts)Which blade design have you selected? (Draw & label OR describe) list materials you need to build it.
Design a base. Your motor must be mounted on a base that will hold it in the position you need it to be in. Assume the “wind” from the fan will be blowing horizontally.
2. (2 pts) Describe what your base will look like. List any materials you need to make your base. Your base must stand freely without wind.
Test your motor with a battery to be sure it is in working order.
NOW > Build your wind turbine.
List any changes you made to the original designs from above. If no changes, then draw or describe your base + turbine blade design together, below (6 pts)
Testing Data
Trial # / Fan (slow or fast) / Voltage / Observations/adjustmentsIf you need more data table, then continue on a piece of notebook paper and attach to this lab write up.
Write a one page summary of your final design success. Your paper should describe what changes or modifications that you made AND whether or not those changes made the generator work better. What was the final improvement you made? You are really comparing your design with itself, and not to your classmates. Attach your neatly made, hand-written report to this paper.
10 points for propeller design (library exit slip)
10 points Pre-testing questions
10 points Data collecting
10 points Final essay
10 points Making the generator
50 pt. total